Jennifer Murphy's photos

03 Jul 2019

79 visits

Not quite two weeks later, my monster spider seems a bit deflated. That's quite an egg sac she's guarding.

01 Jul 2019

106 visits


23 Jun 2019

90 visits

23 Jun 2019

77 visits

monsters in the garden

I haven't been able to ID this lovely lady, but she's about the size of a typical orchard spider. She's pulled together some leaves on a jewel weed plant and made herself a cozy little home. edit: It's a Nursery Web Spider, and there are two lovely ladies! Update coming soon...

25 May 2019

108 visits

athena in the window

21 May 2019

149 visits

meanwhile, in the pasture...

02 May 2019

113 visits

The Little Guy

One of the smaller hawks that's been hanging around.

30 Apr 2019

2 favorites

130 visits

on the wing

Not the greatest in flight shot, but it'll do.

30 Apr 2019

1 favorite

149 visits

The Big Guy

We've had three hawks hanging around and I think at least one is nesting in the woods behind the house.
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