Old Owl's photos


29 Dec 2024 12 10 79
A Happy Fence Friday to one and all. I hope your day and your weekend bring you joy. This is the new Old Bridge over the estuary between Mandurah and Hall's Head. It has a delightful gentle curve that is a joy to walk across. This bridge replaced the old Old Bridge some five years ago because the timber piles of that structure were no longer safe for the increasing amount of traffic. It was a sad but necessary change.


01 Dec 2024 9 4 73
May I wish you a Happy First Wednesday Wall of 2025. I hope your minutes, your hours, your days, your months and your year are all you hope and work for. Keep the good memories of last year and wash all the bad things out of your hair. To quote D:Ream from 1993, "Things Can Only Get Better" (especially for mushrooms).


24 Dec 2024 9 7 112
May I wish a fine and a Happy Bench Monday to all, the final one of 2024. Have a grand week, an enjoyable New Year's Eve and a gentle, peaceful start to 2025 - pirates notwithstanding. Yo ho ho, me hearties.


25 Dec 2024 8 5 105
On Christmas morning Santa retires to bed for a hard-earned rest and waves goodbye to the world for another year. Quite what the snowman is doing here in Western Australia is anybody's guess, although it was a cold 16°C when this was taken at 7a.m. ... Maybe he was just being hopeful.


28 Nov 2024 10 10 110
HFF to all. I hope your day and weekend are pleasant and relaxing after the recent festivities.


26 Dec 2024 4 3 55
Reindeer Report Chimneys: colder. 
Flightpaths: busier. 
Driver: Christmas (F) 
Still baffled by postcodes. 
Children: more 
And stay up later. 
Presents: heavier. 
Pay: frozen. 
Mission in spite 
Of all this 
Accomplished –
 MERRY CHRISTMAS! (Poem written by U.A. Fanthorpe)


22 Dec 2024 6 5 78
HWW to all. And a Merry Christmas too. (Or Hanukkah, or solstice, or whatever holiday you follow.)


20 Dec 2024 14 15 110
A Happy Fence Friday to everyone. May your days (and weekends and December) be merry and bright. This is a fibro fence, very common throughout WA (and probably all of rural and suburban Australia too). Simple, plain and functional; what more could we ask of a fence.



15 Dec 2024 13 5 78
Beach cricket. Australia's sport of choice whatever the weather. (Better bigger. Please press Z.)

850 items in total