Articles by autofantasia

  • Issues With Publishing Articles ...

    - 7 years ago - 6 comments
    Capture 0433
    Just a brief article prompted by some comments I've seen people posting regarding difficulties in publishing articles.

  • What's Another Year ...

    - 19 Jan 2017 - 15 comments
    From The Archives ...
    I can remember sitting down a few weeks ago and reflecting on what an awful year 2016 had been, not only for my wife Jan and I, but also for our wider family.

  • If The Worst Happens ...

    - 15 Dec 2016 - 29 comments
    Okay, I think the majority of us, certainly those who are Club members, are hoping and maybe even praying that Team Ipernity are able to secure new investment for the site or find a buyer for it. However, what happens if they fail and we all need to look for an alternative. Some might disagree, but I think ipernity is unique and not only much easier to use than the competition, but offers a better product. And yet, despite all of that, if it closes then we will need to find a new home, whi…

  • User Poll ... The Results So Far!

    - 12 Dec 2016 - 6 comments
    User Poll Results ...
    Please see the update as posted along with the image below: Sink Or Swim ... Please note that I've locked this article to try and keep any comments people want to make on a single thread. Also, by having them on a photo thread we can perhaps get this image and the message it carries onto Explore and so make as many people aware of the crisis facing ipernity as possible. Thanks to everyone for their support and understanding. Best wishes PAUL

  • Unofficial User Poll - Make Your Vote Count!

    - 06 Dec 2016 - 170 comments
    All of the uncertainty over the future of ipernity and the ongoing discussions about how to secure its finances got me thinking about what this great site has to offer and more importantly just how much we’d be willing, or need, to pay to keep it afloat. In the past I’ve said I’d happily pay twice the current subscription fees and I’ve seen lots of other members make similar statements, but recent developments seem to indicate that based on current membership numbers even that level of undert…

  • Helping Save Ipernity ...

    - 05 Dec 2016 - 18 comments
    Following on from the ipernity article entitled UPTIME 3535* , I wrote to Team Ipernity to ask if they had considered the possibility of working with a small group of members to explore ways that they could perhaps assist in securing the long-term future of the site. It struck me then that there were many people, myself included, who were not only very enthusiastic about ipernity and believed in its potential, but who would be willing to help Team Ipernity in any way they could. Either…

  • Ipernity Closing Down ...

    - 05 Dec 2016 - 21 comments
    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Sad news indeed, but the article posted by Christophe earlier today makes it quite clear that barring a miracle this site will indeed close ... perhaps as soon as the end of January 2017. For many of us this isn't a shock and those that were around in 2015 will no doubt remember my open letter to the team, which sought to shine a light on the fears that many were harbouring: the so-called Elephant In The Room . However, following on from that there was so much goodwill directed to the sta…

  • So, Where Next ...

    - 04 Dec 2016 - 10 comments
    Okay folks, for what it's worth. A recap on where I'm at with regards the options out there and a list of the Groups on them for Ipernity Refugees looking to test alternative sites and use as a 'muster' point: FOTOBLUR: 500px: 23HQ: Please not I've simply opened these so I can have a look myself at the options out there, see how they work and perhaps help provide…

  • Let's Get Organised ...

    - 29 Jun 2016 - 7 comments
    Well then, 6 years on from getting my first serious DSLR, my D90, I've come to realise my image files are all over the place and it's now an absolute nightmare trying to find anything specific. I started off shooting just JPEG files, but fairly quickly moved to shooting both RAW and JPEG copies at the same time. As if that isn't bad enough there have been times when I've experimented with HDR which obviously means having several different exposures of the same image thus increasing the number…

  • Rain Stops Play ...

    - 09 Mar 2016 - 3 comments
    Just wanted to apologise for not being around much of late. I'm afraid my wife has been in hospital and so much as I love ipernity it has had to take a back seat. Thankfully, my wife is now back home and improving each day, but it might still be some time before I am able to get back amongst you properly. In the meantime, I hope people will still visit my photostream and get some enjoyment from the photos I've posted in the past. Please forgive me though for not having time right now to…

  • Helping Save Ipernity ...

    - 01 Feb 2016 - 9 comments
    Just thought you guys might like to know that I’ve been in touch once again myself with Team Ipernity regarding the difficulties they are facing. In that message I’ve asked if they have considered the possibility of working with a small group of members to explore ways that they could perhaps assist them in securing the long-term future of the site. I’ve also stressed that, in my opinion, there are many people including myself who are not only very enthusiastic about ipernity and believe…

  • Ensemble ...

    - 04 Dec 2015 - 12 comments
    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    Je fais partie de ceux qui ont fuit flickr en 2013 pour venir s'installer ici, étant arrivé à la conclusion qu'Ipernity était la meilleur alternative possible sur le marché des sites de partage de photos. Cependant, aujourd'hui, en 2015, j'ai l'impression qu'Ipernity ne fonctionne plus aussi bien qu'avant. Depuis le début de l'année, suite la migration dans le cloud, deux articles seulement ont été publiés par l'équipe, et aucun des membres de cette équipe, à l'exception de Julian, n'a publié…

  • Dear Team Ipernity ...

    - 02 Dec 2015 - 8 comments
    Dear Team Ipernity ...
    I was one of the many that came flooding across from flickr back in 2013 having found its revamp too messy, not at all intuitive and way too slow for my internet connection to handle. I knew that in time I would have got used to all those new buttons and learnt how to do what used to come naturally, but it would still have looked a mess and still have been far too slow. So I left flickr behind and began to set up my new home here on ipernity having decided that it was by far the best alt…

  • Be Afraid ...

    - 07 Sep 2015 - 8 comments
    Sorry folks, but property values in this neighbourhood are about to plummet as I’m hoping to be back amongst you properly in the next week or so. I had hoped in the midst of all the technical problems I was having I’d have at least been able to get online occasionally to keep an eye on what other people were up to and post the odd comment, but as you guys now know that just never happened. In the end we had to get my wife’s laptop rebuilt and I had to replace my main desktop PC altogether.…

  • Computer Problems ...

    - 19 Jul 2015 - 11 comments
    Big problems at the moment with my PC hence my absence over the last week or so, all of which means my appearances will continue to be sporadic for some time. I had hoped a System Restore and reinstalling all of my software (groan) would solve the issues, but in some ways things have only got worse ... not helped in any way it has to be said by Norton 360. Anyway, take good care of yourselves and forgive me for not being around to comment or participate much at this point in time. Best…

  • Broadband Problems ...

    - 19 Feb 2015 - 1 comment
    Sorry folks that I've not been around to check out your latest offerings this last week or so. Been having real problems/issues with our BT broadband, which since last weekend has been either down or running so slow as to make it almost unusable. I managed to run a speed test on it earlier today which showed just how bad it is even when it's supposedly available. I'm only getting 0.228 Mb/s Download and 0.359 Mb/s Upload. If I remember correctly my old dial up connection back in the day us…

  • The Making Of A Snowglobe On Ice ...

    - 15 Dec 2014 - 5 comments
    Snowglobe On Ice ...
    Okay folks, been asked how I went about producing the above image, so here's a quick overview. Please remember though that I'm no expert at all this layering and texturing malarkey. In many ways I'm still a beginner and there are lots of folks on here much better at it than me, but I appreciate people asking how I did what I did, so here goes: I began, as we all did this week in The Sunday Challenge by working with an image called Snowman Christmas , which was produced by UNKWinc over…

  • Flickr To Profit From Creative Commons ...

    - 09 Dec 2014 - 4 comments
    Thanks to some friends in The Sunday Challenge for bringing this to the attention of members I thought it might be of some interest to others in the wider ipernity community, at least those who've not already heard about it: "Last week, The Wall Street Journal reported that Yahoo! will begin selling prints of 50 million Creative Commons-licensed images uploaded by Flickr users as well as an unspecified number of other photos uploaded by users that will be handpicked from Flickr. Images bea…

28 articles in total