Andrew Trundlewagon's photos

From the illuminated crowd_crouching in the cold

05 Apr 2023 4 1 160
Last week we had an ice storm that covered everything in ice. This is a detail from the “La Foule illumine” (Illuminated crowd), a sculpture outside an office tower in downtown Montréal. It consists of 65 figures looking variously worried, dejected or utterly miserable (it’s art, what do you expect). Being coated in ice probably did little cheer up this poor character.

The illuminated crowd in the cold_IMG 20230405 181…

05 Apr 2023 3 136
Last week we had an ice storm that covered everything in ice. This is a detail from the “La Foule illumine” (Illuminated crowd), outside an office tower in downtown Montréal. It consists of 65 figures looking variously worried, dejected or utterly miserable (it’s art, what do you expect). The ice coating probably did little to improve their mood. Who knows what our man is pointing at. Is it "Over there, go forth you huddled masses and conquer," or "Holy crap Batman. What is that coming our way?"

Ice Storm_Springtime_IMG 20230414 003422

05 Apr 2023 2 153
We had an ice storm last week, with the freezing rain coating everything in ice. Tree branches fell under the weight and brought down power lines. Over a million homes lost power, some for days. We were lucky, our outage lasted about only 18 hours. A week later, however, the temperature reached around 28C, close to a record for the time of year. Springtime in Quebec!

Ice storm spring time_IMG 20230414 003523

05 Apr 2023 2 86
We had an ice storm last week, with the freezing rain coating everything in ice. Tree branches fell under the weight and brought down power lines. Over a million homes lost power, some for days. We were lucky, our outage lasted about only 18 hours. A week later, however, the temperature reached around 28C, close to a record for the time of year. Springtime in Quebec!

gdn-bluejay peanut DSC 1620 edited

05 Feb 2023 14 12 178
Bribery! Feeding the blue jay, deep in snow.

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06 Aug 2021 7 4 191
Tired of waiting for spring, I have been scrolling through old photos from summers past.

rose DSC 9413 edited

18 Oct 2022 10 10 167
Pink roses (Bonica) from last year, wet from the rain.

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14 Jan 2023 5 1 142
Snow on the ground, snow on the trees and snow in the sky.

before the plague IMG 20170727 114003 editedx

27 Jul 2017 7 3 169
Reading at the side of the road. I am sure he had a reason to sit there, but why, I couldn't say.

Descent to the Metro_MG 20210312 134840-2

12 Mar 2021 8 1 159
Descent to the Metro, (part 3). This was when we were slowly returning to daily commuting after the first waves of the plague had passed.

before the plague metro bonaventure IMG 20190318 1…

12 Mar 2019 8 2 141
Descent to the Metro (part 2). An old cell phone photo from before the plague.

before the plague IMG 20190430 151932 edited

30 Apr 2019 6 1 171
An old cell phone picture, taken before the plague, of a well painted door and window.

before the plague metro edited

31 Aug 2017 3 1 183
An old cell phone photo from before the plague, descending to the Metro on the commute to work.


22 Aug 2019 10 2 157
Dead leaf moving scan

Ice hockey IMG 20210216 182719

16 Feb 2021 5 2 140
The game must go on. Kids playing hockey in a blizzard on an outdoor rink.

flower christmas cactus DSC 1762 edited

09 Feb 2023 12 7 168
This is our Christmas cactus (Schlumbergera). It is the second year of flowering, last year it flowered for Easter, this year early in February, so maybe next year it will do what it's supposed to and come out for Christmas!

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05 Feb 2023 7 3 152
Pushing through snow

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05 Feb 2023 6 2 95
A deer looking for food in the snow

852 items in total