Mickey's ImageWorks' photos

Over the Edge

12 Feb 2009 1 468
Another one from the "liquid series".

First thing in the morning...........

08 Jun 2013 1 269
Just a quick process, took me about as much time as this coffeemaker takes to provide me with the first necessity for life in the morning.;-)

Jedi Friend

08 Jun 2013 2 358
Re-Up Just noticed a big flaw, so re-uploaded this after correcting it;-) This is an oldie, lifted a holidaysnapshot of an old friends Social Network site and tranformed it into this (we're both SW fans;-)), then sent it to him. Unfortunately had to deal with a very small picture, hence the "pixelation. Tried to give it a "painting" feel. Well,....hé liked it...;-) Still reworking it.

Getting the shot..........

06 Mar 2010 2 388
One of my rare portraits, my best friend of 30 years. I'm trying my hand at a digital reflex camera of his for the first time here, a camera he later donated to me! Thanks man!;-)

Sail into the Sun

07 Nov 2008 3 5 344
Another painting I made in photoshop.....

Through the Vortex

01 Mar 2009 5 1 405
Not so much a photograph, I admit, but a painting made in Photoshop.

Clear Directive

12 Feb 2009 7 1 477
Sometimes it just falls from the sky, for us to pic(k) up on..........;-)

FF project-2

06 Jul 2011 5 3 454
Part of a project with my friend and photographer Richard: moksha-photography.wix.com/richardcanten Models photographed by him, process by me.


07 Aug 2006 1 335
Part of a project with my friend and photographer Richard: moksha-photography.wix.com/richardcanten Model photographed by him, process by me.


18 Oct 2006 1 1 357
Earlier photoshopwork, photo by R.R.Canten: moksha-photography.wix.com/richardcanten model: Medusa (former keyboardplayer with Clan of Xymox).


12 Mar 2008 315
An afternoon spent playing with liquids again.....;-)

something always survives...........

19 Mar 2008 4 1 407
Even in the kitchen sink....;-) This is NOT a Black & White photo, some color is always to be found if one looks for it.;-)

Falling into Darkness

20 Apr 2008 7 502
A lazy sunday afternoon, nothing to do so why not play with water?;-) Again from the series I lost in a HD-crash, retrieved this one from another site. Small sized... :(

"Just a drop please...."

12 Dec 2008 1 583
A lot of time, milk, leftover coffee and a bit of luck lead to this...;-) Unfortunately I lost the original in a HD-crash, so all I'm left with is this small size...:(


12 Feb 2009 2 409
A lot of time, a bit of luck.....;-)

Mushrooms by LED

Work in progress

28 May 2013 287
Afternoon in the garden, trying out my "new" NikonD100 (donated to me by my best friend.)

79 items in total

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