Hervé S.'s favorite articles

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  • Newly Elected Board - April 7th, 2024

    Executive Board (elected by the Ipernity General Assembly on March 25, 2023 and April 7, 2024) William Sutherland , United States, President Corinne Pommerell , Luxemburg, Treasurer Rob Stamp , United Kingdom, Webmaster Laura Fletcher , United States, Moderator Executive Assistants ( appointed by the Executive Board in accordance with ARTICLE VII,10 of the IMA Statutes ) Helena-Paule Fitoussi , France (hotline, spam removal) Stefan Roßkopf , Germany (IT) S…

  • 2023-02-03 Club News

    Dear members and friends of ipernity, 1) Website update: Improved album listing when uploading. Until now, if you wanted to put a photo into one of your albums, it was often difficult to find this. This was because your albums were previously displayed based on the order in which they were created, with the most recent albums on top (see the following illustration, left-hand). In addition, the list was limited to fifty albums. This limit was expandable, but it was cumbersome. The d…

  • Time for a breath of fresh air

    Dear club members, dear friends, In 2017, when I was asked by William Sutherland and Lutz Petersen to help save ipernity from shipwreck, I had just turned 65. I felt too young and energetic for a tranquil retirement. So I went for it, knowing well that it would be a challenging venture full of uncertainties because no one on the founding team was a qualified IT professional. But volunteering for a worthwhile non-profit project appealed to me, and as a passionate mountaineer I was used to hand…

  • Terms of Membership (as of January 19, 2021)

    ⏩ previous version (for comparison) Terms of Membership 1. Name and address of the association The contracting party is the Ipernity Members Association (IMA), a non-commercial association under French law with its headquarters at 16 rue Marie Gausson, 94350 Villiers-sur-Marne, France, registered at the Sous-préfecture de Nogent-sur-Marne, 4 Avenue de Lattre de Tassigny Cedex, 94735 Nogent-sur-Marne, France, under no. W942006250. 2. Membership By paying the chosen…

  • 2020-01-10 Newsflash

    Alexa Rank ipernity as of January 9, 2020
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) For playing video or audio files, ipernity has meanwhile been upgraded to modern, secure HTML5 elements. However, at this time, files embedded in blogs do still need Adobe Flash Player. 2) While this modernization went off without a hitch, another one had an unexpected side effect: In the blog editor, the “Insert a media” option no longer gives access to your content. Until this bug is fixed we recommend an alternative method . We apolog…

  • 2019-03-01 Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2019

    Agenda of the Ipernity General Assembly 2019 ./. Ordre du jour de l'Assemblée Générale d'Ipernity 2019 ./. Tagesordnung der ipernity-Mitglieder-Generalversammlung 2019

  • 2019-01-01 Happy New Year!

    [Deutsch] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715936 [Français] www.ipernity.com/blog/team/4715938 Report of the advisors Happy New Year! Dear members and friends of ipernity! In December two years ago we received the bad news that the "eternity" of ipernity should be over after only 10 years of operation. Today, ipernity still exists - thanks to your commitment and loyalty, as well as the great commitment of some volunteers who are active as ima-Team for ipernity. As consul…

  • Train with all the sad tears

    When I was still a little boy, I liked to spend summer holiday in a college where a friend of my family worked. My holiday overlapped the graduation season, and I always followed the friend to rail station, seeing his students off for their first jobs. I can never forget the scenes. Everyone was weeping, hugging each other. Some ran after the train on which their lovers were while crying. It's a heartbreaking picture. Those young people have enough reason to cry, because they might never meet…

  • 2017-04-26 ima Agreement

    == EN == Hi everyone, I've received today the final proposal from the IMA.... I replied I was ok to accept. Papers will be signed / sent tomorrow... I'm very affected by some of the comments I've seen on the last post,.. I've been doing my best and worked hard to let ipernity survive... I don't see many person who would have worked as much as I did, without any other interest to keep the service online. Kind Regards Christophe. == FR == Bonjour tout le monde, J'ai recu…

  • 1 Mars 2017 [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, What is going on in ipernity ? We are patiently waiting for IMA to makes their proposal. Once it will be set, the negotiations will get started. They have officially registered the association to the French office. They are waiting for the paper to come back. If you do not have seen it yet, they published their Bylaws : ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/bylaws (English) ipernityma.wixsite.com/ipernityma/copy-of-bylaws (French) ipernityma.wixsite.c…

  • 2017, NEW PERSPECTIVES ... [EN] [FR]

    [EN] Hello to you all, The ipernity team presents to you all our very best wishes for the new year! Since the announcement of ipernity’s shutdown, we received many proposals and messages of support either from users and businesses. With the help of several community members, especially Claus-Peter , Paul ( autofantasia ), Eric Desjours , and, William Sutherland , the idea that ipernity could be managed by the community has made its way and seems to be the most realistic solution.…

  • Pour vous répondre [FR]

    The English version is now available here .

  • A complementary information [EN]

    La version française est disponible ici .

  • FRESH NEWS [EN] + [FR]

    A little feedback and a welcome to a new member of the team.

  • My First Year as an Ipernity Club Member

    As I head out to China, a few quick thoughts on my first year at Ipernity. Yes, it has been a year since I joined the Ipernity Club. Time seems to have passed so quickly that it is difficult to believe that it actually has been a year. Overall, my experience has been a rewarding one. The combination of an evolving and dynamic community of photographers and a responsive Ipernity team have created an environment that is conducive to personal growth as a photographer, building and sustaining rel…