Jennifer Murphy's photos

29 Oct 2022

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82 visits


I couldn't resist photographing these ladies in the eerie October fog.

12 Nov 2022

75 visits

~fruits of my labor~

What a summer. I've built (not exactly finished, though) two gravel patios, a small water feature, opened up the forest a bit, re-fenced and spruced my gardens, and a million other little things that add up to overall improvement of my space. Sometimes I get so caught up in my frenzy to build my paradise that I forget to stop and actually enjoy it. See the projects on my blog:

06 Aug 2022


73 visits

06 Aug 2022

81 visits

It's been a hot, humid stretch and every morning the plants are glistening with dew, which look like the tiniest of diamonds. It's about the only water they get right now, as our well has become dangerously low.

06 Aug 2022

61 visits


If you stop in the garden for a moment and look carefully at every bumble bee you can spot, you will see subtle differences. This one looks like it might be Bombus ternarius, the Orange-Belted Bumblebee. I just thought it was the cutest one in the liatris patch.

06 Aug 2022

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63 visits

06 Aug 2022

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next generation

With Monarch butterflies recently being added to the list of endangered species, I'm happy to see two or three flitting about my yard and taking full advantage of the Swamp Milkweed plant in my garden. We try to grow as many butterfly, pollinator, and bird friendly plants as possible. This morning I spotted two Monarch caterpillars on my milkweed.

28 Apr 2022

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91 visits

Mrs. and Mr.

I believe these are Red Shouldered Hawks. This was just after they declared their undying love for one another. I think this pair has been nesting around my pasture for the past three years or so; I see them every spring. She's a little more reddish, and he's a little more grey. He loves sitting on the fence poles. These birds mate for life, so I hope they'll stay for many years to come.

17 Apr 2022

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87 visits

Spring creatures are emerging with the warmer weather.
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