Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

woodpecker downy st bruno sept 2022 DSC 8407 edite…

25 Sep 2022 21 20 199
A little downy woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens).

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17 Sep 2022 10 5 150
A mourning Dove showing it's "angel" wings. According to internet there are about 475 million mourning doves in N. America, so more doves than people.

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23 Aug 2022 5 3 124
From earlier in the year; a yellow rose (Topaz jewel) after a rain shower. It has a strong perfume and blooms yellow but fades almost to white after a day or two . For years it stopped flowering at all, and I was close to digging it out, but it has come back to life. Some kind of pest has got at the leaves though, and stripped them.

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24 Aug 2022 3 1 116
Spiders (Araneus diadematus) in a mating dance. The male is on the left, the female above. She was not receptive and chased him away.

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04 Sep 2022 13 4 150
Ran into this deer in the woods.

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26 Aug 2022 11 9 189
The ripe fruit of a pokeweed proved irresistible to the ladybirds.

st bruno button bush DSC 6660 edited

27 Aug 2022 16 5 159
The flowers of a button bush (Cephalanthus occidentalis), a small tree or shrub growing in the woods.

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23 Sep 2018 10 7 170
A spiderman performer outside the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto. There was an exhibition about spiders going on in the museum, so I don't know if he was part of the show, or just taking advantage of the moment.

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20 Aug 2022 15 10 180
A barred owl (Strix varia; chouette rayée), It had noticed something below and moved to get a better look at it, but either decided it wasn't worth the effort to hunt down or was a false alarm as nothing else happened. The woods are dark so the lighting is not great.

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20 Aug 2022 7 3 144
A barred owl (Strix varia; chouette rayée), perched on a branch in the woods, just looking around. The woods are quite dark and not the best lighting for photography.

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17 Aug 2022 11 7 153
A blue heron. It was very focused on whatever it had seen in the water and let me get closer than usual.

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14 Aug 2022 11 9 139
An odd one. A pelecinid wasp (Pelecinus polyturator). She is about two, or two and half inches, in length (6-7cm), although it is hard to tell precisely because the abdomen is curled up. She uses her very long abdomen/ovipositor to penetrate the soil and lay eggs in beetle grubs living underground. (This is a very good thing, we have been infested with beetles destroying the flowers this year). Another example of nature's endless inventiveness.

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14 Aug 2022 8 4 119
The lawnmower, a small rabbit in the backyard.

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11 Aug 2022 13 8 202
A male Cardinal in the garden.

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06 Aug 2022 11 3 135
Part of a small swarm of bees that had settled at the base of a rock.

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05 Aug 2022 14 7 123
A blue hibiscus. New to the garden, it's supposed to be hardy, so fingers crossed it can make it through the winter.

frogs on a log aug 2022 st bruno DSC 5284

06 Aug 2022 5 1 101
Frogs on a log. (What I didn't see until I uploaded the image and looked at in enlarged, is a small spider sharing the log on the left hand side under the frogs chin. It looks as if she might be carrying an egg case?)

frog st bruno aug 2022 DSC 5275 edited

06 Aug 2022 6 2 103
Frog in a pond, just hanging out.

852 items in total