Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) After having weighed all requests for changes made by the Community with regard to the new ipernity tariff structure, today we present you a revised proposal. It is intended to make this structure official by November 30, 2018, after a final fine-tuning, if necessary, so that Flickr and Google+ users who are willing to move will be able to find out what to expect from ipernity.
3) With regard to the future maximum premium storage quota of 100 Gibabyte, we will contact the 42 affected users directly. It is advisable that those affected consider before April 1, 2019 what content could possibly be dispensable or compressible so that the additional costs do not become too high.
4) In the discussion, it was often pointed out that in the future we will have to put much more emphasis on what makes us unique as a fellowship. We would like to ask you to help us gather the relevant aspects by using the brainstorming comments. So tell us please: "What is so unique about ipernity for you?"
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Après avoir examiné toutes vos demandes de modification de notre nouveau barème tarifaire, nous vous en présentons aujourd'hui une proposition révisée.
Il est prévu d’officialiser ce barème d'ici le 30 novembre 2018 après une dernière mise au point si nécessaire, afin que les utilisateurs de Flickr et de Google+ qui sont prêts à migrer sachent à quoi s’en tenir avec ipernity.
3) En ce qui concerne le futur quota premium maximum de stockage de 100 giga-octets, nous contacterons directement les 42 utilisateurs concernés. Il est souhaitable que ces personnes réfléchissent avant le 1er avril 2019 au contenu qui leur est vraiment indispensable et à celui qui est compressible, afin de minimiser les coûts additionnels.
4) Au cours de la discussion sur le barème tarifaire, il a souvent été souligné qu'à l'avenir nous devrons mettre beaucoup plus l’accent sur ce qui rend notre communauté unique. Nous aimerions vous demander de nous aider à rassembler les points de vue les plus pertinents via vos commentaires alimentant le brainstorming. En bref, faîtes-nous part de votre feeling : "Qu'est-ce qui vous semble si unique concernant ipernity ?"
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Nachdem wir alle Änderungswünsche gegeneinander abgewogen haben, die von der Gemeinschaft im Hinblick auf die zukünftige ipernity-Tarifstruktur gemacht wurden, stellen wir euch heute einen überarbeiteten Vorschlag vor. Es ist geplant, diese Struktur - nach einem eventuellen letzten Feintuning - zum 30. November 2018 in Kraft zu setzen, damit wechselwillige Nutzer von Flickr und Google+ sich orientieren können, was sie bei ipernity erwartet.
2) Wir streben an, die neue Tarifstruktur bis zum 31. März 2019 in unsere Website zu implementieren. Für bestehende Accounts wird es angemessene Übergangsregelungen geben. Club-Mitglieder sollen Vertrauensschutz genießen. Als Stichtag wird der 01. April 2019 festgelegt. Danach werden Club-Abonnements nur noch zu den Bedingungen der premium-Tarifgruppe verlängert.
3) Im Hinblick auf das zukünftige maximale premium-Speicherplatzkontingent von 100 Gibabyte werden wir uns mit den 42 betroffenen Nutzern direkt in Verbindung setzen. Es ist ratsam, dass sich die Betroffenen schon vor dem 01. April 2019 Gedanken darüber zu machen, welche Inhalte möglicherweise verzichtbar oder komprimierbar sein könnten, damit die Zusatzkosten nicht zu hoch werden.
4) In der Diskussion wurde vielfach darauf hingewiesen, dass wir zukünftig viel stärker betonen müssen, was uns als Gemeinschaft einzigartig macht. Wir möchten euch bitten, uns zu helfen, die entsprechenden Aspekte zusammenzutragen, indem ihr die Kommentare zu einem diesbezüglichen Brainstorming nutzt. Sag uns bitte:
"Was ist für Dich das Besondere an ipernity?"
Euer ima-Team
HappySnapper has replied to Manu clubTeam club has replied to Manu clubFrench and German translation of the chart will follow tomorrow!
Team club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Team club* ઇଓ * club has addedThe most essential thing has already been mentioned by other members (non-commercial platform in self-administration of the members)
I would therefore just like to add the following:
1st ipernity is a vibrant, individual community with an exceptionally dedicated leadership team.
2nd Promotion of community responsibility in democratic processes by the ima team.
3rd If necessary, personal sympathy and care of the members among each other.
4th The existing usage possibilities for club members - and last but not least fair prices.
This small list can be extended almost arbitrarily with regard to lovable details, which I would like to omit for space reasons.
However, the complete elimination of ipernity's previous usage options for non-paying members is currently giving me considerable headaches, even though I understand the necessity of this painful decision.
So I hope that many of the previous non-paying members will at least take advantage of the thoroughly accommodating economic offer and thus contribute their part to the continuation and further development of ipernity, as ipernity/ima does neither use their content nor their data to cover various costs as a substitute.
That it's owned by its members.
taon asked to keep up the non paying ("free") accounts with more options for publishing content and participating in the community life.
On the one hand I do understand this demand and I feel the same. I know that there are people who can't afford a membership.
On the other hand I do see the figures: Non paying accounts create no revenue but costs. The sales are enough to keep ipernity running as it is. But it is not enough to do all the necessary and wanted updates. Ipernity will not crash, but in a changing environment it will slowly run out of reserves and options to adapt to.
How can this dilemma be solved? Personally I've got no problem at all to cross-finance non paying members and so do many others as expressed in the discussions.
Unfortunately AWS does not accept generosity but only dollars. A relation of some 1300 paying members financing some 19000 non paying members will not work in the long run. Ipernity will
subside slowly - not tomorrow and not 2019, but maybe 2021.
It is impossible (regarding both working time and feasibility) to check every non paying user's need for a sponsored account.
I have got no idea but to believe in honesty and to hope that thousands of non paying users will sign a subscription. But there is a voice somewhere deep inside telling me: Forget about it.
I have really no idea. I see the figures, I know what we need to do in the future and I have a feeling and willing of granting everybody participation in social life. Unfortunately I see the problems ipernity had some years ago will rise up again.
To make it clearer: The club members create a revenue of 54.000 € per annum. To do all the improvements 1) we (the users) would like to do and 2) which are urgent to keep up the perfomance we should have 100.000 € (better 120.000 as the costs will rise in proportion with the number of users) p.a. to buy IT servicess required and cover the running costs.
In other words: We should have minimum 2500 (premium) club members or 5000 economy club members. That would be sufficient to keep up a "free" membership as it is.
If we do not get this number of supporting members by (let's say) march 2019 we have to cut down the free memberships to the above mentioned guest status.
Has anybody an idea how to finance non paying users at a level they do have now? Or an idea how to tell the really needy non paying users from the not needy ones?
Please make suggestions.
Jaap made the proposal to take 2,50 € from every "free" user - that would create almost 50.000 € additional income. But is it feasible? Will all of them contribute? Are there any other suggestions?
William Sutherland club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubRight now, I think the fine tuning is the best approach. Members suggestions were taken into account enabling Explore for economy, unlimited blogs for economy and access to the help line for economy. Of course to compensate, guest accounts have to be limited since cost recovery is needed somewhere.
Last, what makes Ipernity unique to me is:
1. Smaller size allowing for greater exposure and a friendlier community where people get to know each other.
2. The PIP option as well as including notes on photos.
3. The blog feature that allows inclusion of photographs and illustrations
4. Explore with 18 pages vs. 10,000+ photos in Flickr that often go unseen
5. The professional, white background.
6. The translation feature that bridges language barriers.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubAnd we all should be aware that it is by no means impossible for all 19,000 non-paying members to make a financial contribution, at least based on the Economy offer.
Therefore, like William, I think the fine tuning is actually the best approach.
And that does not preclude the creation of a fund for people who really are affected by poverty.
Bergfex club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubMaybe as this year's Christmas/Advent campaign? A donation account will be set up within a week, and a call for donations by e-mail to all registered members is also quickly carried out. We have the know-how in the meantime.
It would only take someone to prepare an appealing mail template that can be sent. Our paid mail dispatch account is still far from exhausted.
Manu club has replied to Bergfex clubIf you do a campaign I wouldn't limit it to sponsored accounts but also add 'donate to ipernity's future via PayPal' (for example adding details about what the next big programming steps will be – maybe link it to a new crowdfunding page?).
There's also, but I think the links to "invite.." should be removed, that looks too complicated to do. Just go with the referral code.
And "Benefits of the club" would need to go to the new price list, once that is live.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubEven though I am aware that the introduction of this supplementary payment method does not simplify the matter, I would like to kindly ask the ima team to reconsider in peace my proposal, respectively my request, in relation to all possible areas of deposits, as I think it is the right and good time. Finally, I would ask to bear in mind that this is more than just what the CFO can see.
S.Pylypko (WorldArou… has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubAnd, since you so or oterwise go to a decision that support of free accounts is hard and senseless, probably worth one more time to think about options with proportional participation, otherwise these 19,000 free users will simply go away useless. I think worth doing a poll one more time. Send an alert to everyone through a personal mailbox about mandatory participation, so that everyone was notified and can confirm a option that is acceptable to him. In this way, you will get a complete imagine of what to expect. And concerning to those who do not respond within a certain period, this will be the easy way to identify “dead” accounts that can be “frozen” for a close time (maybe someone will come back belate) and then clean up / delete after half of year.
Jaaps Idee fand ich auch gut, was ich an anderer Stelle auch schon signalisiert habe.
Mir fallen noch zwei Dinge ein, die vielleicht realisierbar und hilfreich wären.
1. Wir könnten überlegen, ob wir Mitgliedern die Möglichkeit bieten, einen Mehrjahresbeitrag zu zahlen - als Anreiz vielleicht mit einem kleinen Rabatt. Vielleicht fühlt sich der eine oder andere optimistische und potente "Imperianer" unter uns angesprochen und animiert.
Das könnte uns die eigentlich jetzt dringend benötigte Liquidität erhöhen und IMA vielleicht aktuell etwas mehr finanziellen Spielraum/Beweglichkeit eröffnen.
2. Sofern das darstellbar ist, könnte man allen Mitgliedern / oder zumindest den free-usern einmal oder zweimal im Jahr in ihren accounts anzeigen, welche Kosten die Nutzung ihres individuellen accounts verursacht hat. Ich denke, wenn jedem das konkret individuell mit Zahlen (zumindest näherungsweise) deutlich gemacht wird, die Einsicht und/oder der Druck wächst, sich finanziell in einem angemessenem Rahmen zu beteiligen.
Vielleicht können dann diejenigen, die nicht zahlen wollen oder die finanziell nicht so gut gestellt sind, um einen regelmäßigen Club-Beitrag zu bezahlen, sich moralisch verpflichtet fühlen, zu überprüfen, ob sie zumindest hin und wieder die vorgesehene Donation-Möglichkeit im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten nutzen.
Thank you Boarischa Krautmo for your well-founded, objective and constructive contribution.
I also liked Jaap's idea, which I have already signalled elsewhere.
I can think of two more things that might be feasible and helpful.
1. We could consider whether we could offer members the opportunity to pay a multi-year fee - perhaps with a small discount as an incentive. Maybe one or the other optimistic and potent "Imperian" feels addressed and animated among us.
This could increase our liquidity, which is actually urgently needed right NOW, and perhaps give IMA a little more financial leeway/movement at the moment.
2. if this is presentable, you could show all members / or at least the free-user once or twice a year in their accounts what costs the use of their individual account has caused. I think, if everyone is made aware of this individually with numbers (at least approximately), the insight and/or the pressure grows to participate financially in an appropriate framework.
Perhaps then those who do not want to pay or who are not financially well placed to pay a regular club dues may feel morally obliged to check whether they at least occasionally make use of the intended donation opportunity within the bounds of their possibilities.
Translated with
Manu club has replied to Be◉bachter clubI'd be ready to pay for an additional year for both my club accounts.
"könnte man allen Mitgliedern / oder zumindest den free-usern einmal oder zweimal im Jahr in ihren accounts anzeigen, welche Kosten die Nutzung ihres individuellen accounts verursacht hat."
Or offer it as a service 'on demand', if that's easier technically.
(Personally, I'd only need to know if I exceed the maximum storage limit which I would be informed about anyway.)
● Dass zwar engagiert diskutiert wird, man sich aber nie ineinander verkeilt.
Was mir weniger gefällt [ - ]:
● Dass seinerzeit der Strickfehler von Flickr 1:1 imitiert wurde, beliebig Gruppen bilden zu dürfen. Auf die Weise sind im Laufe der Zeit viele themenähnlichen Splittergruppen entstanden:
[*Winter*], [4 Jahreszeiten Winter], [winters] . . .
[100% BELLA ITALIA], [Italy], [italia e italiani], [italia] . . .
[nachtopnamen], [Night Shots], [NIGHTSHOTS], [Night], [Nacht] . . .
[stiff neck], [torticolis photographique], . . .
. . . . .
Viele Gruppen sind inzwischen verwaist, die Gründer über alle Berge. Man hat wenig Lust, sich durch all die Grüppchen zum gleichen Thema zu klicken, wenn man sich mal umschauen möchte. Eine gescheite Gruppenstruktur sucht man vergeblich. Selbst das Alphabet wird durch kreative Verwendung von Sonderzeichen ausgetrickst. Es ist ein frustrierendes Chaos, genau wie bei Flickr.
Um diese prinzipielle Schwäche der Plattform müsste sich eigentlich mal ein gelernter Archivar oder Bibliothekar kümmern. Gibt es den in der Gemeinschaft?
Manu club has replied to Bergfex clubI am a librarian, but I think any improvement to what you describe needs programming funds.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu clubୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… club has replied to Bergfex clubDieser Gruppenzuwachs ist erst dann aufgetreten, als die Flickr - Userschwemme über ipernity herein brach und scheinbar jeder User dachte, die Gruppen, die er bei flickr kannte dann hier eben erneut anlegen zu müssen, ungeachtet dessen, dass es hier bereits seit Jahren entsprechende Gruppen gab.
Vorher war es hier auch üblich, dass sich Leute miteinander absprechen, wenn sie thematisch ähnliche Themenbereiche in einer neuen Gruppe behandeln möchten - so wie das bspw. in den beiden "Alter Elbtunnel" - Gruppen geschehen ist, wo sich eine der beiden Gruppen mit dem Blick in die Elbtunnel - Röhre beschäftigt - - und eine andere mit dem sonstigen Equipment (die Fahrzeug-Aufzüge und dergleichen) -
Diese Aufteilung funktioniert nachwievor sehr gut, aber eben auch nur deswegen, weil sich die Leute miteinander besprochen haben und die jeweils andere Gruppe in der Gruppenbeschreibung eingetragen haben, und nicht einfach jeder meinte, eben eine eigene "Elbtunnel"- Gruppe aufmachen zu müssen.
Zu der Zeit gab es auch noch - in Ermangelung eines richtigen Verzeichnisses, auch noch eine Gruppe, die sich nur damit beschäftigt hat, die einzelnen Gruppen thematisch aufzulisten:
Das riss dann halt ein, als ipernity von den neuen Mitgliedern regelrecht überrollt wurde, und auch einige andere Dinge wurden von denen ja von flickr mitgebracht, die nicht alle als positiv empfanden, was zu einigem Streit führte.
Das jetzt nachträglich bereinigen zu wollen, erscheint mir aber unmöglich. Generell bin ich eher ein Fan von möglichst feiner Gruppenaufteilung, also vielen Gruppen mit einem Nischenthema zu besetzen, statt eine Gruppe anzulegen, in der quasi alles rein passt, aber das sehen andere auch wiederum anders - nur so ist es überhaupt zu erklären, dass es solche Gruppen wie "Winter" überhaupt gibt. Im Prinzip müsste es eher eine Gruppe für Eiszapfen, eine für verschneite Bäume, eine für verschneite Berghänge und eine für winterliche Straßen geben, stattdessen haben wir nun halt 10 Gruppen, die sich mit dem Thema Winter beschäftigen, wo man im Grunde genommen alle Fotos rein laden könnte, die zwischen November und Februar geschossen wurden... die ansonsten aber nichts miteinander gemeinsam haben.
"Viele Gruppen sind inzwischen verwaist, die Gründer über alle Berge."
Jo. Und eigentlich hätte es eine Funktion geben müssen, dass eine Gruppe, sobald der letzte Gruppenadministrator die Gruppe verlassen hat, aufgelöst wird - und nicht, wie es der Fall ist, dann einfach irgend einer der neue Gruppenadministrator wird, der einfach nur entsprechend lange in der Gruppe Mitglied ist. So bin ich inzwischen Moderator oder Administrator von Gruppen, deren Thema mich eigentlich gar nicht so wirklich interessiert geworden, dass ich mich dann nicht wirklich um die Weiterentwicklung solcher Gruppen kümmere liegt dann aber wohl auch auf der Hand.
m Prinzip müsste es wirklich so eine Art "Yahoo" geben, ein Katalog, der eine Gruppe thematisch einsortiert. Dann findet man sie wenigstens - auch wenn es das Problem, dass es 10 Gruppen mit exakt gleichem Thema gibt nicht lösen wird - denn das ist eher ein menschliches Problem der Leute, die diese Gruppen angelegt haben, obwohl es bereits thematisch identische gab.
Ich könnte mir vorstellen, dass es relativ wenig Zusatzaufwand wäre, den inzwischen sattsam bekannten DSGVO-Text durch einen Hinweis auf die Selbstverwaltung und die Alleinfinanzierung der Website durch Mitgliedsbeiträge zu ersetzen, vor allem aber mit der ergänzenden Bitte, finanzschwächere Mitglieder durch Spenden zu unterstützen. Dafür könnte man sicherlich ad-hoc einen Spendenbutton auf dieser Seite implementieren lassen. Ein korrespondierende Paypal-Konto ließe sich kurzfristig einrichten. Den Zusatzaufwand (Textblock + Button in 7 Sprachen, mit allen Testläufen bis hin zur Sicherstellung der Geldströme) schätze ich auf 3-4 Arbeitsstunden, also 240-320 EUR. (Die müssen natürlich buchhalterisch als Einmalaufwand von den hereinkommenden Spenden abgezogen werden.)
Was wir bräuchten: Ein Gemium, das die hereinkommenden Spenden gerecht an Bedürftige verteilt. Dieses sollte meines Erachtens organisatorisch vom ima-team getrennt sein, damit es keine Interessenskonflikte gibt.
Wer meldet sich für dieses Gremium? (Es braucht mindestens 3 Verantwortliche, sowie 2 Stellvertreter für evtl. Ausfälle)
Wer würde mitspenden?
Ich persönlich mache hier die verbindliche Zusage, dass ich mit 100 EUR dabei wäre.
Konkret also: keine allgemeine Spende für das Projekt ipernity, sondern ganz gezielt zur Unterstützung derer, die es nötig haben. Das wäre mein persönliches Weihnachtsgeschenk.
(Meine Privatmeinung, nicht ima-intern abgestimmt!)
diedje has replied to Bergfex club* ઇଓ * club has replied to diedjeVoor mij is ipernity in de eerste plaats een photo sharing site met een prettige lay-out waarin de foto centraal staat. Misschien een beetje 'old school', maar rustig en zonder toeters en bellen.
Andere belangrijke punten zijnde mogelijkheden tot individualisering van de startpagina en accountinstellingen en de 'statistieken' van bezoekers en het volgen van commentaren.
Kleinschaligheid en een vriendelijke omgeving maken voor mij het plaatje af.
For me ipernity is first and foremost a photo sharing site with a nice layout in which the photo is central. Maybe a bit 'old school', but quiet and without bells and whistles.
Other important points are possibilities for individualization of the homepage and account settings and the 'statistics' of visitors and following comments.
Small scale and a friendly environment complete the picture for me.
Translated with
As for donations, why not add a second line on the club renewal screen so if one is feeling a bit generous, they can add a few extra dollars (or equivalent currency).
And for members who fall upon dire straits, offer (but not necessarily publicize) lower-priced options to either 'hibernate' their account or to permit them to participate with slightly better limits than the 'sample' (free) accounts.
My latest blog post ....
Marko Novosel club has replied to Frank J
Frank J Casella has replied to Marko Novosel clubEs müsste deutlch stärker herausgestellt werden, dass wir hier mit der Seite im Grunde eine Vereinswebseite betreiben, auf der die Vereinsmitglieder sich und anderen ihre Fotos etc. präsentieren - und eben keine Seite, welche in erster Linie Gewinn für irgend jemanden erwirtschaften soll. Das selbstverwaltete kommt bisher deutlich zu wenig zur Sprache, bzw. wenn es zur Sprache kommt, können sich "nichtvereinsmitglieder" zu wenig darunter vorstellen. (Wann ist eigentlich unsere erste Mitgliederversammlung, die sollte doch einmal jährlich stattfinden?)
diedje has replied to ୱ Kiezkickerde ( ͡°… clubWas mir an der Website gefällt? Die Möglichkeit, private Alben und Ordner sehr übersichtlich und schnell verwalten zu können.
Dornberger has addedVom Spenden-Team würde ich erwarte, dass es öffentliche Förderregeln aufstellt, nach dem 4-Augen-Prinzip handelt und dem ima-Team (Kontrollorgan) regelmäßig Bericht erstattet. Damit niemand bloßgestellt wird, könnte alles vertraulich laufen. Antragsteller sollten aber 50% Eigenanteil leisten, damit sie in die Pflicht genommen werden.
Außerdem gebe ich Interessierten, Familie und persönlich Bekannten meine Visitenkarte.
Ich setze Fotos auf meine Seite und schreibe Geschichten über 'Gott und die Welt'.
Bei Ipernity gefällt mir der persönliche Ton und der familiäre respektvolle Umgang der Mitglieder untereinander.
Ihr bittet um Vorschläge, dazu kann ich nichts sagen. Ich kenne mich nicht mit der Technik aus.
Ich wünsche Ipernity weiterhin viel Erfolg und Wachstum.
Herzliche Grüße aus der schönen herbstlichen Sächsischen Schweiz bei Pirna
Elbertinum oder einfach Albert.
It's the community, stupid ;-)))))
Bergfex club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubIch denke, wer sich eine Kamera, einen PC und einen Internetanschluss leistet, der kann auch umgerechnet 3,50 Euro im Monat für die Ipenity-Mitgliedschaft zahlen.
diedje has replied to Kalli clubedited:
vielleicht lässt sich langfristig ein tarifmodell entwickeln, das sich mit einem statistischen wert verbinden lässt. z.b einkommensindex oder lebenshaltungskosten. man könnte auf daten von eurostat (ESTAT) zugreifen. ->perhaps a tariff model can be developed in the long term that can be linked to a statistical value, e.g. income index or cost of living. you could access data from eurostat (ESTAT)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Kalli clubTreasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to diedjeIk ben bereid om 50 euro per jaar te betalen
ik ben NIET bereid om 3,50 voor de armere te betalen,,,3,50 is ook voor niks
Ik heb zelf AOW en een klein pensioentje,,,en moet ook de eindjes aan elkaar knopen om ROND te komen,,,,, Kalli zegt het duidelijk!!!.
Ik weet zeker dat er bij die gasten wat Zogenaamd GEEN geld hebben er bij zijn die MEER als mij hebben--Gewoon een keertje minder met de auto rijden en je hebt 3,50 verdiend
Fred Fouarge club has addedDas gefällt mir! ;-)
Außerdem gefällt mir, dass die Kommunikation und der gute Ton groß geschrieben werden! Sei es hier (ima zu Mitglieder und Mitglieder zu ima), oder sei es auf den Fotoseiten.
Non Profit, keine Werbung und kein Datenhandel gefallen mir auch, dafür nehme ich gerne weniger technische (sogenannte) Innovation und gemächliche(re) Weiterentwicklung in Kauf.
Heidiho club has replied to Leon_Vienna clubFür mich auch kein Problem. Bin zufrieden mit den aktuellen Möglichkeiten.
Thanks for that Ipernity Members Assosiation Team.
Ob bzw. wie lange wir uns das angesichts bestehender betriebswirtschaftlicher/ökonomischer Rahmenbedingungen/Zwänge leisten können, kann ich nicht einschätzen. Allein die Relation 1.300 Zahler vs. 19.000 Nichtzahler gibt mir sehr zu denken.
Spenden für einzelne Nichtzahler lehne ich für die Zukunft ab, weil es m.E. kein objektives Kriterium für vorliegende Bedürftigkeit gibt.
An einer Spendenaktion für den "Ipernity- Gemeinschaftstopf" werde ich mich gern beteiligen. Wenn damit ein Beitrag zur Pflege und Entwicklung der Systeme erbracht werden kann,
dann wird dies mittel-/langfristig zur Stabilisierung "unserer" Plattform betragen.
Und vermutlich deren Attraktivität für KÜNFTIGE Beitragszahler erhöhen.
Bergfex club has replied to Heidiho clubIm Klartext: Dass kein Vertrauensschutz für "freie" Nutzer erwähnt ist, ist bewusst so. Denn Nicht-Zahler haben keinen Vertrag mit ipernity, sondern nur eine Registrierung bei ipernity. Ihnen wird in Kürze angeboten werden, dass sie sich entscheiden können, in den Basistarif einzusteigen, oder in Kauf zu nehmen, dass sie am 01. April auf des Gast-Status zurückfallen. Dort sind sie weiterhin willkommen, stellen für die Gemeinschaft aber keine finanzielle Belastung mehr dar.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Heidiho clubI'm with you for such a crowd funding.
Bernhard (ima)
Ur@nos club has replied to ©UdoSm clubchristel.k club has replied to ©UdoSm clubBergfex club has replied to ©UdoSm club(Zur Beruhigung: Du bewegst Dich komfortabel unterhalb von 50 GByte.)
Bergfex club has replied to Ur@nos clubAber versteht bitte, dass ich nicht leisten kann, jetzt 1.300 Nutzern eine persönlich Mail mit ihren Daten zu schicken. Das würde mehrere Tage in Anspruch nehmen, die ich echt für was Anderes brauche.
Bergfex club has replied to christel.k clubUr@nos club has replied to Bergfex clubIch verkleinere meine Fotos auf ca. 2 - 2,5 MB.
Bergfex club has replied to Ur@nos clubNot sure how this impacts for us (IMA) when collecting fees and renewals.
Bergfex club has replied to HappySnapperI think it works well with Standard in the middle with bolder colour, and not starting with Guest on the left. There is still logic in having Basic followed by Standard, with Guest as a sort of after thought at the end.
Possibly not a relevant topic at this time, depending on web page design, but using the two ipernity blues for the labels is definitely an idea to keep.
"ipernity offers three rates at which you can use the service:"
I recall “rates” was an improvement on “tariff”, and if you feel the need to keep the sentence, but perhaps focus on the different levels of service that are available.
"ipernity offers three levels of service:”
Or to avoid another sentence starting with lower case, “There are three levels of service offered by ipernity:”
Some other fine tuning I would like to suggest.
Move “Public gallery, Helpline, and Publish articles, to come after “Comments…”
So that all the ‘yes’ features are at the top, keeping “Members of groups” and “Create own group” as a pair.
Swap the order of Upload limit and Upload (max)
Is “Uploads (max)” a primary consideration for a new member, how many photos, not the storage GB, so have it at the top?
Revised wording for these three items.
Replace own photos
Download other’s photos (does it need, **** where permission is granted)
Upload Videos / Music
Having a bracket with *), **) and ***) looks odd to me, but if it is a recognised standard for others, it is clear enough.
The comma in one price was changed to decimal point, but in File size, I would also prefer to see 2.5 MB
The **) footnote has USD 39,50
I have read, and accept all the thought, and analysis, behind arriving at the various different figures.
The Basic does look quite attractive now, but I hope current club members will not down grade, but continue to help ensure the continued existence of ipernity by renewing at full price.
I think many free users would continue as free while it is available, not having taken advantage of the 12m for 6m option earlier in the year. So when faced with the option of the very limited guest, they will have to make up their minds.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubThank you very much for the many suggestions. I will not go into the details now, because I am in a great hurry. (In the background, the "printing presses" are already warm, so to speak. I sent a few things to Qwellcode in Salzkotten this morning so that it would be online on Friday. But I can still get it working tomorrow when I proofread it.)
But one very important question:
The Deepl translator, which is based on the internationally recognized Linguee-Lexikon (Oxford-English), stubbornly suggests as first priority of translation: Tariff
Alternatively there are given: rate, fare, charge
Please coordinate among you native speakers, what we shall use finally!
(According to the origin analysis we have 227 users from UK, 215 from USA, 47 from Canada, 28 from Australia, and 65 from other countries with English as their official language.)
Thank you!
Clint has replied to Bergfex clubIn English, at least in the United States, the word "tariff" refers almost exclusively to taxes and duties imposed by governments on imports and exports. It is never used when referring to personal transactions. Some dictionaries list it as synonymous to "price," but we don't really use it that way. The go-to term should be "price," "cost," or, in some cases, "rate."
Manu club has replied to ClintThank you, Clint.
Note to Bergfex: As far as I can see 'tariff' it is gone from the screenshot now. But when I'm logged out the text on is:
New User Tariffs
[...] new tariff structure. In addition to our standard tariff there will be a lower-priced basic tariff as well as a gratis guest tariff. [...]
My use of level in, "ipernity offers three levels of service:” was not as an alternative translation of rate, charge, fee, but as an alternative way of defining what ipernity offers.
It was an idea to be different from other sites, these are the features ipernity offers, what does a new member want.
The earlier debate and responses were related to the best single word for tariff, rather than the preferred phrase, but looking at the other two draft images.
The German “Möglichkeiten Nutzung” is “possibilites of use”.
The French “formules d'abonnement” rather than literal "subscription formulas", Deepl provided “subscription packages”.
So, as they have moved away from mention of tariff, rate, fee, charge, cost, may I suggest,
"ipernity offers three subscription packages:”
English speakers please respond to this before the approaching deadline.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubRoger (Grisly) club has replied to Rob Stamp clubHappySnapper has replied to Bergfex clubI joined up to save Ipernity for us all not that any one was any better as they had more money not that they had better photos.
" may I suggest that Ipernity offer the one package the standard only" this is what we all signed up for and what keeps us going. Guest is never going to keep us alive but may be will spark some interest. so I only suggest two subscriptions standard and Guest.
I am on the bottom of the world but hope not forgotten or cared for.
Bergfex club has replied to Steve Paxton clubWith that offer which ipernity has been making for 10 years, it has almost gloriously disappeared. 1 million euros from the IPO was burned, ipernity was never economically successful. With crowdfunding we members have secured the website for us as a service. Now that we have a clear insight into the cost structures, we have to realize that ipernity cannot survive in the long run if it stays the way it is. The concept of offering lifelong unlimited storage is simply not thought through and is now bumping into the ceiling. Not only with us, also with Flickr and others.
Our current income is sufficient to continue ipernity as before. But even the necessary adjustments to changing circumstances are financially difficult. Otherwise, for example, we would long ago have switched everything to //https: or fulfilled the new Facebook security certificate requirements. In addition, we are not in a position to serve the increasingly popular mobile devices well. Instead of the current 50,000 EUR annual budget, we need 75,000 EUR at least. That's why we want to restructure ipernity so that first of all the huge cost block of "free" users is melted down. The deletion of invisible content is still in progress. It is inconceivable how much data garbage has accumulated. Nobody ever took care of it. But cost savings in the order of 5,000 to 8,000 euros do not really help us any further.
Next, and this is what this is all about, we want to offer a fairer rate to users who don't need all options of our service (and also less volume). On the one hand, we hope that more of our current free users will decide to contribute to our running costs. But above all, we want to open the door to Flickr users who are angry that the "grandfather rate" has been abolished, or who are no longer comfortable with Flickr for other reasons. Thirdly, we want to remove the entry hurdle for all interested parties, including, for example, those who will soon lose Google+.
We all do not know whether our plans will lead to success. But we know for sure: If ipernity stays as it is, it will be dead in 3 years at the latest. That's why we have to act now, when we're still capable of acting.
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Steve Paxton clubI feel like you do: Those who can afford should finance those who can't.
But this model does not work. We had storage costs for the non paying users' invisible content as high as the storage costs for paying members content. Our budget for developing the site was and is insufficient. We do not have an appropriate app for the instagram generation - and the desktop users like us will die out sooner or later.
We do see the problems clearly - and not to act in that situation would be irresponsible.
So we need to attract more paying members. For sure 49 USD are too much for many of the hitherto existing non paying menbers - but 27 USD might be affordable.
Beside that 27 looks much better to new potential users as 49 - see Bernhards explanations concerning flickr and Google+ users.
On the other hand we tried to prevent members from downgrading and thus losing revenue. That is why the basic rate/package offers less options. If there was a somewhat realistic chance to achieve 5.000 members by lowering the rate to 27 USD for the full service we would have done it.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club- all (paying) ipernity members or ima team ??
If the latter is the case did I miss an announcement in a Newsflash that you are part of the team ??
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen,
Affiliated members:
Markus Fritsch, Germany (advisor)
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubPlease check the new update status 2.4 of the English Cahrt, which includes all optimization suggestions until now.
Bernhard (ima)
Bergfex club has replied to Amelia clubOne thought - not discussed internally within ima - would be to freeze the individual upper limit for these 42 accounts to the status of October 26, 2018. Why this date? Because on that day we published the analysis of the current status and took a database snapshot. Then those 42 would have to look individually how they get free space again. 30 of them have very large files (>100MB) in content, 20 extremely large files (>400MB). I would personally look there first if I had to save storage space. Even with large RAW files, which are just as well stored on the hard drive at home.
Another possibility would be that we, the ima team, discuss with the programmers how to compress the existing files. So all contents (including comments, etc.) were preserved. By the way, this would be in full accordance with the always valid terms of use (paragraph 7.3). So it would not be a disadvantage compared to earlier, but only the use of an option that ipernity has always reserved.
I also think that there are other creative solutions. Maybe you can think of something else.
Manu club has replied to Bergfex clubI find that a very wise solution.
Bergfex club has replied to Manu clubManu club has replied to Bergfex clubEasy solution: until the renewal of their membership is up.
Then they'll either have to downsize or buy additional space.
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Manu clubManu club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubSee footnote 3)
Peter Castell club has replied to Bergfex clubI think the “no limit” for “Download other’s photos” is misleading. Also, a prospective new member might think it means that their own photos will not be protected.
To keep the layout neat, I suggest putting “yes 4)”
and at the bottom,
4) Depending on the permissions set by the owner.
Bergfex club has replied to Rob Stamp clubIt's very helpul.
I've fixed ist.
Is it ok to say "originator" instead of "owner"? (or "owner of the copyright"?)
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubHowever, I too have a very bad feeling about the integration of the option "Download other's photos" ("Standard") - despite the additional note (4), not only because prospective new members might think their own photos aren't protected, but also because many people don't read even the simplest rules or ignore essential details, as we know from experience, or because many simply lack the necessary knowledge about copyrights and licensing. This option is truly misleading and/or could be misunderstood as an invitation to act illegally. Therefore, I would suggest removing this possibility without replacement.
I like the way my earlier suggestions have been considered, while not implemented exactly, and certainly “originator” is better than “owner”.
I replied to Amelia privately.
Bergfex club has replied to HappySnapperLast night I delivered a faulty text file to Qwellcode. In all other languages the date is correct. I will see to it that the error will be fixed a.s.a.p..
Bedenke immer: Was wir hier miteineinader arrangieren, ist (vergleichsweise) einfach. Aber sobald IT-Service erforderlich ist, dauern die Abläufe länger. Denn die Firma, die uns unterstützt, ist für viele Kunden gleichzeitig da. Wir müssen uns mit unseren Wünschen immer in die Auftragsschlange einreihen.
Insofern haben wir also eine völlig andere Situation, als eine Firma mit fest angestelltem Programmier-Team sie hätte. Deshalb bitte: Etwas Geduld. Spätestens Freitag zum offiziellen Newsflash sollte alles 100% stimmen.
if someone wants to download something illegally, she/he knows the tricks to do it without such a function. Because she/he can get everything that is available online. There are lots of instructions on the web.
What is listed here is nothing else than the download function already implemented in ipernity, which every account owner can even release in different quality levels. To abolish it would be a step backwards. Not to mention it as a differentiating feature would amount to a relative devaluation of the standard offer. It's hard enough too keep enough difference.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Bergfex clubof course you're right when you say that anyone who wants to download anything illegally knows the tricks or can find the corresponding instructions on the web, but (for me) it's about preventing the possible consequences of an irritatingly worded option in the list of offers, because prevention is always better than cure - and ultimately also cheaper, as we all certainly know.
I am explicitly not in favor of abolishing the implemented download function, as this would also interfere with the freedom of choice of each individual member, but only in favor of removing this item from the list of offers again, even if it is a differentiation feature and provides even more transparency - but it is not an unusual feature, because this function is also offered by other photo communities and even by various image search engines. But, thy will be done, for ima ultimately bears the responsibility.
This is an important question and one that should be considered on its own here to help with moving forward with wording for promotion purposes - but also for us each to consider for ourselves and share with each other. A very community building activity!
Bergfex club has replied to raingirl clubSign-in to write a comment.