TimC's photos

Our Local Farmer Christmas

Frost on a Tyre

08 Dec 2022 7 3 175
First frost of Winter, December 2022 settled nicely on a car tyre

Remembrance Day Flypast Jigsaw

Broken ssan wheel trim

Wood decay fungi

Queen Elizabeth II

09 Sep 2022 5 1 142
Thank You Ma'am, Thank You For Everything (borrowed image)

1948 Grey Ferguson TEA20

27 Jul 2022 7 3 167
My lovely old girl, a 1948 Ferguson TEA20 petrol tractor, has gone off to fresh pastures. Hope the new owner gets as much pleasure from her as I have had

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Unusual visitor

19 Jun 2022 7 5 186
We had this unusual visitor the other day. Somehow this little chap who was smaller than a mouse found his way indoors and did not seem to want to leave. He spent two nights inside flying from room to room then hiding during the day before he could be caught and finally released outside. Best guess he is a Common Pipistrelle variety of bat.

Arrested and Gaoled Fox Freed

Arrested and Gaoled Fox

Google Maps - Melrose Road, Galashiels, Scottish B…

10 Jun 2022 2 149
Google Street Maps, bless them, have cleverly designed a six wheel family hatchback ;-)

Cooling Embers of the Day

Adult hedgehog. A rare sight indeed

23 May 2022 6 122
Once upon a time hedgehogs were very common, not nowadays though, sadly.

84 items in total

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