David G Johnson's photos

Ladybank wood,.. 9th.May 2023,. 'pip' 9th.May 2021

09 May 2023 8 9 86
Picture in picture shows a very similar looking scene - same day - two years previous.

'HFF' - trail footpath - Redmires dams.

02 May 2023 31 66 169
A seemingly pointless stone pillar - along a track close to the ''Redmires dams'' is one of three 'sighting towers' and used during construction of a 4.5 mile [ 7.24 KM ] tunnel deep below,. The tunnel was built 1903 - 1910 to distribute water by gravity from the 'Ladybower dam' to supplement the 'Rivelin dam',. over the full length the water falls by a mere 6 ft.6" / 198 cm..

HFF Linacre reservoirs, woodland trails.

26 Apr 2023 32 56 177
Walking the woodland paths at,. 'Linacre dams' near Chesterfield,. and another dull and cold day with no sign of any due Spring sunshine or blue skies....,.. Nevertheless,... Have a fine ''Happy fence Friday'' everyone and ''Good wishes'' from > David J.

The ever expanding hectares of rapeseed in the 'Mo…

22 Apr 2023 21 14 133
Some foliage is still lacking the greenery of Spring,.. but the many footpaths and tracks within the farmland of the Moss valley - are now gradually covering over with the summery colour of rapeseed.

HFF . the village of 'West Handley'

20 Apr 2023 29 58 166
Stone walls - fences and a horse,.. in 'West Handley' ,...Derbyshire.

Boat trips, Chesterfield canal..

15 Apr 2023 15 10 102
Spring greenery is showing through,.. As an addition to the previous photo - from April 16th. 2022 - here is a recent view from one of the available boat trips - a half hour each way - which includes a most interesting passage through one of the locks.

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from…

16 Apr 2022 37 60 170
One year on,. a photo from 16th. April 2022,. along the Chesterfield canal towpath.. and the distant 'Crooked spire' of the church of 'Saint Mary and all Saints' With a closer look at the spire below.

''A Happy fence Friday'' from the 'Moss valley' >…

Ye' old gate,.. featuring the world renowned blue…

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from…

16 Feb 2023 25 52 152
A quick sketch for this weeks' fence,.. featuring an irate bull. Have a good and ''Happy fence Friday'',..... from Dj.

A ''Happy bench Monday'' to everyone,. from Dj.

11 Feb 2023 28 50 189
An early evening view across the ''Great pond'' towards 'Hardwick Hall' built between 1590 and 1597 and the ''Hardwick old hall'' now under renovation - hence the white sheeting,. built 1587 to 1596 by Elizabeth Cavendish, Countess of Shrewsbury, known as Bess of Hardwick.

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from…

07 Feb 2023 34 50 197
An add on to the previous photo,..A minimal and distant fence here,.. this cutting is the continuation of an enbankment in order to maintain a gentle slope upwards - as this was once the railway track in order to bring goods out of the 'Moss valley' where once were , many small industries - mills - dams - mines - scythe and sickle works. A picture in picture - shows a more colourful lane - from May 2020.

Ye' olde' bridge - across Ye' olde' stream,.

07 Feb 2023 21 22 143
A low sun early evening shot of the well used old wooden bridge - which crosses the stream in the 'Moss valley' south Sheffield,.

A ''Happy fence Friday'' to everyone..... from…

02 Feb 2023 35 68 180
In the fine old market town of 'Chesterfield' - Derbyshire... the big screen suggests,.. .......''SMILE AT A STRANGER AND YOU JUST MIGHT CHANGE THEIR LIFE''....... ..........,I did,..... and he gave me a thumping,.. ! Just joking of course,.. so,. have a mighty fine and a ''Happy fence Friday''

''A Happy 'horse' fence Friday'' to all ... from >…

26 Jan 2023 36 52 204
Ooooh ! delicious !... along a local lane,.. a very contended looking horse,..,..munching on a handful of carrots.

Welcome to 2023,..

17 Jul 2019 24 45 201
Still used regularly today by walkers is this very old Packhorse Bridge which here crosses over 'Burbage brook' and the footpath continues onto the popular historically interesting landmarks of 'Carl Wark' and 'Higger tor' both seen here,. ''All the very best'' of ''Good wishes'' to everyone - here on Ipernity for the 'New year' 2023,.. and to all friends and everyone that 'you' know,... from .. > David J... UK.

A ''HFF'' for 2022,.. and 'Good wishes' from Dj.

29 Dec 2022 30 45 156
Ye' Olde' lanes - featuring Ye' Olde' windmill - and one of three modern wind turbines over the horizon. The scene blocking disc on the post is a traffic mirror, to enable motorists to 'see around corners' A Good and ''Happy new year'' for 2023 to everyone and the very best of 'Good wishes' too - from David J.

A ''Happy Christmas and new year'' to everyone -…

29 Nov 2021 31 45 218
A re-posted local photo'...from a snowy November 2021 - in order to wish everyone here on 'ipernity' all the very best of 'Good wishes' and for the coming new year too - from ..... David J...

485 items in total