Robert Swanson's photos

Rusty Bitt

01 Feb 2018 9 4 177
Taken in Auckland Harbour. This bitt was apparently installed in 1952. The rust color looks very interesting. Image processed with GIMP.

Fuel Barge Panorama

02 Feb 2018 4 1 136
Taken from our cabin on the cruise ship. I had to set the camera into panoramic, in order to get in the entire view. Auckland Harbour. Image processed with GIMP.

Auckland Harbour View

02 Feb 2018 9 1 241
We could see lots of action in the Auckland Harbour. Here we have a tug positioning a container ship, near the container crane. In the foreground, there are lots of cars that just arrived, and some containers sitting around. Image processed with GIMP.

"Dinner on a Hoist" Long View from Cruise Ship

02 Feb 2018 14 2 187
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. Image processed with ImageMagick.

Higher Up (H.A.N.W.E.)

02 Feb 2018 10 4 174
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by the activities surrounding a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. It looks like everyone is securely strapped in. Just to make sure everyone understands, we DID NOT take part in this event, only watched and recorded. I hesitate to think about both the food quality and the price. Probably can't afford it. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. Image processed with ImageMagick.

They Rise Past Us (HTT)

02 Feb 2018 3 1 153
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. To the fellow in the foreground: DON'T DROP YOUR PHONE! Image processed with ImageMagick.

Ascending (HFF, HBM)

02 Feb 2018 11 10 180
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. The dining "system" has just left the ground, and the onlookers are enjoying the even as much as the diners. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. Image processed with ImageMagick.

Crane Rig (HFF)

02 Feb 2018 5 7 141
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. Looks pretty secure, but I'm not a professional rigger. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. Image processed with ImageMagick.

Crane for "Dinner on a Hoist"

02 Feb 2018 10 10 196
While our cruise ship was docked in Auckland, we were entertained by a nearby "restaurant on a hoist". This dining experience took place far above the ground, on the end of a crane. This is a view of the crane, looking down from our cabin. A quick check of the internet shows that there are several such dining adventures available world-wide. Image processed with ImageMagick.

Loading Wood Chips, Albany, Australia

20 Feb 2018 2 207
Our cruise stopped in Albany, a port we had visited before. This is a very interesting part of Australia. The harbor was dominated by huge piles of logs and wood chips. The chips, of course, are made into particle board. The chips are being loaded into a bulk carrier for export. The worker in the image should give you an idea of the size of the ship, the Luisia Colossus . Image processed with GIMP.

Entering Honolulu at Night (H.A.N.W.E.)

27 Dec 2018 10 5 299
This is the view from our cruise ship as we entered Honolulu Harbor. I am increasingly happy with the Panasonic camera's ability to take night photos! Be sure to click on the image and view on black. Image processed with GIMP.

Work Table in Roundhouse (HTT)

11 Jun 2024 9 6 214
We could view the work areas in the roundhouse at Steamtown, Scranton, Pennsylvania, but mostly from above on a catwalk. Below, there were areas of active restoration for historic locomotives and rolling stock. This work table stuck out, since it was crowded with tools, especially BIG ones for working on these large locomotives. Image processed with GIMP.

Railroad Yards Near Guernsey, Wyoming

27 Aug 2015 20 3 343
This is the view we had from Highway 26 as we approached Guernsey, Wyoming. We spotted the railroad yards on our left, and managed to get some photos of the yard activities. (See PIP) This photo was taken through the windshield of our RV, and is processed with GIMP.

Fueling the Big Locomotives

27 Aug 2015 6 199
As we drove our RV across the wide open spaces of Wyoming, we followed the railroad tracks for quite a while. This was taken as we passed by the railroad yards near Guernsey, Wyoming (just off Highway 26). Took this through the windshield of our RV, and it has been processed with GIMP. They are fueling the road engines from tanker trucks. I think that these railroad yards do not have separate fuel tanks (or else don't have enough capacity). There were many other trains being fueled in this yard this way.

BNSF Train, Wyoming

27 Aug 2015 4 174
As we drove our RV across the wide open spaces of Wyoming, we followed the railroad tracks for quite a while. This shot of a BNSF hopper train was taken through the RV windshield, and processed with GIMP.

Interior Cheyenne Station

30 Aug 2015 15 6 207
The train station in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming has been restored and maintained. The architecture is quite interesting, being in a quasi-Southwestern theme. The Union Pacific operates near here, including the "steam shop" for the historic locomotives. Image processed with GIMP.

Baggage Sign "Built-in", Cheyenne Station

30 Aug 2015 4 2 138
Taken at the train station in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Union Pacific operates near here, including the "steam shop" for the historic locomotives. The signs inside the station are quite interesting. Image processed with GIMP.

Park Bench Cheyenne Station (HBM)

30 Aug 2015 11 10 156
Taken just outside the train station in downtown Cheyenne, Wyoming. The Union Pacific operates major yards near here. Image processed with GIMP.

496 items in total