TimC's photos


27 Aug 2021 10 10 198
Not a very 'Happy' Fence Friday - Some delightful individual decided to dispose of an old fridge over my front fence. Whoever it was could have simply left it on the other side on the public path, but maybe they were thinking of the environment

Advice needed: What Tree/Bush is This?

17 Aug 2021 1 4 124
There's this tree or is it a bush growing in the yard, I'm thinking it might be a dogwood tree. It's only around 5 years old and I'm sure it's never flowered. Please see two notes. What do you think it is?

Pesky Spitfires

11 Aug 2021 6 5 204
Spitfire pleasure flights from Goodwood Aerodrome in West Sussex pass overhead on a regular basis and usually only a single aircraft is seen, but today it was a treat to see two of these classic planes flying together. Next day the pair flew over again, see PiP.

Saying Goodbye to an Old Friend

05 Aug 2021 1 2 150
This old Audi A4 1.9 TDi has been sitting alone in the yard, minding her own business and not bothering anyone for almost 7 years, but time has now arrived for her to begin the final journey

Lady and the..... Rabbit

Happy Shopper Strike Anywhere Matches

Window Moss

10 Jul 2021 3 110
Moss growing on window of rusty old van

Champagne Bollinger

02 Jul 2021 3 1 159
This old wooden box had been adapted/repurposed and used as a tool/storage drawer in a workshop for many years and only today whilst having a tidy-up did I notice the printing on the sides (and the woodworm). See two notes.

Afternoon Snooze

Whispy Clouds

Low Tide at Mill Rythe, Hayling Island

12 Jun 2021 3 1 180
Mill Rythe is a tidal inlet on the east side of Hayling Island

Pigeons Resting

10 Jun 2021 3 1 141
A couple of local pigeons who come almost daily just to chill. The fluffy looking one has just had a wash by sitting in a water filled old baking dish which makes an ideal bird bath

Silhouette in Toulon

Stallion Battle by Michelle Howlett

11 May 2021 3 1 95
Thought it would be nice to share photo of a large 4ft x 3ft painting of two horses fighting by artist Michelle Howlett and purchased by me at a local craft fair over 30 years ago.

Morning Browsers

Chafer Beetle Grub

25 Apr 2021 4 2 125
Found this huge grub in an old tree stump/root today. For scale, the coin is a 20p (pence) piece which is about 21mm or just over 3/4" across, making this monster over 75mm or 3" long. See note of him just after his nest was exposed.

Had My Second Covid Jab This Morning - Wahay

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