TimC's photos

Yucca Tree

04 Nov 2020 3 2 133
Well, I think it's a Yucca Tree, please correct me if not

Rededa No. 245 G Cramp

18 Oct 2020 2 4 128
Once belonging to my old Dad and probably my Grandfather too. Both men were real carpenters.

Intel Pentium Pro 200mhz and Motherboard

Chainsaw chain

16 Oct 2020 2 92
Full chisel chain

Ratty got himself caught, he did

26 Sep 2020 4 3 165
I don't have much time for rats as a usual rule, but this fortunate chap had a certain look about him.

Poor rabbit

Dawn on the M6 in Cumbria

St Mary's Church Hall

11 Aug 2020 2 3 126
Church Road, Hayling Island, Hampshire. Restoration September 1994

William Insall of Bristol UK

William Insall Travel Trunk


16 Jul 2020 7 4 202
Ready for Mandatory Mask Wearing when shopping - By Order of HM Government - Bless them

84 items in total

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