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neira-Dan - 2023

A long time lover of nature who had a great sense of humor, Daniela ( neira-Dan ) was a botonist who used photography to connect with nature. Daniela, a friend to so many here on ipernity, passed away in December of 2023. During their long time presence on ipernity they shared their love of nature through their photographs of orchids, irises and many other flowers, brought us humor, and appreciated our "stimulating and enriching" community. Here are a few of their photos: Poil au menton ... Bon dimanche à tous Drôles de nuages !! un chat qui sait lire- HFF Passiflora 'Coral Sea' - Très bon dimanche à tous

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Ulrich John - 2025

Ulrich John Our long time dedicated and enthusiastic club member, Ulrich, passed away in January 2025. In his family's dedication above it says: "I lived my life, loved and suffered, received, lost, took, gave. I laughed and cried, reconciled and argued. I have reached my goal and this life was beautiful." In his photography, Ulrich often saw great vistas, graphic shapes and the beauty in discovered décollages. In his own words, "I try a lot and have no fixed preferences; they change from time to time. At the moment it's fog, sky, landscapes and playing with light and reflections, and of course my 'decollages'; fragments of billboards that wind, weather and people have put together to create a new meaning, but that will change again, for sure." He was a true community member, participating in many group activities including 'Saturday Self-Challenge' and 'HFF - Happy Fence Friday'. Here are some of Ulrich's best loved photos: Ein Morgen am See < Spuren Morning Light Auf Wiedersehen im März

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By Nouchetdu38

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Plage de Grande Anse (974, Ile de la Réunion). 21 mai 2023.

La plage la plus australe de France et donc d'Europe. (Tout au sud de l'Ile de la Réunion) Vue depuis le piton de Grande Anse. La baignade y est impossible: vagues trop fortes en permanence et surtout requins très gourmands.....

By homaris

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Sense dir res

CAT Puja sense dir res, en silenci, efímera. Al darrera del teló blanc una negror insondable. Al davant el verd lluent i el goig fugisser de les tardes breus. OC Montatz sens res dire, dins lo silenci, efemèr. Darrièr lo ridèu blanc una negror insondable. Davant lo verd brilhant e lo joi fugi . de las cortas tardes.

By homaris

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El sol degota a l'horitzó

CAT El sol degota a l'horitzó El cel s'esvaneix a l'horitzó I l'horitzó, on vol anar? Mentre, la nit dibuixa versos. OC Lo solelh goteja sus l'orizont Lo cèl s'esvaís dins l'orizont E l'orizont, ont vòl anar? Mentretant, la nuèit dessenha de vèrses.

By homaris

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Un cel amb dues pàtines

CAT Un cel amb dues pàtines. Confosos a l'horitzó dos vaixells naveguen. OC Un cèl amb dos patinas. Confús a l'orizont doas naus navegan.

By homaris

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Una cadira al jardí

CAT Potser la veu de l'horitzó vermell o bé els dits del fotògraf. Una cadira buida al jardí. OC Benlèu la votz de l'orizont roge o los dets del fotògraf Una cadièra dins l'òrt
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