David G Johnson's photos

Into the sun..... A ''HFF'' to all - from Dj.

07 Feb 2022 42 36 234
An into the sun view across the Moss valley from Plumbleywood lane - south Sheffield. A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone - and 'good wishes' too - from David J.

A ''HFF'' to everyone.. and 'Good wishes' too.. fr…

27 Feb 2020 30 27 170
Remembering winter sunshine and blue skies... from two years ago - the delightful old town and region around - 'Nerja' - 'Andalucia'... February 2020. Have a good and ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone - from > David J.

A ''HFF'' and 'Good wishes' - to everyone..... f…

26 Jan 2022 35 30 209
A drop of sunshine peeks through the cloud - and adds a touch of warmth to the woodland walks around the 'Linacre reservoirs' - Chesterfield - Derbyshire. A happy fence Friday to everyone - from > David J. Thanks to all comments - I will reply to 'your' photo's ...... Dj.

Horse munching on it's Friday carrots'....

21 Jan 2022 17 18 188
Just for a change of theme ..... here's a local horse paddock.

A ''HFF'' to everyone - from, Dj.. The 'Hardwick…

20 Jan 2022 33 28 197
Glimpsed over the tree tops are the ruins of 'Old Hardwick hall' and ''Hardwick new hall'' After the violent collapse of her fourth marriage, Bess the 'Countess of Hardwick' fled from Chatsworth in 1584 to her family estate at Hardwick. she began to build Hardwick Old Hall in 1587. seen to the right in picture. Although the Old Hall is open to the elements, many of the original plaster overmantels are still in place. In 1590, before the Old Hall was complete, Bess started to build another house immediately beside it – the New Hall. Contrary to what might be expected, the Old Hall was not abandoned in favour of the new one: instead, the two were intended to complement each other, like two wings of one building.

A ''HFF'' to everyone - and 'Good wishes' too -…

03 Jul 2015 32 33 195
Memories of a warmer and sunnier time - than what we have at the moment - a photo from July 2015... this is a view from the summit of the 'Old town' Dubrovnik cable car.. down towards the newer built up region of 'Lapad'... and the distant islands of 'Kolocep' and 'Lopud'. Many thanks to all who take a look here... I will reply to 'your' photo's... // Dj. A ''Happy fence Friday'' to you all.... from .... David J.. UK.

A three photo stitch, via Lightroom.. to 'Darktabl…

02 Jan 2022 24 22 233
Spotted during a walk around local woodland and meadows...

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from…

16 Dec 2021 31 47 349
A view towards the village of 'Old Brampton' from the 'Linacre Reservoirs' the small length of fence in the centre distance.. is in fact a small bridge over a brook.

''A Happy fence Friday'' to all - and 'Good wishes…

29 Nov 2021 42 63 245
A scene from our short lived snow fall - 29th. November. Have a good and ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone - from > David J.

A ''HFF'' to everyone., from Dj.. Chesterfield..…

02 Dec 2021 31 41 206
The renowned ''Crooked spire' of 'Saint Mary and All Saints' ..The spire is twisted and leans 9 feet 6 inches (2.90 m) from its true centre. the lean has been ascribed to an absence of skilled craftsmen just 12 years after the Black Death, the use of unseasoned timber, or insufficient cross-bracing. The bend follows the direction of the sun and has been caused by heat expansion and a weight for which it was not designed.... [ Wiki ] A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone - and 'Good wishes' too - from > David J.

Chesterfield market.. Derbyshire,... where, not al…

02 Dec 2021 12 10 165
A small corner of the regular Chesterfield town centre market.

Footpaths and meadows.. known locally as.. ''The…

29 Nov 2021 20 26 180
A sloping meadow - 'The captain' a local area popular with walkers and fresh air fiends'... ''I live near here....... I have to..., our house is here.. and I like to live near it''.

A ''HFF'' to everyone.. and 'Good wishes' too.. fr…

25 Nov 2021 29 28 239
The old packhorse trail...[ pip ] known as 'Bridle stile' which led travellers - horses and goods - from Sheffield and if needed - eventually to London.. ''A good and ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone .... from > David J. Many 'thanks' to all visitors.... I will reply to 'your' photo's....

'Bridle stile' an old packhorse trail..

25 Nov 2021 5 113
The old packhorse route..featuring this weeks' HFF shot....[ pip ] now a well used pathway for today's more modern travellers.... stumbling along while staring into their phones;

Near the village of 'Ford' South Sheffield.

19 Nov 2021 12 22 176
A countryside walk.. no matter how much I called to the horses.. they were too happy munching the greenery to look up.

A ''HFF'' to everyone..... from Dj..... 'The roa…

04 Dec 2019 31 50 207
The access lane to 'Hardwick Hall' - 1597.. home of The 'Countess of Shrewsbury' Have a fine weekend - keep well - and a 'HFF' to everyone - from > David J.

Pinned... to a tree.

09 Nov 2021 7 16 135
An Ode to clouds................ Some days I just don't know what I'm wanting to be Lenticular or Mackerel or many others you may see some wish I would stay in the air and leave the sky blue not darken with some thunder with a flash of lighning or two but drifting across the sky is in my nature and my natural way as round the world with my weather patterns that I must change every day But my clouds must always fall somewhere as the earth has need my rain but between that will come the sunshine till my clouds come round again. A hundred times you may walk a path along with friends and have a laugh but there's always things that interests the like of you and me i would say and it's something to talk of as you wend your way you may pause a moment and to silence fall to identify a creatures distant call but the pause now tunes your ear to sound to the whispering of trees that are all around a rustle in the undergrowth or in fallen leaves as nothing is seen that our thought perceives was it just the wind or an animals track as you set of again with a quick look back a new stile awaits and all may change again but it's the country walk that will keep you sane. Poem by Ironmonger.

''A Happy fence Friday'' to all - and 'Good wishes…

02 Nov 2021 35 37 223
A cattle trough - a fence - a gate and Bella the Border Collie. Have a good 'Happy fence Friday' everyone..... from David J.

486 items in total