Ned's photos
Forest Edge
Santa Rosa Creek
Made with my Goat Rock Cam which is a simple coffee can pinhole camera. 5x7 paper negative, 9 minutes. It was windy and there was a big willow branch swinging back and forth over the water on the right!
Another Foothill Pond
Pond at Foothill Park in Sonoma County, Northern California. Printed 8 June 2013.
A little hard to see the sky in this scan, but it has a nice light silver tone....
Llano de Santa Rosa
I have been experimenting with making "faux POP" paper by soaking normal photo paper in KNO3. This was printed out, not developed. The paper negative is from last summer and is 116-size ( 2-1/2 x 4-1/4 in. ) Printed 2 June 2013.
The actual print is very flat and the colors are not this dark. These colors and details are visible, but muted. After I scanned it, I went to adjust the levels, and happened to try "auto". The software increased the contrast very much and this was the result. I like it so I decided to upload it, but it is not an accurate representation of the print :-). This must be considered a hybrid analog/digital process.
To my eyes: the color tone in clouds is about right. The trees are more pink/reddish and the grass foreground is a little more yellow on the print. The sky has more white and less blue in the print. There is far less contrast in the print.
Original negative: pre-flashed Ilford MGIV, Kodak No. 1A Autographic Jr., w/ yellow filter.
This print: RCVC pearl, soaked in ~5% KNO3 for 20 minutes.
Wet contact printed out under BLB fluorescent tube for 1 hour.
Washed in water with a pinch of NaCl.
Fixed in weak hypo ( ~5%) for 10 minutes.
Toned, KRST 1:500 for 20 minutes.
Washed again.
Foothill Pond
At Foothill Regional Park, in Sonoma County in Northern California. Printed 31 May 2013.
Twilight Willow
Willow along Roblar Road in Sonoma County, California. F/8, 1/4s. Printed 30 May 2013.
Canfield Hills
Continuing experiments. F/22, 10 sec.
This was overexposed by only 1/2 stop and the effect is reduced. ( Light was also flat with no direct sunshine. ) The overexposure was intentional, then developed in old used dektol diluted to 1:8 with ice water.
Roblar Hills
These are the hills to the South of where I live.
Paper negative, Kodak 3A series II. Intentionally overexposed then developed in cold dilute dektol. Not colored, just inverted as usual for a b/w paper negative.
Petaluma Hills
Overexposed by mistake, so developed in cold dilute dektol. This was the result. This is not colored, just inverted as usual.
A path between oaks
These oaks had tiny new leaves just beginning to come out. Straight print made 4 May 2013.
Duncans Cove
Very foggy at the beach this morning. A very enjoyable WPPD today and was happy to get over to the coast and poke around in the tidepools at low tide. Walking there made me realize the day was a success no matter how the photos come out.
8x10 pinhole paper negative. Still have 3 from this afternoon to develop!
WPPD gallery
Laguna Lake (crop)
Laguna Lake pinhole paper negative. This lake is at the Northern edge of Marin County and the Southern edge of Sonoma County. An alternate way to drive home from walking the dog walking me...
Exp 2 minutes, made with this camera
Spring Hill Mustard
Woodbridge Road
This kind of bright diffuse sky is typical of a winter day in the California Central Valley. We went that day to see the Sandhill Cranes , which spend the winter in this area.
Printed 31 March 2013
Pond "A"
8x10 pinhole paper negative at Foothill Park. I chose this view partly because there were great clouds, to try "live action dodging" . Exposed 30 seconds, then the sky was dodged with a black card for 2-1/2 minutes to complete. Not enough--just barely got some clouds at the top! But this negative looks really neat, I was tempted to post the negative instead. These big negatives are fun!
Spring Lake
Crane Creek Pinhole
Overcast and gloomy today so I decided to try another really long pinhole trees exposure. This was 21 minutes, but did not end up with the odd almost split-toned effect from last time. Of course Mango enjoyed splashing around in Crane Creek...
Spring Hill Sky
Nice sky along Spring Hill Road.
8x10 print made 15 March 2013 ( grain is very exaggerated by scan )