Old Owl's photos


07 Aug 2024 17 16 132
A Happy Fence Friday to everyone. I hope you enjoy every minute of the day and the weekend. This is on Hay Street in Subiaco, a suburb of Perth. The building has been derelict for a number of years and is the subject of a prolonged dispute between the owners/developers and the local council. If the dispute over the old Subiaco Markets is any indication, this building will remain like this until the year 2050 (and I'm not exaggerating for comic effect). (Press Z for popping colour.)


07 Aug 2024 11 3 131
Australia Post Office, Rokeby Road, Subiaco WA.


17 Jun 2024 6 3 97
A Happy Table Tuesday to all gin drinkers from the Little Stiller in Mandurah. Actually, a Happy Tuesday Table to everyone, whether a drinker of alcohol or not. All are welcome at the table as long as you smile and are polite to strangers.


07 Jul 2024 9 3 98
Gnarabup beach, WA.


07 Jul 2024 11 13 134
A Happy Bench Monday to all. I hope the day goes well (for a Monday, anyway). No, this bench is NOT comfortable. My skinny bum was not pleased with the forty-five seconds it resided upon this bench. It's pretty though (the bench, not my bum): decorative rather than practical. It sits outside a restaurant/hotel on the edge of the Margaret River townsite in beautiful Western Australia.


03 Jul 2024 12 5 92
"The dog trots freely in the street and sees reality and the things he sees are bigger than himself and the things he sees are his reality" Lawrence Ferlinghetti: "The Dog"


04 Jul 2024 14 10 139
Two male humpback whales showing off to a female (who is under water and does not seem very impressed). These two, plus a number of others, have been courting the female whilst we watched. She makes them chase her and, because she is much larger than they are and can be very fast and active, she tries to tire them out to see which one is the strongest. Then she will possibly mate with the winner; however female whales can be very fussy about these things, apparently and sometimes they demand a "sing off" between the potential suitors. Maybe these two here were still competing; or maybe celebrating; or just having a good, raucous, exhibitionist time as all adolescent males will, especially when they meet a girl and have the chance of a bit of rumpy-pumpy. Good luck, guys. Whales gather in this bay south-east of Augusta before starting their migration up the coast to the tropical Indian Ocean to the north of Australia, where the females will give birth before heading back south to the cold waters of the Southern Ocean again in late September and October.


03 Jul 2024 21 16 162
A Happy Fence Friday to all. I hope your day, your weekend and your every moment are calm and enjoyable. This is Surfers' Point at Prevelly in Margaret River, WA.


31 Jul 2024 3 6 86
Seen by the footpath, obviously discarded. The rejection of a role?


04 Jul 2024 10 3 98
Hamelin Bay, WA.


06 Jul 2024 11 3 135
Inside the lighthouse at Cape Naturaliste, WA.


04 Jul 2024 8 6 101
Apologies for the softness. The sea was choppy, the boat was bouncing, the spray was all around and we were a fair way out in the bay. This is the Cape Leeuwin lighthouse, taken from out in the Southern Ocean whilst we were looking for humpback whales. I hope all is well with all of you.

850 items in total