Au Cœur... diagonalhorizon's favorite photos

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By Annemarie

64 favorites

Sotto le arcate.

HFf and a sunny weekend all:)

By Annemarie

26 favorites

Per A. e M.

Today a special day! Two to hug, two to kiss.....two to LoVe! Happy BD twins❤️❤️ [the song they love ]

By Annemarie

46 favorites

Inspired by Andy Warhol.

SC134 - Post 16 February - Photographing in the style of an artist. HAPPY SUNDAY! Inspired by Andy Warhol's Marylin Monroe.

By * ઇଓ *

60 favorites

The Charm of Imperfection

Perhaps the imperfection of this thawed snowflake cannot convey to everyone the warmth of its authenticity that is so popular with us. I would like to share it with you anyway, as I think it symbolizes exactly that: the charm of imperfection.

By * ઇଓ *

41 favorites

Precious and Valuable


By * ઇଓ *

50 favorites

Water - Nature's Marvel

Here ⇪ you can see it during the change of aggregate state. Please note that this is not linking, but describing the photo above . Thanks to Ron and Eric for the note .

By homaris

29 favorites

El darrer desig de la nit

CAT La fageda s'aixeca entre marges, el fred de les ombres i la tebior del sol. Ara l'aire rumoreja entre branques i l'espai reneix com una cambra lluminosa per finalment encendre's confús abans de sotmetre's al darrer desig de la nit. OC Lo bòsc de fag s'auça entre las ribas, lo freg de las ombras e la calor del solelh. Ara l'aire brusca entre las brancas e l'espaci renais coma una sala luminosa per fin finala se desrevelhar confus abans de sometre al darrièr desirat de la nuèch.

By homaris

26 favorites

La flama i el desig

CAT Aquesta flama i el desig es fonen en un crepuscle ara unamovible. D'ací a un instant tot haurà passat. OC Aquela flama e lo desir . se fusionan dins un crepuscul ara un mobil. Dins un moment tot aurà passat.

By homaris

30 favorites

Matí perfumat de blanc

CAT El matí era perfumat de blanc Sense fer soroll em mirava la llum Ha trucat el fred i diu que ara ve. OC Lo matin èra perfumat de blanc Sens far un bruch agachèt la lutz . Lo freg a cridat e ditz que ven ara.
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