Finn Frode's photos
Watching the tease, 1 - Happy Caturday
Bastian and Rags watching the tease waved by Lene. They did not stay put like this for very long... ;)
Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Toys".
Bastian (mixed breed) & Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 15.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Watching the tease, 2 - Happy Caturday
Bastian and Rags watching the tease waved by Lene. They did not stay put like this for very long... ;)
Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Toys".
Bastian (mixed breed) & Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 15.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Beautiful Caithlin
One more of Mama's girl posing for the camera.
Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 20.01.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian licking paw
One more of Bastian in the snow.
Bastian (mixed breed), 09.01.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Rags kneading
One more of Rags at Plantorama Garden Centre, Hillerød.
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 12.02.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Rags turns on the charm
Yesterday Rags and other cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, polecats and more were presented at the Plantorama garden centre in Hillerød.
This hobby show was just for fun with no judging, but Rags enjoyed it all the same. With his loving personality he caught the attention of many visitors and was cuddled all through the day. Once more he acted as the perfect ambassador for the Somali breed....
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 12.02.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
On display at Plantorama, Hillerød
Yesterday Rags and other cats, dogs, birds, hamsters, polecats and more were presented at the Plantorama garden centre in Hillerød.
This hobby show was for fun with no judging, but Rags enjoyed it just the same. With his loving personality he caught the attention of many visitors and was cuddled all through the day. Once more he acted as the perfect ambassador for the Somali breed....
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 12.02.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital
Rags is Daddy's boy... (for Happy Caturday)
Posted for tomorrows " Happy Caturday " theme "All you need is love.. and a cat". And sorry for the messy coat - he really needs a bath...
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 07.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
And Mama's boy too... (for Happy Caturday) - Explo…
Posted for tomorrows " Happy Caturday " theme "All you need is love.. and a cat". And sorry for the messy coat - he really needs a bath...
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 07.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian in the snow
We have had a few inches of snow and Bastian has mixed emotions about it, It's fun to play in, but also slows him down...
Bastian (mixed breed), 09.01.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Our resident Robin (through glass)
The robin posing by the feeders in our front yard, shot through the window.
European robin (Erithacus rubecula) (Danish: Rødhals or Rødkælk), 08.02.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Bastian playing
Bastian (mixed breed), 05.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera. Photo by Lene Raarup.
Bastian playing "Cat-erpillar"
Thanks to Ann Moonwhiskers for the title. :)
Bastian (mixed breed), 05.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera. Photo by Lene Raarup.
Caithlin checks the spoils from the Nærum show
In addition to all this we got four 10kg sacks of Royal Canin Hair & Skin kibble - 1 for each Top Cat title.
For more about the Nærum show see here .
Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 06.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Racekatten's Topcat 2016 & Best In Show
Yesterday our shelter adoptee Bastian was at Racekatten cat show in Nærum to pick up the club's Top Cat award for being the Best Housecat (mixed breed) in 2016.
The Somalis stayed at home, but Caithlin was awarded three prizes for her achievements in the previous season: No.1 Veteran (all breeds, shared 1st), No.2 Category IV (male/female, fertile/neuter) and No.5 Neuter (all categories).
On the table Bastian once more performed flawlessly and the judge Lene Glem loved his looks and personality. She awarded him Best In Show housecat (mixed breed), but also recommended that he should not gain any more weight.. ;)
Bastian (mixed breed) at Racekatten cat show in Nærum, Denmark, 05.02.2017.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Wet and all in a mess - Happy Caturday
Bastian getting his fur back in order after having a bath. Not a great shot, but it's kinda interesting how clearly his ticking shows in b&w. Posted for the " Happy Caturday " theme "Black and White".
Bastian (mixed breed) 03.02.2017.
Olympus OMD µ500 Digital Camera
While we are waiting...
No, we are not waiting for Christmas, but for the all the softwares to be working on my new computer. Hopefully everything will be OK again in a few days... :)
Bastian (mixed breed), 28.12.2016.
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera
Two times lucky...
We are very grateful for finding Bastian, because just as Snow White before him, Bastian is proof of what amazing adult cats are up for adoption. And there might be one for you too at your local cat shelter... :)
Bastian (mixed breed), 26.01.2017
Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera