Finn Frode's photos

Checking the news

13 Apr 2017 120
A walk outside offers a good opportunity to check the news, look for birds and find out what the neighbour cats are up to... Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 13.04.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Catch-Me-If-You... Gotcha!

17 Apr 2017 127
Here it is Bastian's turn, but both boys still have great fun playing with their Catch-Me-If-You-Can - also known as " Petlinks Mystery Motion ". Bastian (mixed breed), 17.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

A closer cut

27 Mar 2017 120
A different cut of the Caithlin portrait I uploaded a while ago. Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 27.03.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Tabby napping

13 Apr 2017 118
The late morning nap in mama's bed... Bastian (mixed breed), 13.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Born to run

13 Apr 2017 164
Rags posing elegantly - as muscular and well trimmed as when he was neutered 5½ years ago. Bruce Springsteen: Born to Run , 1975 His harnes is just a standard H-type and I don't recall where we got it. The leash is a spiral "bungee" that came with Snow White's Come-with-me-Kitty harness. Much more from my walks with Snow White and Rags in the album " Walking the cat " and also in the video " Snow White Goes Walking " Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 13.04.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Tougher than the Rest

13 Apr 2017 150
Rags singing while out on his walk: The road is dark and it's a thin thin line, But I want you to know I'll walk it for you any time... Bruce Springsteen: Tougher than the Rest , 1987 Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 13.04.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Tripple curiosity

10 Apr 2017 146
Rags, Bastian and Caithlin watching somehing outside - birds most likely... For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Curiosity". Bastian (mixed breed), Dushara Cathal Caithlin & Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somalis), 09.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Sofa snooze

11 Apr 2017 118
Bastian takes a nap on the sofa. Bastian (mixed breed), 11.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Let it all hang down

23 Mar 2017 140
Caithlin in the cat tree. Dushara Cathal Caithlin (Somali), 23.03.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

The golden cup - for Happy Caturday

09 Apr 2017 134
Rags with his Veteran trophee won at Sydkatten's show in Malmö. For the " Happy Caturday " theme "Curiosity". Dushara Tatters and Rags, 09.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

A veteran win

09 Apr 2017 148
On Sunday Rags and I crossed the waters and went to Sydkatten's show in Malmö, Sweden. Rags already has reached the top title of Supreme Premier, but was awarded his HP (Honoury Prize) all right by Jørgen Billing in Class 2. Best ruddy Somali neuter of the Day was our friend Carlos - and rightfully so. Rags is a fine looking cat, but Carlos is perfect. Later Rags went on to the special Veteran class. Having recently celebrated his 10th birthday, this was his first appearance as a "Group IV Over-10 Veteran". Judge Luigi Comorio chose him to win the trophy - and lots of food to bring home. But the wins aside - most important is that Rags enjoys going to shows. Much of the day he can sit on my lap and enjoy cuddles from the visitors. His kind personality makes him the perfect ambassador for the Somali breed. Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali) at Sydkatten's show, Malmö, Sweden, 09.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Is breakfast ready?

01 Apr 2017 120
Just waiting for the toasted bread... Bastian (mixed breed), 01.04.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

We are Stockholm

28 Aug 2011 153
My thoughts go to all affected by the cowardly act of terror that hit the Swedish capital this afternoon, April 7th 2017. Comments disabled - no words needed. Stockholm, 28.08.2011 (from our archives). Olympus E-400 Digital Camera

Rags out walking

30 Mar 2017 120
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 30.03.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Rags on the table

29 Mar 2017 116
Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somali), 29.03.2017 Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Sunny days - Explored 04.04.2017, #453

31 Mar 2017 115
Our trio enjoying spring on the patio. Dushara Cathal Caithlin, Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somalis) & Bastian (mixed breed), 31.03.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

The Flower Pot Man

31 Mar 2017 129
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the "Summer of Love", so let's go to San Francisco, says Bastian... ;) The Flowerpot Men: Let's go to San Francisco , 1967. Bastian (mixed breed), 31.03.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

Cats and flowerpots

31 Mar 2017 128
Dushara Cathal Caithlin, Dushara Tatters and Rags (Somalis) & Bastian (mixed breed), 31.03.2017. Olympus OMD EM5 Digital Camera

2283 items in total