Dear members and friends of ipernity!
1) On Wednesday our fundraising campaign for the reprogramming finished. Despite the dedicated participation of 75 club members, who contributed the majority of the funds, the result of 16,745 EUR (56%) stayed far below the required amount of 30,000 EUR. The ima team will now discuss how to proceed.
2) Unfortunately, the participation of "free" users was far below expectations. Nevertheless, we would like to thank all those who donated something. We would also like to thank the 125 holders of old accounts who booked the option on the basic subscription for their return.
3) Among other things, this has further improved the number of paying users. Since the low of 1,240 on August 1, 2018, it has risen again to 1,381. Unfortunately, 54 club memberships have not been renewed. However, this loss is more than offset by 75 new club memberships. In addition, there are the reopening of old accounts mentioned above.
4) Since good internal communication across national borders is particularly important to us, we have switched the integrated translation function from Google to the DeepL Translator. This further reduces our dependence on Google. Above all, however, the quality of the translations is improving. Compared to other photo sharing services, ipernity now holds a leading position. (To fully benefit from DeepL, you have to clear your web browser's cache. This is done by pressing [Ctrl] + [ Shift] + [Del] simultaneously. Then please follow the instructions of your browser.)
5) On May 15 we started to convert the previous "free" accounts into guest accounts. Map service and organizer are no longer available to "free" users. The number of visible uploads has been limited to 140. At the beginning of June we will continue the conversion. It should be completed by August 15th.
Your ima team
Chers membres et amis d'ipernity !
1) Ce mercredi, notre campagne de financement pour la reprogrammation s’est terminée. Malgré la participation dévouée des 75 membres du club qui ont contribué à la majorité du fonds, le résultat de 16.745 EUR (56%) est resté bien en dessous du montant requis de 30.000 EUR. L'équipe ima va maintenant discuter de la marche à suivre.
2) La participation des utilisateurs "libres" a été très inférieure aux attentes. Nous tenons néanmoins à remercier tous ceux qui ont fait un don, ainsi que les 125 titulaires d'anciens comptes qui ont réservé l'option sur l'abonnement "basic" pour leur retour au sein du Club.
3) Entre autres choses, cela a tout de même permis d'augmenter le nombre d'utilisateurs payants. Depuis le creux de 1 240 au 1er août 2018, ce nombre est remonté à 1 381. 54 adhésions club n'ont malheureusement pas été renouvelées, mais cette perte est plus que compensée par 75 nouvelles adhésions, en complément de la réouverture des anciens comptes mentionnée ci-dessus.
4) La communication sans frontières étant particulièrement importante pour nous tous, nous avons basculé la fonction de traduction intégrée de Google Translator vers DeepL Traducteur. D’une part cela réduit encore notre dépendance à l'égard de Google. Mais surtout, la qualité des traductions s'améliore. Sur ce plan ipernity occupe désormais une position de leader au sein des services de partage de photos. (Pour bénéficier pleinement de DeepL, vous devez vider le cache de votre navigateur Web. Pour ce faire, appuyez simultanément sur les touches [Ctrl] + [Shift] + [Del]. Suivez ensuite les instructions de votre navigateur.)
5) Le 15 mai, nous avons commencé à convertir les comptes « gratuits » en comptes « invités ». Le service de géolocalisation et l’option « Organiser » ne sont plus disponibles pour les utilisateurs "libres". Leur nombre de photos visibles a été limité à 140. Début juin, nous poursuivrons la conversion, qui devrait être terminée au plus tard le 15 août.
Votre équipe ima
Liebe Mitglieder und Freunde von ipernity!
1) Seit Mittwoch ist unsere Kampagne zur Beschaffung des Startkapitals für die Neuprogrammierung beendet. Trotz engagierter Beteiligung von 75 Club-Mitgliedern, die den größten Teil beigesteuert haben, blieb das Ergebnis mit 16.745 EUR (56%) weit unter dem erforderlichen Betrag von 30.000 EUR. Über die weitere Vorgehensweise wird das ima-Team nun beraten.
2) Die Beteiligung der “freien" Nutzer lag leider weit unter den Erwartungen. Denen, die etwas gespendet haben, danken wir dennoch sehr herzlich. Außerdem danken wir den 125 Inhabern von Alt-Accounts, die die Option auf das Basis-Abonnement gebucht haben, für ihre Rückkehr.
3) Unter anderem dadurch hat sich die Anzahl der zahlenden Nutzer weiter verbessert. Seit dem Tiefststand von 1.240 am 1. August 2018 ist sie auf inzwischen wieder 1.381 gestiegen. 54 Clubmitgliedschaften wurden leider nicht mehr erneuert. Dieser Verlust wird jedoch durch 75 neue Clubmitgliedschaften mehr als ausgeglichen. Hinzu kommen die oben erwähnten Wiedereröffnungen von Alt-Accounts.
4) Da eine gute interne Kommunikation über Ländergrenzen hinweg für uns besonders wichtig ist, haben wir die integrierte Übersetzungsfunktion von Google auf den DeepL Übersetzer umgestellt. Unsere Abhängigkeit von Google verringert sich dadurch weiter. Vor allem aber steigt die Qualität der Übersetzungen. Im Vergleich mit anderen Foto-Sharing-Angeboten hat ipernity damit nun eine Spitzenposition inne. (Um in vollem Umfang von DeepL zu profitieren, müsst ihr den Cache eures Webbrowsers leeren. Dies geht durch gleichzeitiges Drücken der Tasten [Strg] + [ Shift] + [Entf]. Danach folgt bitte den Anweisungen des jeweiligen Browsers.)
5) Am 15. Mai haben wir begonnen, die bisherigen “freien” Accounts in Gast-Accounts umzuwandeln. Kartenservice und Organizer stehen den “freien” Nutzern seitdem nicht mehr zur Verfügung. Die Zahl der sichtbaren Uploads wurde auf 140 begrenzt. Anfang Juni werden wir die Umstellung fortsetzen. Sie soll bis zum 15. August abgeschlossen sein.
Euer ima-Team
As for the increase in paying users, it is a gratifying balance.
raingirl club has replied to HappySnapper(Hopefully however IMA team figures out to move forward with the upgrading of the code, it upgrade will include something about donations that will be easily seen without being in our face during viewing photos.)
I even think of switching to Spanish which is my co-mother language...
A great improvement for us all and an advantage for ipernity!
About the fundraising I am disappointed too, but so is human nature, but as someone (sorry, I can't remember who) pointed out, if you don't pay for something it is because you are not a client but a product.
Next month I will donate again... hope free users will realize what they can loose and therefore contribute too.
i don't know what the team members can see, but i find that many 'free' users aren't really here using at all, that instead that had been here but are on to other things in their lives (not necessarily other photo websites). we can't really do anything about that. but we can put our name out there where ever we go to help draw even more new users.
beyond what the IMA team needs to do to help us with the aging software and the needed funds, i think we should stay focused on general fundraising and visibility.
as to advertising, I believe it has already been discussed at length and has been decided that we will remain free of advertisers. this has big benefits and it should be a selling point that is brought up in our sending our message of ipernity out to the world.
there are many out there who don't like the trend of our personal information and even just data about our usages being sent around to various companies. that tends to come with the territory of advertising. it seems an easy way, but we would have interests outside of our own community swaying our decisions. perhaps there's a way to not have that happen, but i haven't heard of how that works.
i can't wait to try the new translator.
think i'll go make a donation.
Rrrolf club has replied to raingirl clubIpernity is the most user-friendly, sociable and FUN of all photo sites that I have tried (I counted seven!) and the only one I regularly use. Others have good qualities and some are for photography pros, but I think some of us* appreciate a more forgiving membership. I learn SO very much from the high-skill photographers here that it helps me widen my horizon...and they humor me. For that, I am grateful!
* A-hem, right here!
Bergfex club has replied to Diane Putnam clubraingirl club has replied to Diane Putnam clubLeon_Vienna club has replied to Diane Putnam club@ngélique ❤️ club has replied to Diane Putnam clubHeidiho club has replied to Diane Putnam clubErhard Bernstein club has replied to Diane Putnam clubGuydel club has replied to Diane Putnam clubIk ben ERG teleurgesteld in de response van de "free users" (vanaf nu "Gasten").
Het lijkt erop dat deze "Gasten" maar zeer beperkt geïnteresseerd zijn in het wel en wee van Ipernity. Ik geloof inmiddels ook niet meer in het opnieuw aanbieden van het lidmaatschap aan hen. Het lijkt mij dat ima waar mogelijk iets aan de kostenkant van deze grote groep moet gaan doen. Dat wil zeggen: zo snel als mogelijk is de voorwaarden/regels van de nieuwe abonnementspaketten voor hen van toepassing doen zijn. De nog actieve "Gasten" zullen dan snel merken wat zij gaan missen. Verder zouden opnieuw 'slapende' accounts kunnen worden opgeruimd (Ongebruikte accounts en hun inhoud worden na 3 jaar verwijderd.). Door beide maatregelen kunnen de kosten (dataverkeer en opslag) worden verminderd.
Ik heb al eens eerder gevraagd iets aan de "heavy users" te doen en die oproep herhaal ik hier. Natuurlijk moet ipernity zich houden aan de afspraken/overeenkomsten met hen, maar bij iedere verlenging van een overeenkomst met een "heavy user' zou de nieuwe regel moeten worden toegepast uit de voorwaarden van het lidmaatschap (Extra opslagruimte kan worden geboekt voor de prijs van USD 39,50 per 100 GB, per jaar.).
Eric Desjours club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Eric Desjours clubOur slogan, our presentation to visitors, emphasizes ipernity's independence from any external financial interest. Obviously, this is not an argument that drains the crowds. But it convinces some to come in - or to stay - for sure.
In any case, ipernity, despite a large number of visitors, is probably not a sufficiently attractive site for major brands (we are thinking mainly of product brands related to photography). The income we could get from it would therefore probably not be decisive. But as says diedje, any income is good to take.
The discussion is not closed and must be based on the overall opinion of the community. We will put it back on the agenda one of these days.
The fight against the marketing of personal data is indeed topical, but many Internet users are not really aware of it, or it does not make them more vigilant. Because it is so integrated and almost unavoidable that this protective reflex seems vain to them.
So these are not decisive criteria for the majority of Internet users, I think.
Regarding the proposal for donations and/or increased participation in financing for free accounts and club members, we will of course not stop there. Your incentives and suggestions support us in this direction. Even if the members are not a cornucopia, their (our) involvement seems inexhaustible to us and will always allow us to at least keep the site alive in satisfactory conditions.
The reprogramming of the site will undoubtedly take place one day in a few years' time - we need to be a little patient. And then ipernity will take off again because the reduced operating costs will allow us to develop communication and incentive operations on a large scale.
We in the executive office, we receive thanks from all of you every time. I would also like to express my own again: your participation, your initiative and your suggestions are our driving force. They give meaning to our efforts and often it is even you who push us forward: so, thank you, frankly, for your unfailing support.
A little remark by the way! DeepL, like Google, charges us for translation by the number of characters translated. For my part, rather than clicking (lazily!) on the "Translate" link under the comments, I often make the effort to copy the text of the comment and paste it into the free and general public DeepL page. Small streams make big rivers... ;-)
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Eric Desjours clubAs concerning translations, an external translation, preferably with DeepL, is advisable because the internal Google translator often only translates incompletely and misleadingly, at least for slightly longer texts. So I think the small effort of copying is worth it not only for financial reasons.
Xata club has replied to Eric Desjours club+1
Fully agree... and will stick to it!
Kalli club has replied to Eric Desjours club╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club has replied to Eric Desjours clubA partir de maintenant, je vais copier et coller dans DeepL
* ઇଓ * club has addedHappySnapper has replied to Eric Desjours clubraingirl club has replied to Eric Desjours clubSecond - Hoping the reprogramming will come sooner than a few years, but I have patience. I am hopeful that the donations will continue to flow in. It really is very impressive that we got over 50% in such a short time. We are, after all, a relatively small group of active participants. I am still trying to figure out if I can come up with a way for my personal friends, ones who enjoy my photography, to donate. It's scary sometimes to ask, but I will find a way.
Third - I appreciate knowing that the charges for translations are by the number of characters and will keep that in mind when the paragraph is long. However, having a translation directly on the page I'm reading is a HUGE benefit to me. It allows me to easily converse with so many people who don't speak my language. That is one of my pleasures here!! So I will continue to use the 'translate' option on the ipernity pages directly except for large communications.
Eric Desjours club has replied to raingirl clubMarja Savonije has replied to HappySnapperPano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ club has replied to Xata clubI use a shortcut for deeply on my desktop, so it's no special effort :-)
Bergfex club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubBergfex club has replied to raingirl clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to HappySnapperIt is much easier to use it for any longer texts that needs to be translated.
There is also DeepL add-on/extension for browsers, but that sometimes fails probably because there is set some daily quota for it.
For example I still struggle on finding how to clear the cache on my mobile phone using Chrome for Android. (Found out how. Complicated indeed, but feasible.)
DeepL should be now fully implemented. The reason why you see "Translated by Google" is because that phrase comes from the browser cache. Most browsers have a memory of an elephant. But it should become updated eventually. Slowly, but in time.
Moreover, if our previous advises on how to add GPS location on images before upload was also too technical, then forget it, and continue as you have used to. To do any acrobatic tricks to get GPS location added onto images before upload is not compulsory. It is voluntary.
Then I just realized some of you may still use Picasa software on your computer for adding GPS location. I would personally be happy to hear how it works, if it works.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ clubWhat you see on right margin under 'Location', uses API call, and that is why it costs. But ordinary links does not cause any costs.
Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubFor example: ############### the Neckar-"beach "
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Pano ☼ Rapi ♫✯♫ clubI seriously consider to start using that solution as well, because I take a lot of pictures where the location really does not matter. Then I can rather easily reveal the location more selectively when I want to.
Maybe ima/we should pay more attention to these newcomers.
Ima; by sending an 'official' welcome letter/ipermail/email. With for instance attention for:
- conditions/benefits/bonus offer for a Club membership
- technical matters like photo size/geotags/Deepl translation
- groups
- help/info: FAQ/ Ipernity User Help Central/Help & Contact
We by welcoming new members and viewing/commenting/faving their picture(s).
HappySnapper has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubAfter all, in the first 19 weeks of the year, 42 new users have already opted for a paid account. This is far above average. (In the whole year 2018 there were 63, in 2017 only 30.) Apparently the attractiveness of ipernity increases again.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubJaap van 't Veen club has replied to Bergfex clubBergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club:-))
Colin Ashcroft club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBis zum 15. Mai 2019 bekommen freie Nutzer noch 12 Bonusmonate, wenn sie das neue Basispaket abonnieren."
Heute ist aber schon der 20. Mai 2019!
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Kalli clubBergfex club has replied to Kalli clubWeil in den von Dir zitierten Meldungen nichts wirklich Falsches steht, haben wir darauf verzichtet, die Kasse mit kurzfristigen Updates zu belasten. Wir wollen das Geld lieber beisammen halten und bis Ende der Woche auf Robs Rückkehr warten.
Bergfex club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubthe quoted table must continue to be visible as it is, because it represents the technical boundaries within which we operate ipernity at the moment. All information in the table is completely correct.
We have also deliberately chosen the wording "Our new subscription packages (after 15 May)". On the one hand, it gives leeway for any later date. (For instance, 15 October is likewise "after 15 May".) On the other hand, mentioning this date makes it possible to implement first restrictions, as we did already. But before others come, we still have to crack the nut to realize the trial account technically.
All this will be our main construction site in the coming months.
Kalli club has replied to Bergfex clubDas überholte Datum (15.05.) hat mich nur an den Aushang eines Lokals erinnert, auf dem heute (22.05.) noch für den Tanz in den Mai geworben wird. Vor vier Wochen stand sogar noch das Weihnachtsmenü 2018 drauf. Darüber lachen oder lästern die Gäste.
Ich habe jetzt verstanden, warum das Ipernity-Datum 15. Mai 2019 noch da steht.
Ich bin nach wie vor beeindruckt von der tollen Arbeit von euch Ehrenamtlichen!
Außer ein paar Euros kann ich leider nichts dazu beitragen - vielleicht ab und zu ein Gedanke wie "DeepL" oder "OMS".
Viele Grüße, Kalli
Bergfex club has replied to Kalli clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Isabelle Barruhet clubWe very likely can't expect anyone outside ipernity to have any interest and sympathy towards ipernity, but among our ipernity contacts we can keep on the positive spirit.
Allerdings kann auch Deepl nicht alles. Übersetzungen aus dem französischen und dem polnischen sind auch da kaum zu verstehen.
Es gibt im deutschen einen Testsatz zum testen von Übersetzern:
„Meine Nachbarin hat Kohlmeisen, aber was macht ein Hahn auf meinem Esel?“
Wer jetzt die Translate Funktion benutzt hat, wird sich wundern. Oder auch nicht. Da wo Google komplett versagt bekommt es Deepl wenigstens einigermaßen hin.
Versucht mal den Satz testweise in Google.
Marja Savonije has replied to Martin Korth clubBergfex club has replied to Martin Korth clubDisappointing that we were not able to reach the goal needed for reprogramming.
As we are now experiencing, without the support and monetary commitment from all
of it's users we will not be able to proceed with necesary improvments. Hopefully a way can be found to accomadate all members and still be provided with the funds to move forward. I don't have an answer to the issue at hand but will continue my club membership & support your continued efforts.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Clickity ClickClickity Click has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubI whole heartedly agree, 56 % is quite remarkable given the number of those donating.
As we are now at apx 1,381 paying members, what is the percentage compared to current users now?
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Clickity ClickSami Serola (inactiv… club has added"22,900 real and active users. Of these, 1,335 are paying members"
Approximately 6%
Team club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubBernhard (ima)
Colin Ashcroft club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club* ઇଓ * club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubColin Ashcroft club has replied to * ઇଓ * clubIf it is felt that this already 'known' by the actions or otherwise of all users then no its not needed.
* ઇଓ * club has replied to Colin Ashcroft clubSami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to Marco LucasThere has been plenty of time and opportunities to give suggestions.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Marco LucasaNNa schramm club has replied to Marco LucasI do not know your comment
Rrrolf club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubClickity Click has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… clubI don't understand why ipernity is called stupid. ??? I think ipernity has been very aware of the concerns and needs of the free users and has been most generious in trying to balance their needs with running a site that is independent of advertisers or corporate doners. I agree with those who feel that all members should be contributing monetarily in some way, however small that may be.
Clickity Click has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubBergfex club has replied to Marco LucasSo when you call ipernity stupid, you call me and more than a thousand other people stupid - and you call yourself stupid too.
There's only on the buffet what we all put on it. Money, commitment, ideas, . . ., whatever.
What do you contribute, if no money?
Marja Savonije has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubLeon_Vienna club has replied to Bergfex clubBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Marco Lucaswhat exactly is a "free user"?
A user free of duties or free of rights? Free of money or free of commitment?
One of the last free men drifting through the expanses of the net or yet another fare dodger?
I am sorry to disagree but to me first and foremost your post seems to be stupid.
Tanja - Loughcrew club has replied to Bergfex clubKalli club has replied to Clickity ClickXata club has replied to Bergfex clubMarco Lucas has replied to Bergfex clubThey let someone smoking in choice.
Marco Lucas has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubBergfex club has replied to Marco LucasOur community pays for this service exclusively through membership fees. There is no revenue from advertising or data sales like Google, Facebook or others. It would be nice for guests not only to bum, but also to buy a pack of cigarettes from time to time.
Team club has replied to Marco LucasIt's called "guest account".
Details see here:
Boarischa Krautmo club has replied to Marco LucasThere is a choice between basic, standard and guest.
I can't find a "free" membership.
Rrrolf club has replied to Bergfex clubRrrolf club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubXata club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubBoarischa Krautmo club has replied to Xata clubBut I would like to point out that a guest membership is NOT full membership for free. It's a restricted membership offerung you only a few out of many features. Therefore I think "free membership" is the wrong expression. It is only a limited guest status and will be more noticeable in the upcoming months.
Leon_Vienna club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo club+++
Xata club has replied to Boarischa Krautmo clubMarco Lucas has replied to Bergfex clubXata club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen clubVery well exposed.
Team club has replied to Marco Lucasin our community we generally maintain a friendly tone, at least a polite one. Referring to our Terms of Use (§ 3, Appropriate conduct), which you accepted upon joining the community, we ask you not to insult other members.
Bernhard (ima)
Marco Lucas has replied to Team clubGr. Marco
to write a comment.