Jennifer Murphy's videos


27 Jan 2022

1 favorite

96 visits


Hard to see, but watch as the coyote moves to the right of the screen. I was so excited to get this type of hunting behavior on video! I can't tell if it actually caught whatever vermin was under the snow, but there were two other spots in the pasture where it tried this technique again.
the pack 2021

20 Aug 2021

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96 visits

the pack 2021

I was watching a video from the game camera and was pleased to see one of the pups was back under the mulberry tree. I've only seen The Beast lately, so I was worried my neighbors may have actually shot the pups (everyone around us has guns and shoots constantly...welcome to the country!). The pup was eating windfall berries and walked to the right, out of camera range. Then this happened.
blizzard of 2017

14 Mar 2017

95 visits

blizzard of 2017

A proper New England blizzard raged all day. Wicked winds, bitter cold, and driving snow - it's been a long time since I've seen a storm like this.
coyote chorus ~ turn it up!

03 Sep 2016

150 visits

coyote chorus ~ turn it up!

The coyotes are like a tide, ebbing and flowing, here and then gone. When they come together and sing it is at once both beautiful and terrifying. I never miss a chance to enjoy their chorus.
Just a little off the top.

25 May 2016

122 visits

Just a little off the top.

Ah, spring...time for the annual Clipping o' the Flea. Two sets of clippers, two blades, one shaggy little mule. Both blades were dull before I could complete his body clip, but Flea was happy to be mostly winter coat free. Fargo sheds beautifully so all he ever really needs is his mane roached, which also happened.
Albannach (with special guest Preston)

18 Sep 2015

163 visits

Albannach (with special guest Preston)

Do -not- curb your enthusiasm.