Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

CSC 5949

26 Jun 2017 3 2 364
Bees docking with lupin flowers.

CSC 5267

11 Jun 2017 3 332
A hawk in a tree.

showy orchis galearis spectabilis st bruno 3 june…

03 Jun 2017 1 263
A wild orchid, Galearis spectabilis or showy orchis growing in shade in the woods, St Bruno, Quebec.

water avens crop St Bruno 2017 05 27

27 May 2017 241
Water avens, or purple avens, ( Geum rivale ), Benoîte des ruisseaux, wildflowers growing at the side of a small lake, St Bruno, near Montreal.

may home celandine DSC 4299

28 May 2017 229
Basically a weed in the corner of the garden. Bright yellow celandine.

may dandelion DSC 4322

28 May 2017 237
I believe that dandelions are representatives of an alien life-form, indestructible by all normal means and intent on taking over the planet.

wild colombine DSC 3992

21 May 2017 2 1 282
Wild columbine (Aquilegia Canadensis, Ancolie du canada). Spring wildflowers, they seem to prefer to grow on barren rock faces in the woods which can make them hard to get close to. These, however, were growing on a rock next to a picnic area and at just above eye level, so for once were cooperative! (St Bruno, near Montreal).

jack in the pulpit DSC 4051

21 May 2017 2 269
Jack in the pulpit (Arisaema triphyllum, Arisème petit-prêcheur) grows on the forest floor. It's hood (spathe) encloses a rod (spadix) which carries flowers hidden from sight within the folds of the spathe. Initially the young flowers are male but later it carries female flowers so it changes gender several times in its life. Most of its closest relatives are from South East Asia, with only two species in North America. St. Bruno near Montreal.

spring beauty claytonia caroliniana DSC 3649

13 May 2017 1 264
Spring Beauty ( Claytonia caroliniana ; Claytonie feuille-large) is a small white ephemeral flower of the forest floor that emerges early in the spring. Seen in St. Bruno Parc, Near Montreal, Quebec.

dutch mans breeches Dicentra cucullaria V3 20170…

07 May 2017 1 262
A spring flower of the forest floor, Dutchman's breeches ( Dicentra cucullaria , Dicentre à capuchin). It is pollenated by bumble bees which are the only insects that can force open the petals . Seen in Parc St Bruno near Montreal.

st bruni may 7 2017 deer DSC 3615

07 May 2017 3 1 256
A young white tailed deer, the snow has melted but not much is growing and food is scarce. (Cerf de virginie)

Morio_Mourning Cloak_Camberwell Beauty DSC 3032

23 Apr 2017 2 2 319
The Mourning Cloak (Nymphalis antiopa) also called Camberwell Beauty in UK. It is one of the first butterflies we see after the snow melts in spring, as it hibernates over winter. (Le Morio).

hepatica DSC 3196

29 Apr 2017 3 1 224
Hepatica americana; the flowers shoot straight out before the leaves, one of the earliest spring flowers in the woods.

a-rosemary IMG 0003

10 Dec 2016 2 1 213
A twig of rosemary (image made on a scanner)

weird science 2 IMG 0020

01 Apr 2017 4 5 332
The experiment. "And there was light".

weird science MG 0002

01 Apr 2017 2 2 304
Green for GO; red for STOP. Filters from very old lab equipment, imaged using a flatbed scanner with filters illuminated from behind.

phidippus spider-jumping-OCT-2-2010-A-DSC 1904

02 Oct 2010 8 10 343
She's got her eyes on you. A Phidippus audax jumping spider.

IMG 0017

18 Feb 2017 4 2 259
An orange peeled.

852 items in total