Mickey's ImageWorks' photos

Texting Old School

05 Dec 2017 1 197
1952 Everest Mod. S.T. Typewriter, retreived from the attic. A bit of cleaning up and a new ribbon and it would work, just like that... ;) Shot by phone.

"If you can't be the star, at least be the light"

The Spice of Life

Urban Series 3&4

29 Dec 2014 445
Just some quick experiments on 20x20 canvasses.

Technicolor Dreamer


07 Jan 2015 422
Don't know how I ended up painting something that kinda looks like a chicken, at times painting takes me in surprising directions and I just go with the flow.... ;)

Shy Girl

19 Dec 2014 1 450
I was asked to reproduce one of my 20x20cm works on a slightly bigger canvass. I'm rather pleased with the endresult, as was the now new owner of the work.. ;)


01 Jan 2015 404
Some other 20x20 experiments...

Urban Series 1&2

29 Dec 2014 393
And now for something completely different........... First of a series.


30 Dec 2014 350
A painting more in my photshop-painting style... ;)


24 Dec 2014 3 3 419
This is a painting I made last week. It depicts the lighthouse on one of the Dutch Islands. Took me slightly less than 1 and a half hour, slightly more than the target time... ;)


21 Dec 2014 312
One for the kids,... Just having some fun.;)


19 Dec 2014 1 2 384
Experiment with "near black" and texturing.


20 Dec 2014 1 346
Just having a little bit of fun with it.. ;)

Near Birth

20 Dec 2014 365
Cleaning the exces paint from the palet can lead to some surprising results.


05 Dec 2014 390
One of the earlier 40x50 works....


14 Dec 2014 1 311
These are some of the works on 20x20cm canvasses I usually use to produce something out of the paint left over on the palet when a painting is done or I stop for a while.....


08 Dec 2014 1 2 411
Not a 1hr painting!;) Though failed in the attempt to complete a painting in one hour, I must say I'm somewhat pleased with the end result.

79 items in total

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