Gregory Garrett's favorite articles
⚠️ New Photo Replace Feature
[New as of April 2022, latest minor edit to instructions August 2023] Since the native replace feature of our website no longer works for all file types, we are offering you an alternative replace function for photos today. How does it work? Short, summary version: - find the old picture, set it to 'private' and copy the picture number, - upload the new image, set it to 'private', click 'Replace', - paste the number of the old picture and start the process. In detail: ❶…
2023 IGA Report
Dear members and friends of ipernity, Last Saturday, March 25th, 2023 the Ipernity General Assembly 2023 took place. The previous Board of our Association was discharged for its activities in 2022. The following links provide information on the course of the Assembly and the results: ● Agenda of the 2023 IGA ● Participants in the 2023 IGA ● President's report on 2022 ● Treasurer's report on 2022 ● Annual financial report for 2022 ● Minutes of the 2023 IGA…
Merry Christmas 2022
For other languages: ipernity members may use the integrated translator at the end of this article. (Visitors: Please use DeepL Translator or install an add-on that suits your browser.) Dear members and friends of ipernity, As the year is ending we are grateful for all the time, energy and kindness you give to our photographic community. Your loyalty and dedication warms our hearts. Thank you so much for being part of ipernity. This year we would like to inv…
New Club Members - most recent
Manuel Wesser ← publicly active Allen Smith Horst Kostka ← publicly active Wolfgang Werel ← publicly active Min Li DBZ67 ← publicly active Reto Previtali ← publicly active Herr Schmidt ← publicly active Christiane ← publicly active Roland Röseler ← publicly active Klaus Fenzl ← publicly active Sylvie Wittmann ← publicly active Stefan Lattermann ← publicly active Susan Miller-king ← publicly active Roland Clark ←…
My Meccano and Me
For boys born before 1960, Meccano was as memorable a part of childhood as school or Christmas. Invented in 1901 by Frank Hornby, and produced in Liverpool for over 70 years, it is said to have engendered generations of engineers, the very backbone of Britain’s industrial greatness. The Meccano Guild, open to boys across the Empire, rivalled the Scout movement in promoting clean living and wholesome pursuits, Meccano in particular. In its heyday in the 1930’s, the company had agencies in 36 c…
Was bedeutet Naturismus?
Naturismus: Auszug aus Wikipedia: Nacktheit als Normalität: gemeinsam nackt sein in Natur und Freizeit als das Grundprinzip der Freikörperkultur. Die Freikörperkultur (als Abkürzung: FKK, teilweise synonym mit dem älteren Begriff Nacktkultur sowie den international üblichen Begriffen Naturismus und Nudismus) bezeichnet die gemeinschaftliche (oder auch die einzelne*) Nacktheit aller Geschlechter in Freizeit, Sport und Alltag. Anliegen ist dabei die Freude am Erlebnis der Natur, am Nacktsei…
de - Mein 90. Geburtstag - [en eo fr nl es it rus]
[en eo fr nl es it rus] 1 Mein 90. Geburtstag Am 21.01.2022 war er endlich gekommen. Ich war gesund. Am Samstag, den 22.01. durften wir den Geburtstag feiern. Mein Haus war geräumig genug. Meine 3 Kinder - 2 Schwiegersöhne 1 Schwiegertochter und ebenfalls alle 10 Enkelkinder waren da. Wie angenehm ich brauchte mich um nichts zu kümmern. Der Tag verlief friedlich und ha…
Kleine Eiche
Die Herkunft meines Geburtsnamens Lilleike ist ungeklärt. Mein Vater Kurt Lilleike berichtete, dass einer seiner Lehrer vermutet habe, der Name könnte kleine Eiche (lill eike) bedeuten und während des Dreißigjährigen Krieges aus Schweden nach Ostpreußen gekommen sein. Die Ahnenrecherche meines Vaters reichte nicht weiter zurück als bis ins 18. Jahrhundert und nicht über die Grenzen Ostpreußens hinaus, mal abgesehen von einem kleinen Zweig, der nach Südafrika gegangen ist. Seit wann Eichen…
Bereaved - In memorium
In the wee small hours of 7th January 2019, my wonderful father died. May his katra Rest In Peace. ~~~~ 7th January 2025 - Another year has passed, and I still miss my father - sometimes much more than others. I woke up in the early hours this morning. Birthday memories ... 23rd March 2024 - where have the past five years gone ? they went past in what seems to have been a brief flash, on waking this morning I didn't feel quite as bereft as I usually do at this time of year. Sleep well Patro, I miss you ! e2aa - Somewhat similar to what happened last year, four years seems to have passed in a brief flash and this morning I felt the loss very keenly. E2A - This morning I awoke to feelings that the last three years seem like yesterday, not that I slept particularly well. [This is a very personal sense of loss and I am not decrying all the suffering and deaths from the pandemic, quite the opposite] I typed my first version of this before dawn on 7th Jan 2022, deleted it and tried again. My Late Mother would have reached her century on 29th September 2024, and she died on 8th July 1982, after a long struggle with having a defective heart valve. It would have been his 103rd birthday on 23rd March 2022 (1919 to 2019) and I doubt he would have managed to get to 104 [23rd March 2023] ... I miss them both, so very much. It's my birthday on 6th September, and despite everything that always brings the sense of loss back. Father's Day in the UK on 18th June 2023. Always a sad day, I miss the opportunity to send himself some bad esperanto in an humourous card. ~~~~ this links to an image in my photos entitled "CAS - esperantist" (which was in the Ipernity Frontpage and What's Hot group on 3rd March 2019)
Mouse-over effect for small images
We have added a new feature for users with Standard (or Plus) Club membership. When viewing photos with the 'small' option (where the images are all cropped to square), there is now a mouse-over effect that shows the 240 pixel image. This allows you to see a larger uncropped preview of the image before deciding to visit the photo page. Just like the popup when you mouse-over a user's name, there is a short delay to avoid the annoyance of having a popup whenever the mouse goes over an image…
2017 - Ermutigung und Trost - [de - eo - en - fr - es - port - it - nl - pol - rus - jap - cn ]
free translations with Deeple Ermutigung und Trost Aus "Ein unerwartets Gespräch mit Gott das Erwachen der Menschheit" von Neale Donald Walsch Seite270/271 .............................................. » Was mich wieder einmal veranlasst, dir zu versichern, was ich dir schon oft gesagt habe: Du bist vollkommen. Du bist so, wie du bist, vollkommen So, wie du nichts als Schönheit und Vollkommenheit in einem einen Tag alten Neugeborenen, einem eine Woche alten…
2017-12-31 Happy New Year 2018
[EN] Against all odds A year–end message from the ima–Team It was in December 2016 when the founder and CEO of Ipernity S.A., Christophe Ruelle, announced the closing of the platform by January 2017. (1) It’s now the end of 2017 and ipernity is still online. What happened? Of course, members were scared, disappointed and started looking for alternatives to Ipernity. But true alternatives were (and are) hard to find. Quite a bunch of users moved over to flickr – bu…
Tja. Und nun? Quo vadis, ipernity?!
Was macht man nach 9 Jahren ipernity? Ich wollte gerade meinen Clubaccount ein weiteres Mal um 24 Monate verlängern, und sehe nun, dass nur noch die Wahl zwischen 3 oder 3 Monaten (mit einem kleinen Rabatt, dann nehme ich doch die drei Monate?!?) besteht, wundere mich, und lese dann im Teamblog die ätzenden Nachrichten.
BE CAREFUL: a spammer usurps christophe ruelle's identity
(EN) For few days, christophe Ruelle's false accounts are created. These are SPAM. If you receive a message telling that you won the ipernity lottery, ignore it and contact us immediately. We'll destroy this account. Everyday, we check all new users to avoid this situation but it's not always enough...:( We apologize for this inconvenience. The ipernity team ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (FR) AT…
We are moving to a new cloud
[EN] Dear friends Just to let you know that we are currently moving our technical platform to a new and powerful cloud. This is an important step to make ipernity faster and more scalable. We could not wait anymore, so this project started on September and will last until mid-December. In the mean time, bug fixing had to be interrupted. That's the reason why some known problems still occur (black videos, private thumbs in news pages, Picasa uploading...). But be sure they will be fixed as…
[EN] Some news for the New Year :)
Hello all, The entire ipernity Team whishes you all the best for this new year. We hope you have started 2014 very cheerfully! Here is some quick news to let you know what is going on and the different types of projects that we are currently working on: - safe surf : a safe mode is going to be available in a few weeks. This navigation mode will prevent you from seeing inappropriate content especially if you surf with your family. We will get back to you on this very soon. -activat…
How To Move The Position of Your Pictures in Your Stream
How many times has it happened to you that you've uploaded some pictures but they're not in the order you wanted? And then you can't figure out how to change the position, and you don't even know if it's possible to do? HOW FRUSTRATING!! ARGH!!! Trust me, I've been's totally annoying! The good news is that you can change the order of your pictures easily once you understand how it works. This is how to do it: 1. Choose "Organize" at the top of the screen to the right of the…
Things I've learned from having a heart attack
Here are just a few things that I believe I've learned from my recent heart attack. While I feel great (best I've felt in about ten years), I guess it's time I stop and reflect about what's just happened to me. Two weeks ago, I could have told you I was in perfect health and didn't take any medications. The fact is, you "are what you eat." I've been consuming greasy fast-food for probably close to 37 years now (since I left home in my early 20's), and it finally caught up with me. Watch y…
Helpful Guide for Refugees From Flickr
It's been a couple of months now since Flickr exploded, and there are still plenty of people who are moving to ipernity. I'm one of them, and after joining ipernity back in May, I can safely say that my home here is every bit as rewarding as it was back on Flickr...but it's even better! :) The mere idea of moving to a new home seemed like an impossible task, but I found out that it's very easy to transfer your pictures--even if you have thousands of images--and you can also transfer your alb…
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