Robert Swanson's photos

Thunderbird Tail Light

26 Nov 2022 4 120
Taken at the car show in New Jersey in November 2022. Apparently, the TBird tail lights had that smaller silver accent ring. Image processed with GIMP.

April 8, 2024 Eclipse Video

22 Apr 2024 14 6 275
This is made up of some of our still photos of the eclipse, and a video taken by our dash camera. Awesome experience! Composited with kdenlive open source program.

Diamond Ring (Miracle for SC91, H.A.N.W.E.)

08 Apr 2024 41 23 513
We had excellent weather in southern Missouri for the eclipse on 8 April, 2024. Our previous experience was in 2017, and while the photos were wonderful, I never got a shot at the "diamond ring" effect that year. This, and a few others, were taken at the end of totality this April. The large flare at the very bottom of the disk was seen in a number of our photos. Hand-held at 280mm equivalent zoom, and processed with GIMP. This was the same camera-lens I used in 2017 (nearly the same settings, too.)

Ford Tail Light

26 Nov 2022 34 18 303
Taken when we visited a car show in New Jersey. We were spending Thanksgiving with the family, and decided to get out of the house for a bit. A local car club was displaying their pride and joy machines. Lots of fun. Image processed with GIMP.

Final Night of World Cruise (HTT)

27 Apr 2018 11 4 340
Enjoying a beer in our cabin, as we prepare to disembark. Image processed with GIMP.

Shark Sign (and Bench, HBM)

04 Apr 2018 23 14 273
Taken at a public beach near Capetown, South Africa. I think that they are serious about the sharks. Image processed with GIMP.

Hamburger (H.A.N.W.E.)

24 Feb 2024 15 6 341
Made hamburgers today at home. Hard to find one this good at a restaurant. Enjoy the weekend! Image processed with GIMP.

Fences in Albany, Australia (HFF)

20 Feb 2018 19 10 237
Another view of the port of Albany. Besides the fences and railroad tracks, you can see where our shuttle bus was picking up passengers to visit the lovely downtown. Image processed with GIMP.

Can Top (Macro)

17 Feb 2024 18 13 184
For the Sunday theme: macro This is more testing of my new macro lens.

Fences Within Fences (HFF)

20 Feb 2018 17 13 407
Taken in the port area of Albany, Australia. Lots of commercial activity, and there are fences for each area. Image processed with GIMP.

Mopar Racing (H.A.N.W.E.)

26 Nov 2022 9 1 223
While visiting family in New Jersey in November 2022, we were invited to a local car show. Well, the photo opportunities are boundless. In this case, I noticed the vibrant paint job on this Chrysler-brand vehicle. "Mopar" is the brand name for the parts used in this line of cars during the glory days of the "muscle car". Notice all the stickers with government-required information. Those didn't exist in the so-called glory days.

Nachos (HTT)

05 Feb 2024 11 6 214
Nachos at a local restaurant, Leland, Iowa Image processed with GIMP.

Post Office Artwork (HWW)

22 Jul 2017 10 6 192
Mural in the post office, Forest City, Iowa. This post office was built during the Great Depression. The government paid unemployed artists to decorate the post offices with artworks appropriate to the locality. Image processed with GIMP.

Post Office Interior (HWW)

22 Jul 2017 6 7 152
A wall of the interior of the post office in Forest City, Iowa. These buildings were put up during the Great Depression. I am guessing that this wall had a mural on it, much like the one shown in another photo. Some of the buildings were re-furbished after the 1930's, and many of the artworks were lost.

"Our" RV

27 Jul 2017 2 2 174
I say "ours" because this is the same model of RV that we lived in for 11 years. We saw it on the used lot of a dealer in Forest City, Iowa. Forest City is the "home" of Winnebago, a major RV manufacturer.

Long, Long, Trailer, Forest City, Iowa

27 Jul 2017 1 130
One of the farms just outside of town has always had some sort of static decoration on their property, visible from the highway. In the 2017 time period, the "installation" was a very, very long trailer. They don't make them much longer than this, and you would probably have to get a special permit to pull it down the highway. Of course, it is not in the best of condition, anyway.

Century Farm, Forest City, Iowa

27 Jul 2017 1 162
This is a museum-farm outside of Forest City, Iowa. I like their roadside sign. You can see the names of the original residents, primarily from Scandinavia (I'm guessing Norwegian.)

Entrance to the Gun Bank, Thompson, Iowa (HBM)

11 Jul 2017 3 3 158
The small downtown of Thompson doesn't have many stores left. One of the banks was purchased by a gun store, so they call themselves The Gun Bank. The entrance has nice art deco glass tiles. Oh, and a bench. You can see the original bank's night deposit door just above the bench. I don't think that the bomb is anything they currently sell.

496 items in total