(Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.)

Dear members and friends of ipernity,
1) Last Sunday, March 29, 2021, the Ipernity General Assembly 2021 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2020. The proposed amendment of the Association's Statutes and the proposed increase in membership contributions were approved by substantial majorities.
2) The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results:
● Agenda of the Assembly.
● Activity report of the Association's Board for the year 2020.
● Report of the Treasurer for the year 2020.
● Audited and confirmed Annual Financial Statement for the year 2020.
● Minutes of the Assembly.
● The newly elected Board of the Association.
● Amended Statutes of the Association.
● New membership contributions as of April 1, 2021.
3) We kindly ask you to read the amended Statutes carefully because they describe your rights and duties as a member of our Association. We will be pleased to answer any questions you may have.
4) If the Statutes are not provided in your mother tongue, we suggest that you read them with the help of a machine translator. We recommend DeepL Translator because it produces the best translation quality.
5) The agreed increases in membership contributions shall apply from 1 April 2021. Article V, Section 4, of the amended Statutes will apply only to membership contribution payments made on or after April 1, 2021.
6) Finally, we would like to thank the departing Board members Eric Desjours (President) and Rob Stamp (Technical Supervisor), as well as the departing advisors Sami Serola (IT issues) and Christian Bucher (privacy issues) for their tireless, dedicated work and excellent achievements. Each of them stepped up in helping ot operate our website as reliable as possible and in to improve the user experience constantly. We very much regret their departure, but respect their personal decision.
We look forward to serving you as the new Association Board and appreciate the trust you have placed in us. Despite the adversity and restrictions because of the COVID pandemic, we wish you a Happy Easter and a safe, healthy and prosperous Spring/Autumn season ahead depending on where you live.
Your 'new' ima team
Bernhard, Laura, Stefan and William
We are trying to reduce our workload with this edition of the News. The machine translations by DeepL are now of such high quality that neither the preference for a few languages can be justified, nor the high effort to format several versions. We ask for your understanding.
Roger Dodger has replied to Andy Rodker clubwishing a Happy Easter to all . . . bev
Have a Happy Easter!
Deepl funktioniert hervorragend!
à la nouvelle équipe d'IMA
et déjà merci pour votre travail
an dieser Stelle einen ganz persönlich herzlichen Dank für die unkomplizierte, hervorragende Zusammenarbeit. So ein entspanntes Miteinander im Team habe ich im Berufsleben nie erlebt. Ich denke, es liegt an der Freiwilligkeit, mit der wir zusammen waren. Dies erleben zu dürfen, war ein großes Geschenk. Danke dafür.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Bergfex clubIt has been a pleasure to work with you. And I am sure we are still going to work for ipernity together. Doing my best to be an active member of our photo club ;-)
Eric Desjours club has replied to Bergfex clubL'ambiance et l'état d'esprit furent en effet propice à un travail sérieux et durable. Et favorable à un investissement rare, je confirme.
Je te remercie également très sincèrement, comme tous les membres de l'équipe qui se sont relayés et impliqués depuis le début.
Je ne doute pas que la nouvelle équipe soit déjà portée par un élan aussi prometteur et soit tout autant motivée et compétente.
Bonne chance à toi, à vous tous, et à notre cher site !
Eric Desjours club has replied to William Sutherland clubBon courage dans tes nouvelles fonctions !
Et, surtout, porte-toi bien.
I wish all a happy and safe Easter.
Herzlichen Dank auch dem "Rest" des alten Vorstandes und Danke an alle die sich jetzt neu hier eingeben.
Viel Erfolg und alles Gute.
And welcome to the new board!
And for the effort!
Marja Savonije has replied to William Sutherland clubJ.Garcia club has replied to William Sutherland clubTeam club has replied to HaarFager clubWe recommend you to read the Statutes of our Association, of which you have become a member through your declared membership. In Article V you will find all the information about the nature of your membership and the dues.
Furthermore we recommend that you keep reading the Club News. The topic in question was dealt with in great detail there on March 12, 2021. The underlying calculation was given to all participants of the General Assembly from March 11,2021. The exchange rate conversions were announced on March 19, 2021. The increase was discussed in the General Assembly on March 28, 2021. We recommend reading the minutes of the meeting, too.
In summary: The increase is the unanimous will of the General Assembly of Members in order to be able to finance the increasing maintenance costs and all measures to secure the future of our website.
HaarFager club has replied to Team clubBergfex club has replied to HaarFager clubFeel free to take a look at the costs. They are no secret: Ipernity Annual Financial Statements 2021
HaarFager club has replied to Bergfex clubPrenez soin de vous et restez en bonne santé.
Have a nice day!
Team club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubSign-in to write a comment.