Finn Frode's photos

Little troublemakers ♥

04 Dec 2016 121
Marica & Wijelo's Abyssinian kittens, 5½ months old and very focused on the Christmas decorations... Marica Sweet Havana Rose Wijelo & Marica Hurrycane Hunter Wijelo at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Bastian on the table

04 Dec 2016 149
Yesterday Bastian was at Racekatten's show in Herlev. This time he did not win, but once more he performed beautifully on the judge's table and received lots of praise for his personality and looks. And most of all - he enjoyed the day and once more was a great ambassador for the adoption of adult cats. Bastian (mixed breed) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Digital Camera (photo by Lene Matthews)

Laa Laa on the roll

04 Dec 2016 108
Our cat friend Lene Mathews brought her Exotic Shorthair tortie Laa Laa, who without problems got her CAGPIB certifikate and also was nominated for the final panel on stage. The owner was very happy and proud to see her up there with the best... Hyggebo's Laa Laa (Exotic Shorthair) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Bastian with judge Joeri Vanrusselt

04 Dec 2016 129
Yesterday Bastian was at Racekatten's show in Herlev. This time he did not win, but once more he performed beautifully on the judge's table and received lots of praise for his personality and looks. And most of all - he enjoyed the day and once more was a great ambassador for the adoption of adult cats. Bastian (mixed breed) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Digital Camera (photo by Lene Matthews)

Laa Laa with judge Zvezdan Memedov

04 Dec 2016 149
Our cat friend Lene Mathews brought her Exotic Shorthair tortie Laa Laa, who without problems got her CAGPIB certifikate and also was nominated for the final panel on stage. The owner was very happy and proud to see her up there with the best... Hyggebo's Laa Laa (Exotic Shorthair) at Racekatten show, Herlev, 04.12.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Wanna play?

20 Nov 2016 147
The boys sharing their Catch-Me-If-You-Can toy. Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali) & Bastian (mixed breed), 20.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Toe tufts - Happy Caturday

28 Nov 2016 119
Rags waving his cute toe tufts during the afternoon nap... For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Paws". Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 28.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Rags all bundled up - Happy Caturday

28 Nov 2016 126
Rags deep into his morning nap... For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Paws". Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 28.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Cat in the cupboard

22 Nov 2016 132
Caithlin has seized the moment and sneaked into the cupboard where Mama stores her blankets... Pete Townshend: Cats in the cupboard , 1980. Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 22.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

In memoriam Hans G Lindberg (FIFé judge)

07 Feb 2016 144
The Swedish FIFé judge Hans G. Lindberg has unexpectedly died on November 21st 2016. The cat world will gratefully remember him for fair judging and for his evident love for every cat he handled. RIP, Hans. Vidcap collage of Rags with Hans Lindberg at Racekatten show in Sorø, February 2016. Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 07.02.2016.

Helping her favourite human, 1

22 Nov 2016 132
Caithlin helps mama decorate for Christmas... Posted for the " Happy Caturday " group theme "Bags or Boxes". Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 22.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Helping her favourite human, 2

22 Nov 2016 129
Caithlin helps mama decorate for Christmas... Posted for the " Happy Caturday " group theme "Bags or Boxes". Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 22.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Don't you have a higher ladder?

22 Nov 2016 114
Caithlin helps mama decorate for Christmas. Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 22.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Logistics, 1 - Explored 22.11.2016, #479

06 Nov 2016 199
Going to shows involves transport, which many cats don't enjoy much. The Sandy Carrier Bag offers a good solution, as it opens on top, so I can have the cat on my lap during the ride. They can look out while at the same time being securely strapped in a harness. Bastian (mixed breed), 06.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Logistics, 2

25 Sep 2016 235
On the way home from shows our cats usually are so tired they sleep most of the time. Here Bastian on my lap in his Sandy Carrier Bag . Soon as he gets home the first thing he will do is check the garden to see everything still is as he left it... Bastian (mixed breed), 25.09.2016 Samsung Phone Camera

One feather down, three to go...

17 Nov 2016 139
Bastian has managed to bite a feather off his toy. Now he wants more... Bastian (mixed breed), 17.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

The killer look - for Happy Caturday

17 Nov 2016 158
Bastian focused on his Catch-Me-If-You-Can toy. Posted for the " Happy Caturday " group theme "The Look". Under the round carpet is a rotating feather toy that moves in very intriguing ways. It changes speed and direction and even pauses for a moment, only to start again when least expected. Bastian (mixed breed), 17.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Rags sends me a message

14 Nov 2016 136
Rags tells me to close down the computer and take him for his daily walk... Now! Posted for the " Happy Caturday " group theme "The Look". Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 14.11.2016. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

2283 items in total