Pam J's photos

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus)

15 Aug 2017 84 113 1164
Still so very very few butterflies.. but a beautiful gift of extra large Eastern Tiger Swallowtail is wonderful

Halictid Bee (Agapostemon texanus)

14 Aug 2017 51 62 984
A Day Lily fought its belated way through the Lantana and a Halictid Bee graced the stamens to collect the pollen

Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis)(m) A first…

02 Aug 2017 65 95 1356
Well.... after next to no butterflies... a "first" and Lifer for here and me today bringing my butterfly species total here to 51. This is a Red-spotted Purple (Limenitis arthemis) male. Not a pretty background but you take what you can get ... he was taking minerals off the stones !

Bumble Bee ! The first in many weeks !

28 Jul 2017 55 73 1033
Well one is better than none !

Finally ! Pipevine Swallowtail (Battus philenor)(m…

21 Jul 2017 51 77 1330
Six weeks late and many of his friends short.... but I was so grateful to see him in this butterfly-less Summer. He did not stay long and he would not stay still


24 Sep 2015 47 74 1007
Ironweed. I don't see this much here as it normally needs more dampness. That said.. I get occasional stems of it. I love the colour and this was catching shaded morning light. Its a disaster year here. Literally.. no butterflies.... no bees.... nothing. Maybe they will still come Artwork mine own

Yuletide Lights ~ A LIGHT FOR ANDY

10 Dec 2016 3 4 339
Artwork mostly mine

Yuletide Carols

10 Dec 2016 5 2 307
Artwork mostly mine

Yellow Crocus's

10 Feb 2017 7 12 418
Artwork mostly mine

Wild Pansies

09 Apr 2016 8 8 367
Artwork mostly mine


21 Sep 2015 11 17 520
Artwork mostly mine

The first Hummingbird of the Year

13 Apr 2017 9 6 315
Artwork mostly mine

Squirrel In The Pines

23 Jul 2016 4 3 281
Artwork mostly mine

Spirit of the Blue Buffalo

08 Aug 2016 10 7 318
One of a series of artwork called "Spirit of The Buffalo" In Oklahoma. Each former was decorated differently Title Big Blue Buffalo Artist Janie L. Brainard Sponsor Norman Regional Hospital Location Norman Regional Hospital - new building off Tecumseh Rd. Take I-35 south, exit W on Tecumseh, go about 1/4 mi. Hospital is on S side of road Artist's Description Big Blue Buffalo is a fun, dynamic mosaic of mirror pieces and cobalt blue glass and ceramic pieces. Upon the symbol of Oklahoma history, the buffalo, the mosaic pieces shape a giant swirl of water. I chose water as a symbol because of its historical link to the renewal of Oklahoma, starting with the hundreds of man-made lakes after the Dust Bowl Era and continuing with the new Downtown Canal. The glass and mirrors may also remind viewers of the Crystal Bridge or the silvery office buildings downtown. The idea is to create a giant swirl of Nature and Man; natural forms (the buffalo and the blue swirl of water) are constructed with man-made materials (the fiber-glass buffalo body and the glass and pottery relics that adorn it). The buffalo's large swirl of bright mirrors and brilliant blue is visually striking from afar. As the viewer approaches, a complex tactile texture is discovered. The varied mosaic encourages the viewer to hunt out symbols in the buffalo, discovering patterns, Native American nature symbols, tumbled waterglass, and fragments of Route 66/Oklahoma ceramic curios. Artwork mine

Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly

16 Sep 2016 6 6 299
Artwork mostly mine

Snowdrops w

21 Mar 2017 6 2 266
Artwork mostly mine

Snow Crocus

23 Jan 2017 6 7 317
Artwork mostly mine

Redbuds & Henry's Elfin

19 Mar 2017 4 3 277
Artwork mostly mine

1350 photos in total