Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

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14 May 2023 7 1 102
Virginia bluebells (Mertensia Virginica), Belleview woods, upper Don Valley, Toronto. There is a good patch of them growing in the woods just off the bike path and we try to find them if we are visiting at the right time of year. These are a little over their prime, the younger flowers have a dark pink hue that turns light blue as they age. It's said that the colour change tells the bees which flowers are worth visiting and which to skip, although I am not sure how reliable that information is.

large trillium IMG 20230517 230910

17 May 2023 12 4 154
A large white trillium (Trillium grandiflorum) which, confusingly, in this case is pink. The normally white flowers turn pink as they age, but there is also a rare variety that is pink from the moment it blooms. A woodland plant that flowers in mid to late spring. The seeds have an oily attachment called the elaiosome that ants find irresistible. The ants carry the seeds back to their nests, feed on the elaiosomes and abandon the rest of the seed near the nest where some will sprout. The white trillium is the floral emblem of Ontario.

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15 May 2023 8 7 160
Wild black currant flowers. They are part of the gooseberry family and were used by indigenous peoples to make pemmican, a mix of dried meat, fat and sometimes berries. Apparently the currants are not very palatable unless cooked with sugar, although I have not tasted them to find out. These were growing on the side of a path in a wooded urban area, the Upper Don Valley Ravine in Toronto. They are related to the European black currant (famed for cassis), both being in the genus Ribes.

Snowbells IMG 20230512 165534

12 May 2023 13 5 127
Snow bells (Leucojum).

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10 May 2023 13 7 178
Spring flowers. We have a squirrel problem in that they systematically behead our tulips. This is one of the few that survived the onslaught.

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10 May 2023 11 2 151
People in a park. Toronto (photo taken by my wife)

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06 May 2023 3 97
A lick of paint, new tires and an oil change, and she's as good as new. (Maybe not). Near Toronto airport.

The Wonder truck MG 20230506 133448

06 May 2023 3 98
The wonder truck. (Dixon road, near airport, Toronto)

gdn daffs DSC 2787

05 May 2023 4 1 135
Spring flowers

St Bruno dragon head DSC 2573 edited

29 Apr 2023 17 6 146
Creature in the woods.

Rock pile art IMG 20230422 234418

22 Apr 2023 7 6 131
Someone got creative in the woods. A well balanced piece of rock pile art.

Hepatica DSC 2504

22 Apr 2023 3 2 182
Round- lobed hepatica, one of the first woodland wild flowers to open in the spring.

heron at sunset DSC 2170 edited edited

14 Apr 2023 13 5 185
The same heron as in the previous photo, taken as the sun was starting to go down.

heron city [srk DSC 2226 edited

14 Apr 2023 6 2 153
A heron that has taken up residence in a local park.

Frisky Frogs_VIDEO 0416

16 Apr 2023 6 3 206
Spring has arrived, the snow has melted, the frogs are out of hibernation, making noise and feeling frisky..

toronto American robin DSC 2019 edited edited

09 Apr 2023 6 1 166
Spring has officially arrived. The robins and geese are back.

From the illuminated crowd_crouching in the cold

05 Apr 2023 4 1 160
Last week we had an ice storm that covered everything in ice. This is a detail from the “La Foule illumine” (Illuminated crowd), a sculpture outside an office tower in downtown Montréal. It consists of 65 figures looking variously worried, dejected or utterly miserable (it’s art, what do you expect). Being coated in ice probably did little cheer up this poor character.

The illuminated crowd in the cold_IMG 20230405 181…

05 Apr 2023 3 134
Last week we had an ice storm that covered everything in ice. This is a detail from the “La Foule illumine” (Illuminated crowd), outside an office tower in downtown Montréal. It consists of 65 figures looking variously worried, dejected or utterly miserable (it’s art, what do you expect). The ice coating probably did little to improve their mood. Who knows what our man is pointing at. Is it "Over there, go forth you huddled masses and conquer," or "Holy crap Batman. What is that coming our way?"

850 items in total