Risa Profana's groups

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Public groups in which Risa Profana is an administrator
18 groups in total

  • Illustrated Songs

    Illustrated Songs

    Created 11 years ago

    Visual representation (painting, collage, photography, video) of songs or music. For the sake of knowledge and enjoyment of the other members of the group, please add a reference (in text, link or extension) to the piece of music or musician that inspired you. *** Representación visual de canciones o música. Por el bien del conocimiento y disfrute de los demás miembros del grupo, por favor agrega una referencia (en forma de texto, enlace o extensión) a la pieza musical o músico, que te inspir…

  • Printmaking


    Created 11 years ago

    Art prints made by you. All printmaking techniques welcome including: Woodcuts, linocuts, wood engraving, etchings, potato prints, rubber stamps, footprints in the snow, engravings, lithographs, offset, silkscreen, pochoir, monotypes, monoprints, collagraphs etc.

  • Assemblage


    Created 11 years ago

    Three- dimensional artistic compositions, putting together found objects. Static or with movement. "The important thing to know about assemblage is that it is "supposed" to be three-dimensional and different from collage, which is "supposed" to be two-dimensional (though both are similarly eclectic in nature and composition). But! There's a really fine, nearly invisible line between between a bulky, multi-layered collage and an assemblage done in extremely shallow relief. In this large, grey ar…

  • Vintage Postcards

    Vintage Postcards

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for *your* collection of vintage postcards, not for postcards you have found from around the web. Anything up to 1970!

  • Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Creativities : of Arts, Crafts & Photo's

    Created 11 years ago

    We allow any kind of art, crafts, photo-manipulations, doll photos,doll making, good photo scenes/subjects, and historical images in an inclusive mix of creativities. Keep it tasteful, creative, and no porn. Anyone who wants to describe how you create your stuff GO ahead, inform us all please. Group Administration will be within Ipernity's current publically available rules on no spam-links or other types of Group back-links on poster's comments that may irritate them. Creativities Group Rule…

  • Animals in your Art

    Animals in your Art

    Created 11 years ago

    pets, insects, wild animals, animals in zoos... watercolor, ink, pencil... drawings and paintings from life or your imagination, no photos please. A story behind is much appreciated.

  • Psychology of the "figurative" in Art

    Psychology of the "figurative" in Art

    Created 11 years ago

    painting, drawing, photo, sculpture...etc. Psychologically compelling works using form and / or expression. Thank you!

  • All art is infested by other art

    All art is infested by other art

    Created 11 years ago

    "All art is infested by other art" (Leo Steinberg, Art about Art, 1979) Pictorial allusions

  • my funny animals

    my funny animals

    Created 11 years ago

    pictures of funny animals. NO PHOTO.

  • Birds in your art

    Birds in your art

    Created 11 years ago

    Drawings, paintings, collage, or abstract designs of real or imagined birds. No photographs unless part of a collage.

  • Pastels only

    Pastels only

    Created 11 years ago

    Chalk pastels, oil pastels, but... pastels only.

  • sketchbooks


    Created 11 years ago

    share your sketchbook pages. I'm going travelling a lot this year and will not be able to do much in the way of administration. If anybody else would like to take over the group or be joint administrator please contact me. Peter.

  • Artist Trading Cards

    Artist Trading Cards

    Created 11 years ago

    Add artists cards that you have made or from your collection. Work can be current or older. Feel free to trade them if you so desire. Just be sure to write that they are available for trade in the description. All work must be 2.5 inches by 3.5 inches. Any other formats will be removed from the pool.

  • sketch and studio thingies

    sketch and studio thingies

    Created 11 years ago

    Show us what art supplies you use to do what you do. Please do not upload images of artwork without showing any materials. Drawings, paintings, and other creative images of your art thingies are also welcome.

  • Those White Plastic Chairs!

    Those White Plastic Chairs!

    Created 11 years ago

    You know the ones. Your uncle has one growing algae on his back porch. You stick to them at your friends\' barbequeues in the summertime. They hide in sheds and garages everywhere. So bring 'em out! (from the fl*ckr group by the same name, started by streunerin .) photos, drawings, videos all allowed

  • Arte abstracto

    Arte abstracto

    Created 11 years ago

    Serà considerat com a art abstracte aquella imatge que proposi una nova relitat en major o menor mesura diferent de la natural. Abstrakta arto estas konsiderata kiel bildo kiu proponas novan realeco al pli granda aŭ malgranda mezuro ol la natura.

  • Paper collage using maps

    Paper collage using maps

    Created 11 years ago

    This group is for paper scissors artists using maps in their collages.

  • Monotypes


    Created 11 years ago

    Show and share monotypes, monoprints. Please add the kind of matrix, ink and surface to the description.

Public groups in which Risa Profana is a member
49 groups in total