Old Owl's photos
This boat isn't a normal feature of our marina in Mandurah, but was part of the Big Boat Show in February 2024, taking people out into the Indian Ocean.
HBM to all. Let us hope your day is a pleasant one.
There are a few of these benches in the Dolphin Quay precinct, all with different illustrations, all mirroring the marina and the water which is such a major part of the city of Mandurah.
Wow! Five fences - a veritable cornucopia!
A very Happy Fence Friday to everyone. I hope your day and your weekend bring you joy. We may even get some rain here in Mandurah (though I'll believe it when I see it) - an event which will be celebrated with abandon by all, although dancing naked in the streets whilst splashing in the puddles may be frowned upon by the wowsers.
It truly was as blue as this at 7.40 on this Djeran (late Autumn) morning. No enhancement necessary.
Mandurah marina entrance. Early morning.
(Looks good on black. Please press Z.)
A. Happy Fence Friday to each and every one of you. This is the start of the long causeway into the Leschenault Estuary in Australind WA.
Once upon a time (the mid-19th century) there was a proposal to build a port here for ships trading between Australia and India. Hence the name "Australind". Needless to say, it didn't happen. For the birds and fish which inhabit the estuary and inlet, this was a huge relief ... and for us, too. It is a lovely spot.
(Please press Z to embiggen.)
Part of the marina in Bunbury, WA.
Happy Fence Friday to everyone. Let us all hope it is a safe and pleasant one and that the weekend brings us all joy.Keep in mind all those who have to work whilst we lounge around and relax.
The lighthouse at Cape Leeuwin, near Augusta in Western Australia is 39 metres high (57 metres above sea level). The buildings on the right are the original cottages for the keeper and his assistants. This lighthouse is still operational, although it is now automated. Despite satnav, radar and other devices, the simple shining light is still an important aspect of maritime safety, especially at this point where there are many rocks hidden just below the surface of the water.
This lighthouse is on the furthermost point of south western Australia. To the south (left on this photograph) the nearest landmass is Antarctica. To the south also is the confluence of two oceans, the Indian Ocean to the west and the Southern Ocean to the south and east; the latter ocean can be very stormy and windy. Indeed the winds on the Cape are almost constant and are sometimes very strong. (I can vouch for the fact that standing on the platform at the top of the lighthouse can be a very unnerving experience!)
The structure was completed and opened in 1895, which is before the existence of Australia as a unified country. Indeed, requests from the colony of Western Australia for financial help for the construction were rebuffed by some of the other colonies who objected to paying towards something so far away from their own coastlines. (This, of course, doesn’t surprise us in WA, who are still treated as bogans on the edge of civilisation by those in the east :-)
May I wish a happy, productive and joyful Fence Friday to all.
You'd think this flimsy looking fence would be pushed over by determined cattle, but obviously they are extremely well-behaved bovines who are on their way back home to have their evening meal and don't want to be distracted from their important journey.
(By the way and apropos of nothing: Today (May 3rd) is World Press Freedom day. We may criticise those who work in the media and who don't always align with our views, but they should not be vilified or threatened just because we don't agree with them. Use argument and reason, not coercion and punishment. Truth dies in darkness.)
A Happy May 1st to all workers by hand or brain, waged or unwaged, employed or searching for work.
Remember, united we stand; divided we beg.