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Saving Our Ipernity ...

Saving Our Ipernity ...
Most, but not all users of ipernity, know that the site has been having financial difficulties for some time and closure of this great platform does indeed remain a distinct possibility.

However, there is now a ray of hope on the horizon thanks to a small number of people who got together and came up with the idea of creating the Ipernity Members Association (IMA).

This body has now been officially registered and a crowdfunding campaign initiated to raise funds to secure ipernity's short term future in the first instance, but ultimately with a view to acquiring the platform for the community.

However, time is of the essence as the IMA need to secure sufficient monies within the next 2 weeks to cover the site hosting costs for March and April or ipernity will almost definitely close. If they are successful then the expectation is that the platform will be transferred to the IMA in a matter of weeks, but as I've said first we need to raise enough money to keep the site going.

Many have already made a donation, myself included, and the campaign has got off to a great start, but there is still a way to go. So, I would urge anyone who hasn't yet made a pledge to follow the link below and donate as much as they can afford.


The last few years have seen countless photosharing sites like Multiply, Fotopic and more recently Panoramio fold. So, understandably people feel let down, they feel disengaged, and are tired of seeing internet businesses (big or small) take their money, offer them a future, build up their hopes and then in an instant they take a decision that throws them out into the cold.

The situation is becoming such an issue for many that they have actually started to question if it is all worth it, if the internet really has anything to offer them and I think this was beautifully summed up recently in a comment posted on ipernity by Peter Kohler who said:

"I give up. Trying to create, preserve or maintain anything in the ether of the web is a futile effort unless you physically own the website yourself. Three years of work and effort and it can just vanish like a fart in the wind. Very disappointing and profoundly depressing."

And now ipernity itself is on the brink of closure. The people that created this great site have admitted they are tired ... that they feel a desperate need to turn the page and move on. But they have also heard our pleas and agreed that they won't just slam the 'book' shut and toss it on the fire.

This is a unique opportunity then for everyone who loves ipernity and who wants it to not only survive, but to become somewhere we can call home for many years to come. Yes, there are still questions to be answered and hurdles to be overcome, but together we really can make a difference.

Let us not fail ... let us unite and ensure that through ipernity our photos really do have a bright future and will be here for a very long time!

Stormlizard, , , Peggy C and 25 other people have particularly liked this photo

83 comments - The latest ones
LutzP club
Thanks Paul for these fine words.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to LutzP club
Let's hope we can all make this happen Lutz! :)
8 years ago.
 Andy Rodker
Andy Rodker club
Expressed perfectly, Paul.Well done and many thanks.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Andy Rodker club
Thanks for that Andy! :)
8 years ago.
A drop now added to the pot and a hope that Ipernity has a long future to come
8 years ago.
raingirl club has replied to Ste
Yes! Thanks!!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Ste
Good on you Steve! :)
8 years ago.
raingirl club
Awesome post - thanks! I've donated. And I'm 'suggesting' some other group for you to add this to.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to raingirl club
Thanks for joining in Laura and for those group suggestions too! )
8 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
Paul, that is a wonderful summary !
Many thanks for expressing exactly my thoughts.
I hope the users of Ipernity will donate to the crowdfunding - time is very tight.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
You can only do what you can do Sara ... at least if it doesn't come off we can say we tried! :)
8 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
Donation payment taken care of!!!!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Clickity Click
Well done Chris! :)
8 years ago.
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
I just did my part. This is exciting and hopeful! :)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Karen's Place club
Yes, huge credit to the IMA team for getting us this far Karen! :)
8 years ago.
Karen's Place club has replied to autofantasia club
It's so exciting! :)
8 years ago.
Bergfex club
Very well said!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Bergfex club
Thanks for your support ... I saw you'd made a donation yesterday! :)
8 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Thank you for spreading the message Paul!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to William Sutherland club
No problem William, we all need to do what we can especially given the short timescale you guys are working too ... we all appreciate what you guys on the IMA team have done to get us to this crucial stage! :)
8 years ago.
 Gary Schotel
Gary Schotel club
Good post. Let's all donate and make it work.

(If it doesn't I will be finished with joining photo sites on the net.)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Gary Schotel club
Thanks for that Gary ... I really think Peter Kohler summed up perfectly how we are all starting to feel about the demise of so many sites! ;)
8 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Its made a great start.

I have also posted the links in an article .
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Pam J club
Thanks for all you're doing too Pam! :)
8 years ago.
 Gary Schotel
Gary Schotel club
Here's something to think about. If it wasn't for this photo sharing site I would never have bought my last two cameras. I think it would be nice if a camera manufacturer made a small contribution to keep Ipernity going. No doubt there are others who have been updating their camera equipment because of their involvement on Ipernity. Without Ipernity I would still be using my 10 year old camera.
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Andrea Riberti club has replied to Gary Schotel club
8 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Gary Schotel club
Give it a try Gary !!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Gary Schotel club
Interesting points and definitely something to ponder as we hopefully move forward Gary! :)
8 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Gary Schotel club
Send me an email with a proper English text and I'm willing to contact some manufacturers.
8 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Gary Schotel club
Started contacting camera manufacturers !!
8 years ago.
Gudrun club
Well said! Thank you, Paul!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Gudrun club
Thanks for your support Gudrun! :)
8 years ago.
 Andrea Riberti
Andrea Riberti club
I just wonder about the credit card: I already did my donation but I hope to not recieve bad surprises: I mean I wouldn't appreciate to get haked somehow. I think it would have been better to pay through paypal. Anyway. And what will it happen if the crowdfunding won't be succesfull? Is our money lost or do we get it back?
8 years ago.
Gudrun club has replied to Andrea Riberti club
If the crowd funding isn't successful we will be refunded, so William Sutherland has said. I think the possibility to hold the money and return it dictated the choice of the site used for crowdfunding.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Gudrun club
Yes, I believe that's the case too! :)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Andrea Riberti club
Thanks for making a donation Andrea. I wouldn't worry too much about using your credit card though as I think the IMA team took great care when choosing which site to use! :)
8 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Congrats on Explore
Spread the news: www.ipernity.com/group/2260604/discuss/186760
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thanks for that Jaap and to everyone that has helped get this onto Explore. Keep spreading the word folks and note that I've surrendered the Copyright on this image so anyone on ipernity can download it and post it wherever they feel is appropriate!
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just posted a screenshot of where we are at after Day 1 ... no Copyright on this one either so feel free to download and then upload/post wherever you feel is appropriate:

Looking Good Folks ...
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
Sadly it seems that despite friends of mine wishing to donate to the cause they cannot do so for varid reasons :((

i hope the company running this fund raising collection can soon ammend this issue or we may not achieve the full potential needed

8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Ste
Not that I'm in a position to do anything about it Steve, but it might help if you could say more about the problems they are having?
8 years ago.
Ste has replied to autofantasia club
Hello Paul for some reason it seems zip codes are a problem even for those here in the UK trying to donate

8 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
IMA needs you! We are the IMA ;-)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just posted a screenshot of where we are at after Day 2 ... no Copyright on this one either so feel free to download and then upload/post wherever you feel is appropriate:

Capture 0250 edit
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Please remember that the crowdfunding being undertaken by the IMA has nothing to do with monies already paid to Ipernity SA for subscriptions. This is to keep the site alive for a few more months until the takeover by the community can be finalised.

We have less than 2 weeks to reach our target or, according to what I've been told, the site will most certainly close. So if you want ipernity to still be here next month please support the crowdfunding campaign.

I think it is also vital that people are made aware that at present there is no guarantee that subscription monies paid recently or prior to the IMA takeover of the platform will go towards helping save the site or towards helping the IMA reach their target.

So, unless Ipernity SA are willing to give an undertaking that any monies paid from today to them for membership will be passed to the IMA I would recommend people do not renew their Club membership should it be coming up for renewal.

That money will almost certainly be lost so please either keep it until the IMA takeover or better still donate it to the crowdfunding campaign.
8 years ago.
Maeluk club
I am afraid I have had three attempts to donate to Ipernity, at each attempt the crowdfunding site refuses my donation saying my zip code is not acceptable. I have set my country from the drop down menu and I've tried to get it to accept the money. Good luck I hope you get to the goal soon.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Maeluk club
I wish I had an answer for you Maeluk to that one ... might be worth raising it with either the site operators or the IMA ... that's if you haven't already done so. It's a real shame that people who want to donate are finding they can't! :(
8 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to Maeluk club
I am had this problem in the past with american sites.
Try Google find my post code and Enter you country or city
for example
I googled find my post code ireland
and found my code
Worth a try.
8 years ago.
 @ngélique ❤️
@ngélique ❤️ club
merci Paul !
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to @ngélique ❤️ club
8 years ago.
Heidiho club
Paul, Du hast vollkommen recht !
Bin von PANORAMIO gekommen. Wir hatten KEINE Chance gegen eine Heuschrecke wie Google. Wir haben 2 Jahre um den Erhalt unserer Plattform dort gekämpft - es hat nichts gebracht - der Eigentümer hat die Macht. Alle unsere Erklärungen, Informationen, Kommentare, Diskussionen zu Millionen von Fotos, die DORT über 10 Jahre gesammelt wurden -
sie sind weg ! Unwiederbringlich weg !

DAS kann jedem Mitglied in JEDER Foto-Community im www jederzeit wieder passieren.

WIR Ipernianer haben JETZT die EINMALIGE Chance etwas ganz Neues zu versuchen.
Das Fenster der Hoffnung ist ganz klein, und es schließt sich Ende März.

Was sind 50 €, was ist ein eventuell verlorener Jahresbeitrag gegen all die verlorene Lebenszeit, die verlorenen Freunde, all die Arbeit die ALLE Ipernianer über viele Jahre in diese Community eingebracht haben ?

Der Preis ist nicht hoch:
50 € je Mitglied entscheiden, ob IP/IMA am 01. April noch da ist - oder nicht !!!
8 years ago.
LutzP club has replied to Heidiho club
Du sagst es Heidi, ich habe Jahresbeitrag gezahlt, wenn er weg ist hab ich Pech gehabt. Es gibt Schlimmeres. Und wenn nötig lege ich beim Crowdfunding noch mal nach, wenn's dann hilft. Bei PA hatten wir keine Chance, hier haben wir eine.

Ich hoffe sehr, dass alle Versprechen eingelöst werden und dass wir es jetzt nicht vergeigen, weil jetzt doch einige kneifen. Im Moment schwächelt die Aktion.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Heidiho club
Let's hope we can all make this happen Heidi ... it would be such an achievement for everyone concerned and I'm sure ipernity could attract a lot of new users if it were to be saved ... not everyone wants to be a part of Yahoo or Google! :)
8 years ago.
Valfal club
Thank you for all your hard work, Paul, and thanks to all the members of IMA who have spent countless hours working diligently to make this opportunity possible for the rest of the ipernity family! We all need to do our part if we want to remain as a family here on this unique website!
8 years ago.
Karen's Place club has replied to Valfal club
Yes! I second that emotion! :)
8 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Well said Paul.
8 years ago.
Merci pour votre passage
j'ai donné ma participation ***
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Lucette
Much appreciated Lucette! :)
8 years ago.
Leon_Vienna club
Hi Paul, I took your work for some collages (?) on my site. I hope I will have your permit ... Thanks in advance!
(Did my donation + 3 more)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Leon_Vienna club
More than happy for you to do so Leon. Please post a link though if you can so we can see what you're doing to promote the campaign! :)
8 years ago.
Leon_Vienna club has replied to autofantasia club
Should be permision! up there - sorry! :-/

Look here f.i.: www.ipernity.com/doc/2251804/44476926
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Leon_Vienna club
Nice work indeed! :)
8 years ago.
 Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨*
Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* club
j'ai participé et donné mon Don pour la sauvegarde de notre belle plateforme !
bonne soirée Autofantasia !
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Valeriane ♫ ♫ ♫¨* club
Good to hear Valeriane! :)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just posted a screenshot of where we are at after Day 3 of the crowdfunding campaign initiated and managed by the IMA, which shows that we have already gone beyond the halfway mark.

Again, there is no Copyright on this one so feel free to download and then upload/post wherever you feel is appropriate:

Day 3 - Looking Good Folks ...

Please remember that this has nothing to do with monies already paid to Ipernity SA for subscriptions. This is to keep the site alive for a few more months until the takeover by the community can be finalised.

We have less than 2 weeks to reach our target or, according to what I've been told, the site will most certainly close. So if you want ipernity to still be here next month please support the crowdfunding campaign.

If you have not made a donation yet and would like to do so please click the link below:

Crowdfunding For Ipernity
8 years ago. Edited 8 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
How do you make that link ??
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Jaap, do you mean to the screenshot or to the donations page?
8 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
No, your link 'Crowdfunding For Ipernity'.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Jaap, I can't put the text here because ipernity would automatically convert it ... another one of the many things that make this site great, it even corrects your HTML mistakes! :)

I'll have a go at emailing it to you as I don't think it converts HTML in messages.
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has added
Sorry for the delay Jaap, but the power went off ... this should help:

Creating Named Hyperlinks ...
8 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Paul, I hope you don't mind using this very catchy image of your's and link it directly to crowdfunding web site. See an example here: www.ipernity.com/group/winclub
8 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
Not at all Sami ... looks good! :)
8 years ago.
autofantasia club
If anyone wants to create a 'named' hyperlink like what I've been using at times, but is unsure of how to do it then this might be of some interest:

Creating Named Hyperlinks ...
8 years ago.
 Keith Burton
Keith Burton club
Great PR work Paul. I've made my donation, let's hope that all those who promised to donate do so........and that those who were unsure get onboard as well.

Well done to everyone who has donated so far!
8 years ago.
 Isabelle Barruhet
Isabelle Barruhet club
Prévu de faire un versement fin mars. Pas avant.
8 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Thank you to everyone who has donated funds, time and effort. You are very special souls ~

Crowdfunding Campaign
.Please read: The hyperlink for making donations is:

8 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Are you using a special software to create these kind of images ??
Intend to start a kind of last minute crowdfunding action.

Crowdfunding Ipernity: running out of time ...
7 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
I shot the photo of the wall myself Jaap and processed it in Photoshop.

The text was created in Publisher, but you could use any basic DTP type package or even Photoshop itself. Then I just put it over the image as a new layer (simple copy and paste job) before finishing it off with the vignette.

Hope that helps? :)
7 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to autofantasia club
I will 'play' with Photoshop. i will publish the result this Thursday.
Thank you.
7 years ago.
Stormlizard club
They did so we live on here.
6 years ago.

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