Risa Profana's favorite articles

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  • 3 May 2024 - Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Summary of the General Assembly of Members. We thank all of you who attended the online meeting. Please refer to the separate article: 2024 IGA Report . We have a plan to simplify the voting process, without the need for emails with links to each PollUnit, while still having a secure voting system. 2) Meeting in the real world. Last weekend, numerous ipernity members went to Hamburg to meet face to face. See Hamburg 2024 group . With…

  • 2021-04-02 Club News

    For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The p…

  • Tumblr wird verkauft, Instagram missbraucht Nutzerdaten

    Aus den Tagesnachrichten vom 13. August 2019 : Verizon hat sich jetzt mit einem Milliardenverlust auch vom (kostenlosen) Fotodienst Tumblr getrennt: www.stern.de/digital/online/tumblr--yahoos-grosse-hoffnung-wird-fuer-3-millionen-dollar-verramscht-8846012.html Und bei Instagram ist ein großer Missbrauch von Nutzerinhalten aufgedeckt worden: www.zeit.de/digital/internet/2019-08/hyp3r-instagram-marketingfirma-datenmissbrauch-regelverstoss

  • 1948 - Die Geschichte einer Ledertasche [eo]

    Ledertasche von 1948
    [eo] Die Geschichte einer Ledertasche Ab 1946 fuhr ich jeden Wochentag - auch am Samstag - mit dem Fahrrad zum Gymnasium nach Paderborn. das waren hin und zurück etwa 20km. Meine Schultasche war aus dem damals bekannten ' Pappmasche' einem einigermaßen haltbaren Material. Alle Koffer waren daraus gemacht. Häufig riss der Griff ab, weil der Inhalt zu schwer war. Und so bat ich meine Mutter mehrmals: Ich brauche eine Schultasche aus Leder meine Pappmasche Tasche häl…

  • Almost forgotten ....

    I've just found somewhere in an old diary, an almost forgotten paper with some notes, written in 2014 .... "Sometimes it's hard to express ourselves but we have to try, at least ... however, beyond all words there is something More !!! Ode 314 Those who don't feel this Love pulling them like a river, those who don't drink dawn like a cup of spring water or take in sunset like supper, those who don't want to change, let them sleep. This Love is beyond the study of theology,…

  • A Thousand Strings ...

    Mamak Khadem "A Thousand Strings" هزار تار www.youtube.com/watch?v=9hG3yvT2B8I I find myself restless with thoughts of you night and day Head over heels for you night and day The heart and soul of lovers is summoned I surrender my heart and soul night and day Once your love awakened the music in me At times I play the harp, at times I play the taar, night and day You are the heart of my night and my day As I dwell in a state of longing night and day. در هوایت بی‌قرارم روز و شب…

  • 2017-04-26 ima Agreement

    == EN == Hi everyone, I've received today the final proposal from the IMA.... I replied I was ok to accept. Papers will be signed / sent tomorrow... I'm very affected by some of the comments I've seen on the last post,.. I've been doing my best and worked hard to let ipernity survive... I don't see many person who would have worked as much as I did, without any other interest to keep the service online. Kind Regards Christophe. == FR == Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai recu…

  • Ongoing issue : Possible fraud

    Hello, I'm sad to announce that we have a possible fraud artist in the donation of IMA crowdfunding for ipernity. It means that rather than almost 21k, we are at almost 18k which is still a great number in such a few day. IMA contacted Indigogo (who owns Generosity) to investigate the question. It doesn't mean that giving through Generosity isn't safe, simply that somebody stole credit card numbers somewhere and are using it to make donation for odd reasons. Please continue to par…

  • The end of the line for Point and Shoots?

    I probably couldn't articulate why this editorial disturbs me — and why now, when it contains so little that we haven't already sensed about the direction of things. But it does. "Some argue that compact cameras aren’t selling because smartphones take such good images now that there’s no need to carry a dedicated camera anymore — and that’s partially true. "But there’s another force at play here, too: Smartphones have fundamentally changed why we take photographs. "Photographs used to b…

  • alte Schätze - neu entdeckt

    Ein lang gehegter Wunsch ist in Erfüllung gegangen: die alten Fotos meiner Familie zu digitalisieren.

  • Shooting old stones in the Selfie-age

    Since days I am editing the photos of ancient cities from my last trip. Stones, stones, trees, very old stones, very old trees... Now I've stopped with a question in my mind. If I close my eyes I can see it: It is written on various languages on stones and wood and was getting bigger and bigger: Is it insane to shoot two thousand years old stones in the Selfie-age? Is it something like shooting dead bodys instead of living creatures? So a kind of a runaway from the actual reality? Where is the r…

  • 17 de - Horizonte - Traum oder Wirklichkeit - 17. Teil - Wer und Was Bin Ich - eo fr en es it rus

    Blumen beim Nachbarn - floroj ĉe la najbaro
    Diesen Artikel veröffentlichte ich bei Ipernity am 26.11.2012 eo - f r - en - it - es - rus - 17 - Horizonte - Traum oder Wirklichkeit ? Wer und Was bin ich ? -1- Nina und Nino bei Alina und Alino Ah - da sitzen sie in der Sonne vor dem Haus - - Alina - Alino - Nina - Nino -…

  • Helpful Guide for Refugees From Flickr

    String of Water Pearls on a Rose Leaf [EXPLORE] #5!! TYVM!
    It's been a couple of months now since Flickr exploded, and there are still plenty of people who are moving to ipernity. I'm one of them, and after joining ipernity back in May, I can safely say that my home here is every bit as rewarding as it was back on Flickr...but it's even better! :) The mere idea of moving to a new home seemed like an impossible task, but I found out that it's very easy to transfer your pictures--even if you have thousands of images--and you can also transfer your alb…

  • Pod Sisters & Cyber Brothers, I Salute You!

    124/365: "Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm." ~ Augustine Birrell [Explore to #6!]
    One of the nicest things about online photography sites like ipernity is how it brings us all together into a close-knit community of like-minded friends. Flickr was my first online photography home and as I began to become a better photographer, I also made new friends. As important as it is to take pictures, it's also very important to look at other people's photography for inspiration, instruction, and often to see the world in a completely different way. Part of my daily routine (unless I…

  • Jagd auf Edward Snowden

    http://www.nachdenkseiten.de/?p=17738 Aufgrund der tendeziösen und manipulativen Berichterstattung in westlichen Medien ist es wohltuend, dass es "Nachdenkseiten" gibt.