Mickey's ImageWorks' groups

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Public groups in which Mickey's ImageWorks is an administrator
7 groups in total

  • 3D WORLD

    3D WORLD

    Created 11 years ago

    Submit high quality, surreal, manipulated , 3D computer generated,creative,imaginative images only, please enjoy the group and most of all and have fun :) ~ Accepted Images~ 3D Creations/Digital Art created with 3D digital computer programs. Daz3D, Bryce, Poser, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Zbrush, Blender, Fractals, Abstract, Smoke Art, Mandelbulb 3D, Incendia, tasteful street Art and Surrealism..you get the drift ect, ~ Not Accepted~ NO SPAM No real life photography of any description

  • Art World - invite only

    Art World - invite only

    Created 11 years ago

    share your visions, feelings and your creativity

  • Action Figures !!

    Action Figures !!

    Created 11 years ago

    and.....GO!! Throw all pics of Action Figures in here! Collectors run amok! Love action figures? Add all new and vintage toy pics here!

  • ~*Visual Perfection*~

    ~*Visual Perfection*~

    Created 11 years ago

    Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. - Antoine de Saint-Exupery - A perfeição não é alcançado quando não há nada mais a acrescentar, mas quando não há mais nada para tirar - Antoine de Saint-Exupery -

  • Digital Stars

    Digital Stars

    Created 11 years ago

    Submit high quality, surreal, manipulated , 3D computer generated,creative,imaginative images only, please enjoy the group and most of all and have fun :) ~Accepted Images~ 3D Creations/Digital Art created with 3D digital computer programs. Daz3D, Bryce, Poser, Cinema 4D, 3ds Max, Zbrush, Blender, Surrealism, Fractal, Abstract ...you get the drift ect, ~ Not Accepted~ NO SPAM No real life photography of any description This is a public group.

  • Everything Photoshop

    Everything Photoshop

    Created 11 years ago

    For post processing using any version of Photoshop and Elements. The group is invite only and if you wish to join please just ask. Also it was sugested that the groups images and discussions be kept for members only it is a family friendly group so please if you are interested in photoshop and editing please feel free to join. Thanks Admin.

  • Insects and spiders, GREAT or small

    Insects and spiders, GREAT or small

    Created 11 years ago

    Insects and spiders, GREAT or small

Public groups in which Mickey's ImageWorks is a moderator
1 group in total

Public groups in which Mickey's ImageWorks is a member
31 groups in total

  • ◉✴ Digital Dreams ✴

    ◉✴ Digital Dreams ✴

    Created 10 years ago

    You may post all of your creations, as long as they are digitally enhanced by either textures, filters, photoshop, 3D, HDR etc. Fractals also welcome. Please join us before you post to the group, and if your settings have blocked anyone from commenting under your photo, then the photo will be removed from the group...Thank you for your understanding.

  • Paintings (all techniques)

    Paintings (all techniques)

    Created 15 years ago

    The purpose of this group is to gather all pictures about paintings (all techniques). Feel free to participate

  • Spatial , science fiction , galactic  atmosphère , New world

    Spatial , science fiction , galactic atmosphère , New world

    Created 11 years ago

    N'ayant pas trouvé de groupe traitant ce sujet ...en voici un u niquement pour des photos avec traitement ayant pour thème la ressemblance avec des atmosphères galactique , spatial , nouveau monde , science fiction Only for photos with treatment(processing) having for theme the resemblance with atmospheres galactic, spatial, New World, science fiction

  • Group of Artists, creators of Beauty: Words, Music, Image and Professional Translators of Literary Texts.

    Group of Artists, creators of Beauty: Words, Music, Image and Professional Translators of Literary Texts.

    Created 11 years ago

    Objectives: Promotion of Artists-Creators: - In the field of Words: a) the poets, novelists, essayists, specializing in promoting the Beauty and high values in his work for adults and children b) professional literary translators and native-speakers; - In the field of Music: a) artists-musicians, soloists, singers, instrumentalists, bands: b) composers of different styles and genres of music; - In the field of Image: visual artists, painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic desig…

  • Nature.. Light and Color

    Nature.. Light and Color

    Created 10 years ago

    L'arte vista sotto tutte le sue forme di espressività, in un continuo divenire,in un moltiplicarsi all'infinito di forme e colori,in una totale ansia d'infinito! The art view in all its forms of expression, in a continuous becoming, in a multiply indefinitely shapes and colors in a total anxiety of infinity!

  • Paintings


    Created 17 years ago

    Oil painting, acrylic, oil pastel... watercolor... Also mixed media painting. But not photos. And not drawings. Art you post must be created by you! LINKS: Cool group for Black And White Drawings A group for wider selection of art (paintings, drawings, etc) - Paint it! And Crafts and more Crafts -- the name says it all I think :)

  • Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Created 11 years ago

    We allow any kind of art, crafts, photo-manipulations, doll photos,doll making, good photo scenes/subjects, and historical images in an inclusive mix of creativities. Keep it tasteful, creative, and no porn. Anyone who wants to describe how you create your stuff GO ahead, inform us all please. Group Administration will be within Ipernity's current publically available rules on no spam-links or other types of Group back-links on poster's comments that may irritate them. Creativities Group Rule…

  • Drawings and paintings

    Drawings and paintings

    Created 14 years ago

    Discuss and show art, drawings and paintings. Drawings in color and black and white, watercolor and oil, or what technique you might be using, whatever level you think you are on - you are welcome here to discuss art.

  • ZEN 禅 ART

    ZEN 禅 ART

    Created 11 years ago

    ZEN 禅 ART showcases: calligraphy, symmetry, geometrics, aesthetics, ambiance, minimalism, serenity, meditative, colour and B&W . . . etc. . . . images which celebrate incredible world around us, simplicity in the midst, our inmost spirituality.

  • Sci-Fi Buffs Unleashed

    Sci-Fi Buffs Unleashed

    Created 17 years ago

    interactive realm for all those who have a soft spot for Science Fiction and who love to share their images, favourite books, movies, songs and whatever else exists in matters of Sci-Fi with the rest of us.

  • For the Love of TOYS

    For the Love of TOYS

    Created 11 years ago

    TOYS TOYS TOYS Missing my fav toy-groups "Secret life of toys", "Toys Toys Toys" and "Toysaholic Anonymous" already ... so here you go ^^ Feel free to post your photos of your beloved toys here - dolls, plushes, vinyl - collectibles ... all TOYS welcome ^^

  • Editing images

    Editing images

    Created 12 years ago

    Bilderbearbeitung in jeglicher Form HDR,Filtertechnik,IR,Colourkey,s/w,Montagen,Texturen ua. no snapshots!!!..pay attention to the rules..!!!..