Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

st bruno deptford pink DSC 3243

09 Jul 2022 9 7 129
A Deptford pink (Dianthus armeria), a small wildflower related to carnations. Originally from Europe it is now widespread here.

IMG 20220802 124956

30 Jul 2022 6 1 95
Same deer as last photo after her meal.

DSC 4839

30 Jul 2022 7 100
A deer munching on mushrooms. She really enjoyed them.

DSC 3132 1

09 Jul 2022 6 106
A white tailed deer, possibly pregnant (?), In the woods.

black swallowtail DSC 4425 edited edited

24 Jul 2022 7 3 125
An eastern black swallowtail butterfly

DSC 4114

17 Jul 2022 8 3 100
A long-legged harvestman.

IMG 20220710 193619

09 Jul 2022 7 2 124
An Appalachian Brown butterfly (probably)

feverfew garden DSC 2391

27 Jun 2022 5 2 141
This is feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium), an introduced plant from Europe. It turned up in the garden on it's own on and became a fixture in a corner where nothing else grows, so we leave it alone to get on with things.

DSC 2361

27 Jun 2022 7 92
A fly settling for a few moments on a rose petal after the rain

toronto buglos daisies DSC 1682

ever-the-road Thomas Hardy

07 Aug 2020 2 1 85
"Ever the Road".

eastern phoebe nest st bruno 2022 DSC 1001

11 Jun 2022 10 4 141
Eastern phoebe flycatchers on their nest. They often make nests in man-made structures such as below bridges, in roof eaves and so on. The nests are quite well made with moss, animal fur, grass etc. This one was in the roof eaves of a rest hut in a woodland park.

IMG 20220616 124547

14 Jun 2022 5 4 100
A bumblebee checking out the lupins.

garden bee DSC 0479d

06 Jun 2022 7 4 120
A brown-belted bumblebee (bombus griseocollis) foraging in the lupins.

st bruno deer DSC 0986

11 Jun 2022 7 113
On the alert. A young deer in the long grass.

st bruno yellow iris DSC 1064

11 Jun 2022 4 100
A yellow iris growing in a damp, shady spot in the woods.

Poppies DSC 1132

12 Jun 2022 6 8 127
Red garden poppies

Road work IMG 20220611 213140

21 May 2021 1 103
Road work. Now he knows where to go.

852 items in total