Au Cœur... diagonalhorizon's favorite photos

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Media Survey

The purpose for this survey is to help us decide on the best ways to gain new membership. Please look at the statements on the 7 images in this album, and give a ☆ to those that apply. L'objectif de cette enquête est de nous aider à déterminer les meilleurs moyens de recruter de nouveaux membres. Regardez les affirmations sur les 7 images de cet album et donnez un ☆ à celles qui s'appliquent. Diese Umfrage soll uns helfen, zu entscheiden, wie wir am besten neue Mitglieder gewinnen können. Bitte sehen Sie sich die Aussagen auf den 7 Bildern in diesem Album an und vergeben Sie einen Stern ☆ für die Aussagen, die zutreffen. El objetivo de esta encuesta es ayudarnos a decidir cuáles son las mejores formas de captar nuevos miembros. Fíjate en las afirmaciones que aparecen en las 7 imágenes de este álbum y da una ☆ a las que correspondan. Lo scopo di questo sondaggio è quello di aiutarci a decidere i modi migliori per ottenere nuove adesioni. Guardate le affermazioni sulle 7 immagini di questo album e date un ☆ a quelle che si applicano. Het doel van deze enquête is om ons te helpen beslissen wat de beste manieren zijn om nieuwe leden te werven. Kijk naar de stellingen op de 7 afbeeldingen in dit album en geef een ☆ aan de stellingen die van toepassing zijn. O objetivo deste inquérito é ajudar-nos a decidir sobre as melhores formas de angariar novos membros. Observe as afirmações nas 7 imagens deste álbum e dê um ☆ às afirmações que se aplicam.

By Gabi Lombardo

30 favorites


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By ֎ — Nicolas Mertens

16 favorites

֎ — Before They Reached the House

© Nicolas Mertens. All Rights Reserved. "As they entered the [Cova de Pou d'en Galdes], ..., the sky became suddenly overcast with clouds, a curious stillness seemed to hold the atmosphere, a great flight of rooks passed silently over their heads, and, before they reached the house, some big drops of rain had fallen." Oscar Wilde, The Canterville Ghost (A Hylo-Idealistic Romance) [In Wilde's story, the location is "the avenue of Canterville Chase"] Wilder on black: press Z (or click the picture :)

By Gabi Lombardo

33 favorites

dried flowers and deco cups

By ֎ — Nicolas Mertens

12 favorites

֎ — Uploading or Downloading?

© Nicolas Mertens. All Rights Reserved. To the cloud or in the cloud? More celestial on black: press Z (or click the photo :)

By ֎ — Nicolas Mertens

17 favorites

֎ — February 28, 2025. Another "Day of Infamy"

This time, it is for the USA... [Screenshot from The Telegraph : ]

By Gabi Lombardo

29 favorites

detail of the "Fontana della Sirena" - Scilla/Calabria

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By Hubs 56

17 favorites

Saint Blaise - Calenzana

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By Hubs 56

14 favorites

schau mir in die Augen
9557 items in total