Ned's groups

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Public groups in which Ned is an administrator
18 groups in total

  • Pinhole Trees

    Pinhole Trees

    Created 11 years ago

    Pinhole photographs of trees! The two are perfect together.

  • HC-110  Developer

    HC-110 Developer

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to the HC-110 Developer Group! Please put your film type and dilution in the tags. E.g.: tx400 hc110b

  • B/W Landscapes

    B/W Landscapes

    Created 11 years ago

    ATTN: If you submit a photo and it is not approved please do not try to submit it again. Please also don't take it personally, this group has become very large so I have restricted the entries and often throw out ones that technically fit the category but I don't feel are high enough quality to be added. It's very subjective.

  • Film Forward!

    Film Forward!

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for analog photographers, new or more experienced. Our goal is to promote the survival of film in the digital jungle. Experimenting and classicism welcome. However your photography should have a "felt" feeling in it or display a personal point of view, subtle or striking does not matter. Your way of seeing with a camera does. This is not a group for contests or excellence, but for analog photographers (whatever your camera) willing to discuss, exchange and experiment, and above all…

  • The Calotype Society

    The Calotype Society

    Created 11 years ago

    A place to display and discuss the 19th century calotype, and its variant processes. Including the Talbot Family: double wash (+ Blanquart Evrard's modifications) Furlong Family: single wash Guillot-Saguez Family: no pre-silver Le Gray Family: waxed paper negative ...and prints or inverted scans from the above. This group is a resource for anyone interested early photographic processes. Please don't post modern silver gelatin negatives (unless they are hand coated)

  • Box Camera Revelation

    Box Camera Revelation

    Created 11 years ago

    Any photographs shot with a box camera. Folding cameras with fixed lenses are accepted as well.

  • Aut - Aut

    Aut - Aut

    Created 11 years ago

    Hello, we decided to create this group because we love beautiful things and the people who are able to find them in their everyday life. We believe that a good work of art should not be either a mere copy of reality, nor a cold piece of fashion. This gallery displays a selection of some of the best analog photos on ipernity! Find out why they are so good.

  • Kodak Tri-X 400

    Kodak Tri-X 400

    Created 11 years ago

    Show pictures taken with Kodak Tri-X 400 and discuss about everything belonging to this film.

  • Film Developing for everyone

    Film Developing for everyone

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to Film Development for everyone! Film is the topic of the day. Share your questions and your photos. All photos must be taken from a film camera accept for illustrations, How To's and Demonstrations.

  • C-41  Developer

    C-41 Developer

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to C-41 Developer group. Share your experiences and your photos here! C-41 Developer Water (Room Temp) 800.0ml Potassium Carbonate 32.0g Sodium Sulfite 3.5g Potassium Bromide 1.5g Hydroxylamine Sulfate 2.0g CD-4 5.0g Water to make 1.0L

  • Pinhole Fina Art

    Pinhole Fina Art

    Created 11 years ago

    We want to show that with pinhole cameras perfectly works of art can be created. That they are not only technical toys. You can work creatively with these simple cameras. The group will help you nad other photographers to deal with this old technique. Show that modern, artistic photography is not dependent on lenses, glass or even several thousand euros cameras.

  • alternate prints

    alternate prints

    Created 11 years ago

    For all pictures printet with alternate processes, like cyanotype, VanDycke and saltprint. Also other alternate postprozessing like inkjet transfer or laser transfer for example. Please tag you picture with the process you take.

  • D-76 Developer

    D-76 Developer

    Created 11 years ago

    Welcome to D-76 Developer Group! Share your stories and photos with us. Water (125°F/52°C) 750 ml Metol 2 g Sodium sulfite (dessic) 100 g Hydroquinone 5 g Borax 2 g Cold water to make 1000 ml

  • altprocess


    Created 17 years ago

    Posting rules All posts to this group have to include at least the used printing process as tag. Adding an additional altprocess tag would be nice. What's GOOD in this pool? All images that have been printed using an alternative photographic printing process, such as: Albumen, Calotypes, Cyanotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Salt Print, Monochrom Carbon, Platinum/Palladium, Ziatype, Kallitype (Van Dyke Brown), POP, Gum (Bichromate, Trichromate, etc.), Rawlins Oil, Bromoil, Temperaprint, A…

  • Historical Photographic Processes

    Historical Photographic Processes

    Created 11 years ago

    All posts to this group have to include the used printing process tag. All images that have been printed on paper using an alternative photographic printing process, such as: Platinum/Palladium, Ziatype, Kallitype, Vandyke, Calotypes, Chrysotypes, Cyanotypes, Ambrotypes, Tintypes, Wetplate Collodion, Salt Print, Carbon Transfer rint, Gum Bichromate, Bromoil, Temperaprint, Argyrotype, Photogravure, Oil Print, Oil Transfer Print

  • Silver Gelatin

    Silver Gelatin

    Created 11 years ago

    Silver Gelatin Prints

  • Paper Negatives

    Paper Negatives

    Created 11 years ago

    Paper negatives are not just for testing your camera! They can have a wonderful old fashioned antique look, and have many of the beautiful characteristics of orthographic and orthopan film. You might find aerial perspective that is missing from so much modern-day photography. This group is for photographs created from paper negatives, black and white or color, contact printed or inverted with software, from lens or pinhole camera. Have fun!

  • solargraphy


    Created 15 years ago

    only solargraphy.

Public groups in which Ned is a moderator
2 groups in total