Bergfex's photos


10 Sep 2016 10 7 799
An answer to the question (pic 27), how the participants look after their bath in the muddy hollow. ~~~~~ Eine Antwort auf die Frage, wie die Teilnehmer/innen nach dem Schlammbad aussehen. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

The End of a Great Day

10 Sep 2016 9 7 715
Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (35 - last pic) ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Happy Finishers

10 Sep 2016 5 1 712
Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (34) ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Happy Girls

10 Sep 2016 7 1 758
Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (33) ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Happy Boys

10 Sep 2016 8 6 717
Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (32) ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (31)

10 Sep 2016 15 11 875
The last - and hottest - obstacle. ~~~~~ Das letzte - und heißeste - Hindernis. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (30)

10 Sep 2016 12 8 889
Some are flitting very artful across the shaky mesh. ~~~~~ Manche huschen mit unglaublichen Geschick über das wackelige Netz. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (29)

10 Sep 2016 6 6 653
A professional photographer, using the EOS 7D, designed for worst conditions. ~~~~~ Ein Fotograf des Spartan-Teams mit einer professionellen EOS 7D. Kaum zu glauben, dass die Kamera so was überlebt. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (28)

10 Sep 2016 5 1 750
But crossing the mesh is less simple. ~~~~~ Aber die Querung ist weniger einfach. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (27)

10 Sep 2016 4 2 611
Climbing up is not so difficult. ~~~~~ Hoch geht's noch einigermaßen leicht. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (26)

10 Sep 2016 9 6 671
Swimming throught the mud to the next obstacle. ~~~~~ Schwimmend kommt man am besten durch den Matsch. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Time for a break

01 Aug 2012 24 25 773
The Mountains are calling. The weather couldn't be better. We're going to start our most challenging tour of this year, the "Königsjodler". See you on Thursday or Friday. ~~~~~ Die Berge rufen. Das Wetter ist perfekt, wir brechen gleich zu unserer anspruchsvollsten Tour in diesem Jahr auf: Den Königsjodler im Hochköniggebirge. Bis Donnerstag oder Freitag! ~~~~~ (Picture captured 2012 in Italy by Helga Westrup) ~~~~~ Im Königsjodler:

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (25)

10 Sep 2016 15 4 906
Nevertheless sometimes there is some time for a little kiss. ~~~~~ Trotz allem ist zwischendurch auch Zeit für einen kleinen Kuss. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (24)

10 Sep 2016 11 788
Once slipped off there isn't hardly any chance to overcome this obstacle without help. ~~~~~ Einmal abgerutscht, kommt man ohne Hilfe allerdings kaum weiter. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (23)

10 Sep 2016 5 654
It's more a question of skilfulness than of strength. ~~~~~ Eher eine Geschicklichkeits- als eine Kraftübung. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (22)

10 Sep 2016 7 1 670
On their way to the next obstacle. ~~~~~ Auf dem Weg zum nächsten Hindernis. ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (21)

10 Sep 2016 14 5 839
Concentrated efforts of the ladies, too. ~~~~~ Auch bei den Frauen voller Einsatz! ~~~~~ (Veröffentlicht in den Bezirksblättern Kitzbühel 28./29. Sept. 2016) ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

Spartan Race in Oberndorf, Austria (20)

10 Sep 2016 6 628
. . . always one step ahead! ~~~~~ . . . immer eine Nasenlänge voraus! ~~~~~ Legal Disclaimer: With conclusion of the participation contract, according to Article 7 of the Terms and Conditions of the Spartan Race SARL, Luxembourg, the participants (or the legal representatives of participants under age) have agreed that their activities (or the activities of thier children) in the context of the event may be photographed without restriction and published free of charge.

4161 items in total