Au Cœur... diagonalhorizon's favorite photos

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By Nouchetdu38

30 favorites

Les Aventures de Tintin et Milou. "Les Bijoux de la Castafiore".

View on map

By Jean-Paul

49 favorites

V wie . . .

. . . Vision Vereinte Nationen Völkerrecht oder wie Vormund Vorsintflut Vertrieben . . .

By Roger Bennion

10 favorites

Milton Keynes (motion blur)

NOT icm.....this time :-))) I applied ‘motion blur’ to the original shot taken wth my phone. But, I was thinking about goin’ back to try icm! However, I think that may be a little difficult. These towers are surrounded by high wire fencing, trees and dense undergrowth!! I had to fight my way through the dense undergrowth to get the original shot :-) I think it would be difficult to find a viewpoint where I could move the camera about without it smashing into tree branches!! Also, there were a number of security cameras and me being caught on film waving a camera about might attract unwanted attention from security guards me fears :-)))

By Nora Caracci

31 favorites

il brugo fiorisce in autunno

Calluna vulgaris - Ericaceae Explored

By Malik Raoulda

31 favorites

Tourterelle des bois (Streptopelia turtur).

La Tourterelle des bois cumule les exceptions : elle est le plus petit colombidé d'Europe, et le seul migrateur strict c'est-à-dire sans aucune population sédentaire. C'est aussi le seul colombidé traversant le Sahara lors de sa migration ! Bon Weekend paisible.

By ֎ — Nicolas Mertens

22 favorites

֎ — "The [Woman] Who Fell to Earth"

© Nicolas Mertens. All Rights Reserved. Next to a light beacon, somewhere along Lake Michigan, remembering Walter Tevis... and Nicolas Roeg. More enlightening on black: press Z (or click the picture :)

By Gabi Lombardo

26 favorites

the color fades


17 favorites

Lumière sur une fin programmée...

Touche Z à voir plein écran

By homaris

53 favorites

Desig opac

CAT Desig opac entre llums carenes i cims. Tor és un miratge que canvia a cada alè i res és més lluny ni més a prop. OC Desir opac entre lums crestas e pics. Tor es un miratge que càmbia dins cada alenada e res non es pus luenh . quitament pas mai pròche
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