Pam J's photos
Bradford Pear with Bee
Blue-fronted Dancers 1
Blue Hepatica Windflowers
Bewick's Wren
Apple Blossom Time
Trumpet Vine
When we were going to move here (6 years ago now on the 15th June) I took a Trumpet Vine pod from the vine at the apartments. I managed to grow on 2 vines and one finally flowered a few days ago !
Its looked upon as an invasive in towns.. but out here its a wild vine seen in the woodland edges. I don't have a problem with it spreading a bit !
Artwork mine own
Mimosa Flowers
False Sunflower with Sweat Bee & Lantana
Today was 100F / 37.7C and a heat index / indice thermique of 117F / 47.2C .
I am ready for Winter !
Little Wood-Satyr (Megisto cymela)
A "first" for here. I have had the Carolina Satyr's but this is a first "Little Wood" . They do no sit still !
This now makes 50 butterfly species in this 2 acres
Day Lilies 30-5-2017
Orange Day Lily
Checkered White (Pontia protodice)
Eastern Phoebe babies
These fledged and left the nest later that afternoon.
This is NOT taken with a zoom lens !
This required a ladder !
That is NOT blood on the walls ! I live on red Sandstone.. the sandy soil is red and the nest is held together with red mud/sand.
First Ruby Throated Hummingbird of the year 12-4-2…
Not the best of photos.. but so pleased to see my little squabbling fairies coming back for the Summer !
Wild Geranium or Cranesbill
Sphinx Moth (Proserpinus juanita) a first
Sphinx Moth (Proserpinus juanita) a "first" for here.
I have 4 different types of Sphinx or Hummingbird moth here... this makes number 5 !
This was taken with 35mph wind gusts... we had tornadoes south of us later in the afternoon !
Redbuds in full bloom
This is in my garden..but a wild tree.. and they have been starting to bloom in the woodlands here since late February. These are wild specimens... self sown.. not hybrids from a tree nursery