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  • 2019-11-08 Newsflash

    Newsflash 2019-11-10 Pic1 [EN]
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! For the final realization of the Basic subscription and the Trial subscription (see: summary of subscription options ), it was necessary to adjust the existing booking and payment processes accordingly. All these options are now fully implemented, tested and active . The following applies: 1) A new subscription can only be booked by holders of a Guest account. 2) First of all, only the 3-month free Trial Standard subscription can…

  • 2019-05-31 Newsflash

    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) The final statement of the fundraising for the reprogramming of ipernity is now available. 75 club members and 145 "free" users participated. The sum of the raised capital amounts to 17,114 EUR (57% of 30,000 EUR). Therefore the reprogramming cannot yet be commissioned as planned. 2) Before we consider external funding opportunities, we would like to address those club members who have not participated to date, although they would be econom…

  • 2019-05-17 Newsflash

    Paying ipernity users
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) On Wednesday our fundraising campaign for the reprogramming finished. Despite the dedicated participation of 75 club members, who contributed the majority of the funds, the result of 16,745 EUR (56%) stayed far below the required amount of 30,000 EUR. The ima team will now discuss how to proceed. 2) Unfortunately, the participation of "free" users was far below expectations. Nevertheless, we would like to thank all those who donated som…

  • 2018-11-30 Newsflash

    ipernity Subscription Packages
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1. Tomorrow the meteorological winter begins. Therefore we have switched the ipernity front page to "winter operation". Once again, we would like to thank the photographers who contributed with their pictures to create a versatile collection. 2. In order to disturb the ongoing operation as little as possible, the cleaning of the database was switched to individual account processing. To be on the safe side, each individual account history is…

  • 2018-11-23 Newsflash

    New Subscription Packages
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1) After having weighed all requests for changes made by the Community with regard to the new ipernity tariff structure, today we present you a revised proposal. It is intended to make this structure official by November 30, 2018, after a final fine-tuning, if necessary, so that Flickr and Google+ users who are willing to move will be able to find out what to expect from ipernity. 2) We aim to implement the new tariff structure…

  • 2018-11-16 Newsflash

    New Membership Model (draft)
    [EN] Dear members and friends of ipernity! 1 ) During the last two weeks Ipernity's performance was unfortunately not always as good as it should have been. The reasons were explained in the comments to the last Newsflash. In the meantime, various technical and organizational measures have been taken to recover the usual performance. 2.1 ) There are always requests about the warnings of modern browsers that ipernity is not safe. We would therefore like to point out again that ipern…