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Dear Team Ipernity ...

Dear Team Ipernity ...
I was one of the many that came flooding across from flickr back in 2013 having found its revamp too messy, not at all intuitive and way too slow for my internet connection to handle.

I knew that in time I would have got used to all those new buttons and learnt how to do what used to come naturally, but it would still have looked a mess and still have been far too slow.

So I left flickr behind and began to set up my new home here on ipernity having decided that it was by far the best alternative product on the market.

In many ways it reminded me of the ‘old’ flickr, it was clean, fresh, and easy to use and above all it was fast. I didn’t have to wait for ages for photographs to load, there were no ‘bad pandas’ to be found and the people behind the site seemed keen to develop it as best they could, but in a way that suited the end user.

Team Ipernity not only communicated with account holders on a regular basis, they consulted them on possible new developments, they sought their opinions, and best of all they actually took on board what people had to say. All very refreshing in today’s world, particularly if you’d moved here from flickr and so I was quick to show my support by taking out Club Membership.

In that first year they posted 73 articles and made many subtle, but welcome improvements to the site. The following year that number dropped to 31, but they were still very active and the product continued to deliver in ways that flickr never did so I naturally renewed my membership and continued to add to my photostream without any concerns.

However, in 2015 it appears all is not well in ipernity. Since the beginning of the year following on from the cloud migration only 2 articles have been published by the team and none of them, with the exception of Julian, appear to be using the platform that they themselves helped create.

Elsewhere the team seem to be even less active with no posts on Twitter or Facebook at all in 2015 and the Google+ account seems to have died altogether.

All of this, combined with the team's tardiness when it comes to responding to tickets over recent months and their apparent inability to solve the problems reported, really does leave me worrying about what is happening to ipernity.

It has left me questioning if this is still a thriving go-ahead community inspired business model or if it is a project that is it being left to simply tick over before ultimately having the plug pulled and the life support switched off?

And I know from posts, articles and discussions I’ve read elsewhere that I’m far from being alone in having these concerns so I’m posting this open letter to Team Ipernity in the hopes that they might respond.

Don’t get me wrong, I still love ipernity and I’m not meaning to criticize the product or for that matter have a go at individuals … I’m merely expressing an opinion that, from the outside at least, it does indeed appear that all is not well in ipernity.

I accept that sometimes no matter how enthusiastic you are about a product and no matter how hard you try to make it succeed there are times when you can do no more: when you quite simply have no more time, energy or finances left to invest.

That may well be the situation as far as Team Ipernity are concerned and whilst it would be devastating news at least people would say they tried, they tried, but they failed. No shame in that, at least not as far as I’m concerned.

However, what would be unforgiveable would be if having reached that point they failed to communicate it properly and at the appropriate time to users, both existing and potential.

For instance, most people would think it very unprofessional to continue to take subscriptions knowing that the project had been cast adrift like a rudderless boat, which had been holed below the water line and abandoned simply to be left to sink without trace at some point in the future.

As it happens, my own Club Membership is up for renewal again in a few weeks and all this uncertainty is making me question whether I should renew this time around. So, it would be nice not only to have my open tickets dealt with, but to have some answers/reassurances about the future of ipernity.

If you share my views, or at least some of my concerns, and you too would like to know what the future holds for ipernity then please add the above image* into your faves.

Click that little star now and help shine the spotlight of Explore onto what we Brits would call "the elephant in the room".**

*The image shown entitled "Elephant In The Room" was produced by Canadian artist Brandon Thomas and sourced through the deviantart website. You can see more of his work here.

**The phrase "elephant in the room" is an idiom for an obvious truth that is either being ignored or going unaddressed. The expression also applies to an obvious problem or risk which no one wants to discuss.

, , David Dahle, and 175 other people have particularly liked this photo

157 comments - The latest ones
 Shuttering Yukon
Shuttering Yukon
Nice one Doc.. well better written than I could do!
Chris finally got an answer the other day to a ticket she put in 5 months and 3 days ago. Pretty crappy service I say!
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Shuttering Yukon
A perfect example Wendi of why I think they need to be more forthcoming about what is happening! :)
9 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
I, too, wonder what the future holds ? Although I have renewed my Club subscription recently I am not convinced about the future.
I had a ticket back in March that was not solved, and more recent ones do not appear to have been read.
There is also the problem of "fake" accounts opened to advertise things like dating sites based in the far east.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
Yes, I've noticed more and more people spamming in the true sense over recent months. They've even started doing it on some of the old Team Ipernity threads and nobody seems to have noticed or if they have it's like they don't care any more! :(
9 years ago.
Peter Van Lom has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
I reported such an account a few days ago and it is gone now. So some one is still doing the job..
9 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Excellent image and well spoken! I've had the same concerns and at times posted them in comments. I'm concerned Ipernity may go the way of Snapixel. Hope you get the IP Team's attention. Perhaps they may even need new blood if some members aren't using their platform. Where's brand loyalty?

Admired in:
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to William Sutherland club
Thanks for your contribution William. I for one would happily pay more to subscribe if it meant the future of the site would be guaranteed.

Don't get me wrong I'm not rich by any means, but when you work out the costs over a year it's less than a daily newspaper. I'm not reluctant to pay because I think it's a bad product or that it's overpriced ... I simply want know I'm not paying for something that might disappear tomorrow! :(
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to William Sutherland club
William, I hope you don't mind but I'll be deleting this comment shortly as I want to keep this thread/discussion clear for the reasons I started it as opposed to helping promote individual groups.

I have feeling that this is going to run and run and such additions will only make it more difficult for people to navigate. That said I do appreciate your other comments and the fact that the group you mention has helped promote this topic!

No offence intended ... I hope you understand?


9 years ago.
 Stan Askew
autofantasia club has replied to Stan Askew club
Stan, I hope you don't mind but I'll be deleting this comment shortly as I want to keep this thread/discussion clear for the reasons I started it as opposed to helping promote individual groups.

I have feeling that this is going to run and run and such additions will only make it more difficult for people to navigate. That said I do appreciate your other comments and the fact that the group you mention has helped promote this topic!

No offence intended ... I hope you understand and if you really want to help please add the image into your faves so we can push it all the way to the top of Explore and hopefully get some answers! :)


9 years ago.
 Gillian Everett
Gillian Everett club
I don't think ipernity needs to change too much,, mainly solve any issues, and be active in communicating with members. It would be good to have stability and a feeling that they will be around for a while.

I personally don't have any current problems with the way ipernity works, and have not had the need to contact them at all, so have not had any experience of the issues outlined here. I have recently renewed my membership for 2 years.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Gillian Everett club
I agree with you Gillian, there is little wrong with ipernity as it is other than a few little glitches and an increasing number of false accounts set up to spam and promote businesses that aren't really contributing to the community.

The real issue is the uncertainty that is creeping into people's minds and whilst I understand I may even be increasing those fears I still think it's right to tackle them head on! Thanks for the fvae BTW as I'm keen to see this image and what it represents pushed all the way to the top of Explore! :)
9 years ago.
 Clickity Click
Clickity Click
Well written Paul. Have stared the image and hope that it gets someones attention. Thank you for taking initiative to pursue this. :)
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Clickity Click
Many thanks Chris for your kind comments and for your support. Hopefully if we can push this to the top of Explore we will get some answers. I really don't understand why when they have a good product and loyal customers like us that they've suddenly stopped talking to us! :(
9 years ago.
 Karen's Place
Karen's Place club
Well put Paul. Good luck with this. :)
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Karen's Place club
Thanks for that Karen! :)
9 years ago.
 Old Owl
Old Owl club
Thank you for articulating the vague feelings of unease which I, too, have been feeling. I wouldn't know where to go if Ipernity disappeared as I am also a refugee from "that other site" with no wish to return.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Old Owl club
I appreciate your comments and like you I hate to think where I would go next if ipernity were indeed to disappear! :(
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Great work guys, overnight this has got onto Page 1 of Explore. However, we're only sitting in 19th position and we need to push this to the top of the charts.

Please remember this isn't about me, it isn't even about the image especially as it isn't one of mine, it's about pushing this issue all the way until the community get answers.

So, if you haven't already added this into your faves please think again about doing so. Even if you're not a subscribing member you still have something to lose if this great site disappears. I mean think of all the time you've invested in adding your photos onto the site. Think of all the great people you've met and with whom you exchange comments and ideas.

How would you feel if you switched on your computer tomorrow and ipernity had disappeared?

Please think about those things and click that star button to show you care about this site and you want it to thrive! :)


9 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
For me the same. tried to get answers about their future plans a couple of months ago. Although I didn't get proper answers I continued my membership for another year. Hope Ipernity will still excist in 2016.

I'm also from that other site and nowadays also trying 500px (but not satisfied at all). Wouldn't know where to go !!

I'm wondering if you will;get any answer from team Ipernity.

9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Thank you for your comments Jaap! :)

Please could you also add this into your faves? I wouldn't normally ask someone to do this, but this isn't about me, it's about the community as a whole getting some answers and the more faves the higher up the Explore chart this will go and so the more people will see it!

Many thanks! :)

9 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to autofantasia club
For me also - for the time being - the only FAV on Ipernity.
9 years ago.
 Graham Chance
Graham Chance club
A well written piece Paul, and the only image I have made a "Favourite" on Ipernity.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Graham Chance club
Much appreciated Graham as is you adding this into your faves, especially given that you don't normally fave images!
9 years ago.
Graham Chance club has replied to autofantasia club
Its13.55 and you ( or do I mean we?) are on the front page!
Well done Paul.
9 years ago.
well written and you echo the thoughts and concerns of many of us,
it would be a great shame if ipernity was just left to drift, but I think many
have already left and gone elsewhere ! and so renewals will now start
to be dropping off which will make the financial side of things very difficult
I suspect for the company. There was a brief period when someone on
staff seemed to walk in and clear a few "tickets" but then ... all went
quiet again. Some hiccups that do seem to be addressed sometimes,
lets hope indeed that this attracts some attention and gets read . . .
perhaps an "article" also with the lead into it this picture ... it would
add to the impact ... ;-) best of luck, Bev.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to beverley
Thanks for the comments and support Bev. :)

I noticed that there had been some back office activity, but as you say it has been minimal. I have 2 open tickets at the moment that have been ongoing for some time and neither has been accessed in the last 4 weeks! :(
9 years ago.
beverley has replied to autofantasia club
Yes there has been a bit of backroom activity ... with regards to explore when it has
"slipped" to 12 pages instead of 18 ... whether this is done automatically and reset
I do not know ... but at one point it did seem to go on and on for a few days ... I
think some wrote to them about this ... it was rectifified along with a port video
appearing in explore videos ... that was reported ... it was removed .. and so
without a doubt someone is looking and checking ... but if there is only one
person monitoring ... then they have their work cut out for them ... lets hope
this gets noticed ... it is climbing up the charts as they say ;-)
9 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
I wonder if "reporting" would bring this to the attention of Team Ipernity ?
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
It might, but then they say you're not allowed to divulge anything they say in response to tickets, which is one of the main reasons for doing this in such a public way. It also lets them see how many other people are concerned.

The other problem with tickets is that they are often not being replied to, I have 2 in the system at the moment and they've not been read in the last 4 weeks! :(
9 years ago.
Shuttering Yukon has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
I was wondering that too and I meant to try when Paul posted this the other day!

Now if a bunch of people report it they have to look! don't they?
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Shuttering Yukon
I nearly did myself Wendi, but then I thought best to leave it as it is as I really would like them to communicate with us all in public rather than a single person via a ticket they might try to suppress given that they say you don't have permission to divulge what they say through the medium of tickets! Phew, that was along sentence ... think I need rest now! ;)

Having said that I might just send them a link to this via a ticket! :)
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Hello Paul.

I put in a ticket at the beginning of August, (4 months ago) and it hasn't even been read yet.
I had also renewed my membership for another 2 years. So yes, I am getting a bit concerned also.
Have added this to my faves....:-)
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to ╰☆☆June☆☆╮ club
Yes, I've had the same problem with tickets. Whether they get read or acted upon seems something of a lottery in recent months! :(

Thanks for your comments here June and for your support! :)
9 years ago.
 Peter Van Lom
Peter Van Lom
Well, I see there are some concerns about this site too. I newly started here as a refugee from Panoramio. The first impression of Iperity as a community was good. But I won't start a subscription before I have a good look around here. I'm on 500px too. But I'm not a paying member because of the layout, the 'puls' calculation and the lack of comments from the other members. I am however a paying member of 1x. The presentation of the pictures is very nice and the posibility to learn (magazine and tutorials) is good. So joining Ipernity is foremost for community reasons.
9 years ago.
Jaap van 't Veen club has replied to Peter Van Lom
Peter could you mail me the website of "1x"
Absolutely not satisfied with 500px, so looking around for something else, being not Fl....
Groet, Jaap
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Peter Van Lom
Thanks very much for your contribution Peter. I too looked at 500 and 1x before coming here, but ruled them out for reasons that I can't remember right now. I really hope ipernity has a future because this for me at least was and is the best alternative to flickr! :)
9 years ago.
Peter Van Lom has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
1x is quite an elite photosite. The chance that one gets published is about 3%. But that is not the reason that I joined. It has more to do with trying to raise myself to a higher level.
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
Peter Van Lom has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
1x is quite an elite photosite. The change that one gets published is about 3%. But that is not the reason that I joined. It has more to do with trying to raise myself to a higher level.
You might take a look to the photosite from National Geographic too.
9 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
There is something definitely not going on with Ipernity ..

I put in a Ticket 15 Aug. 2015


28 Oct. 2015
'' we have answered that question''

But-- they have not.
Lea said she ''had to give it to the Technical Team'' -- makes me wonder if there is one ...

In spite of this, I shall remain -- have made wonderful friends...

But, this is NOT the Ipernity we knew when we signed up ...
they answered us in a timely manner !

Yes, have faved this found in: EXPLORE ~

Page 1 ------------
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Peggy C club
Many thanks for your contribution Peggy ...I too have noticed that after things are forwarded to the technical team nothing more seems to happen! :(
9 years ago.
 Roger (Grisly)
Roger (Grisly) club
I am really happy on ipernity but like many have concerns at its lack of communication, an excellent article that deserves a reply, Like many people who moved from Flickr my subscription is due shortly and I would like to know it's future is secure.
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Roger (Grisly) club
Thank you very much Roger for stepping forward and sharing your views. Let us hope someone at Team Ipernity is listening and willing to let us all know what is happening! :)
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Great news everyone. This image has now attracted nearly 60 faves since it was posted and has now sits right at the top of the first page on Explore.

Many, many thanks to everyone for their comments and faves that have helped us achieve our first goal. Now we need to keep it there until we get some answers.

So, if you know anyone on ipernity who has any concerns at all about the long term future of this site and they've not already added this image into their faves then please, please let them know about what we're trying to do here.

We need as many people to show they too have concerns and we need to keep this image in Explore long enough for Team Ipernity not only to see it, but to realise they need to be open about what is happening behind the scenes.

We need to make sure that elephant in the room is finally addressed.

Kind regards

9 years ago.
Esther club
I wish Ipernity the best. Unlike Flickr, it is a community for those who care about their craft.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Esther club
Thanks for your support with this Esther! :)
9 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
Just looked and yes, Page 1 and the very first photo posted on the left side !

Onward !
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Peggy C club
Now we just need someone from Team Ipernity to see it and respond! :)
9 years ago.
You are NUMBER ONE ... and thats great ... lets hope those who go around collecting
comments and faves as they always do, does not knock it from the number one spot ;-)
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to beverley
We can only do what we can do Bev ... now the ball has to be very much in their court. Thanks again for your support! :)
9 years ago.
beverley has replied to autofantasia club
you are most welcome ... and someone has blocked you ...?
you have to be joking ... whatever for ... you are speaking up
for so many, not just yourself ... !
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Oh well, I guess it had to happen. I've just discovered that someone has blocked me because, well I guess because of this campaign, as I can't think of anything else about me or my photostream that they could take offence to! :(

And no, it wasn't someone from Team Ipernity! ;)
9 years ago.
Treasa Ui Cionaodha has replied to autofantasia club
So someone blocked you. What do they not believe in freedom of speech. Their loss not yours Paul. Keep on trucking my friend
9 years ago.
 Roger Dodger
Roger Dodger
Faved and with you all the way, cancelled membership and left the F* site nearly two years back, occasionally look back on my freebie account, but still unimpressed. My IP Club membership is live until March 2016, very much like this community and simplicity of ipernity, hope I have good reason to renew! You bringing this to the fore is much appreciated Paul.
9 years ago.
 Indycaver (Norm)
Indycaver (Norm) club
Looks like you hit a nerve with this one! :-) First page of Explore too!
9 years ago.
 Roger Bennion
Roger Bennion club
Yes Paul, well written and it is a bit worrying. I sincerely hope that ipernity put all our minds at rest. I came here from Flickr and would never go back to Flickr!! I have looked at lots of other photo sharing sites, tried one or two, but there are not any that I would want to use on any kind of long term or regular basis. So, for me, it is ipernity or nothing! A while back I did raise a ticket and I did get a response asking some questions. I replied but it didn't look as though much was happening. However, the problem suddenly got resolved so perhaps I missed a further reply from them.
9 years ago.
 Malik Raoulda
Malik Raoulda club
Tes interrogations sont plausibles et méritent qu'on s’arrête un moment et surtout d’être écouté et d'avoir des réponses..!
9 years ago.
tiabunna club
Faved, a clear well written article. Before coming here from F/r when it became unusable, I was a member of another small site that disappeared overnight after a period of diminishing activity. You have summarised my shared concerns well, I certainly don't want to find that all my shared images and online friends go into cyberspace. It's a dilemma: if membership funds dry up the site seems likely to fold, if nothing is heard from the management then the question is whether Elvis really has left the building....
9 years ago.
I think you clearly expressed what we all are feeling right now, Paul. I hope that team ipernity can understand how much this site means to us all and tell us what's going on.

You are now #1 photo on Explore right now; thanks for providing a means for us to communicate our distress in unison!
9 years ago.
Heidiho club
Ich komme nicht von flickr, sondern von Panoramio.
Insofern kann ich den Vergleich IP-flickr nicht beurteilen.
IP ist um vieles besser als Panoramio, deshalb habe ich gerade mein Abonnement verlängert.

Allerdings, die Frage drängt sich auf:
gibt es überhaupt noch ein "Team Ipernity" ?
9 years ago.
Echo your concerns and hope that Ipernity is reanimated. I do like being here and I certainly don't wish for flashing lights and banners. If it is a downturn in finances which is causing the silence then there are ways of energising a business in order to attract more fee paying clients but that does involve engagement. Hope you succeed in getting a clearer picture Paul.
9 years ago.
a big sign ! but for whom ? :-)
the last months we made a lot of jokes about the iper staff (endless holidays, lost the keys for the staff room etc.)... they don't read the mails (my oldest ticket is from june 22, still ignored and probably ignored forever), and many members tried to wake them up, to reanimate them, but: no life signs... guess, iper is working as long as the bills for the energy of the servers are paid... 8-)
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
 Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Treasa Ui Cionaodha
Well highlighted problems with Ipernity. Would hope they will improve their service but I very much doubt it going on their history from the start to date. Well done Paul Regards Tess
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just wanted to say how overwhelmed I’ve been by the interest this topic has generated and by how much support it has attracted.

I knew I wasn’t the first to have these worries. I knew I wasn’t the first to voice them. And so, when I posted this image and the attached article, I felt confident it would attract some interest and thought wouldn’t it be amazing if we could really push this all the way to the top of the Explore charts.

Then yesterday when we actually achieved that goal I was simply blown away and so went to bed last night very happy indeed.

To be fair though I thought there was every chance that we’d peaked and that the image might get knocked off the number one spot overnight and I feared our cries for answers might go unheard.

However, when I logged on today and saw not only that the image was still sitting there on Page 1, but that it had now generated over 100 faves I genuinely felt overwhelmed.

There are so many good points being made in the discussions that I feel rather than me trying to reply to them all individually it's probably best now if I just sit back and let your voices be heard along with mine.

Huge thanks to each and every one of you for stepping forward, whether you’ve submitted a comment or simply added this image into your faves.

Let’s hope that even if there is no longer a Team Ipernity as some have suggested that there is still at least one person there to hear what the community has to say.

Best wishes

9 years ago.

it had to be done and you're number one
a voice to be heard otherwise it's absurd
you are gathering momentum all of the time
well put together and about time
a response we would like to see it is true
from staff on ipernity or it just won't do
I hope you stay put for all to see
as it is the weekend very nearly . . .
so hang on in here our NUMBER ONE
we really don't want to see this gone . . .

9 years ago.
 Jaap van 't Veen
Jaap van 't Veen club
Did send Ipernity staff a request to take a look at your image and to read the comments.
Hopefully 'somebody' will answer.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Jaap van 't Veen club
Yes, I have now sent them a link too! :)
9 years ago.
 William Sutherland
William Sutherland club
Great to see you're two days at #1 on Explore. Hope the Ipernity team takes notice since it seems like they're the only ones unaware of the purpose of your illustration! Perhaps they should read your well-written message and give us some answers about the state of the site. It would be a real shame if they neglect it so people quit and give them a pretext to close the site.
9 years ago.
 Pam J
Pam J club
Faved Paul for all the reasons already mentioned.

Still at #1 Explore too !
9 years ago.
 Gisela Plewe
Gisela Plewe club
Der Verlauf dieser Diskussion macht immer nachdenklicher.

Wir, die wir das Panoramio-Fiasko erlebt haben, lebten unter den neuen Freunden und mit den vielfältigeren Möglichkeiten von Ipernity regelrecht auf und erlebten kreativen Anschub. Wie ich sehe, haben die meisten nach dem ersten Jahr vor kurzem vertrauensvoll ihre Mitgliedschaft verlängert, weil sie Gegenwart und Zukunft unabhängig von der Vergangenheit in der Ipernitygemeinschaft erleben möchten .

Das beinhaltet einen Auftrag an das Team, der über den Anspruch hinausgeht, zu erfahren, wie es um die Situation der Site bestellt ist. Es wäre ein Jammer, wenn Teilnehmer abspringen, weil sie sich von einem handlungsunfähigen Team im Stich gelassen fühlen.

Ich kann nur hoffen, dass diese von Paul eingeleitete Aktion Wirkung zeigt.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Whilst accepting this site has global appeal and has attracted users from around the world, I am conscious that ipernity is based in France and so it follows that perhaps the majority of users are French speaking.

With that in mind and being conscious that the translation button may not work on an article as long as the one I initially wrote, I have now produced an edited down version, which one of my French friends here on ipernity has been kind enough to translate.

I hope that by posting this translation, we will be able to generate further support for our campaign, in particular from the many French speaking users of ipernity.

Please click here to read the translated article or use the link below. Then if you share our concerns please return here to fave the image.

9 years ago.
 Peggy C
Peggy C club
04/Dec/2015 @ 8:44AM EST - First Page - First Row -

but, any contact from Ipernity, Paul ?
9 years ago.
Peggy C club has added

.. dated in May
.. second paragraph is very interesting !!
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Peggy C club
No, rest assured if I hear anything direct I will post details of it here, but I'm hoping they choose to reply via this thread or through their own blog! :)
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Peggy C club
Thanks for the link Peggy ... human, yes, but they also need to maintain some communication if the site is to thrive and not become infested with spammers!

Let's hope we hear something soon! :)
9 years ago.
 Nora Caracci
Nora Caracci club
hope that the apparently low activity of the team means that there are no problems and everything is going well without intervention...
But I knew about some spammer ...
So in any case I'm with you, thanks for your action.
9 years ago.
Stormlizard club
I never bothered with Flickr, it was suggested as an alternative to Multiply that gave all bloggers, photographers etc, the Boot with a 12 month to save work warning in 2011 as the investors that took over decided to turn the site into an online shopping Mall.
No I tried about 13 different sites that appeared to be OK but only Ipernity offered everything I and many of my contact friends needed. After trying it out for fourteen days decided it was worth becoming what was then called a Pro user, later changed to Club member so I paid up for four years.
During the past three months there have been several Glitches, many of them I believe to have been caused by dramatic modifications to Browsers in order that these browsers function correctly with Windows 10, I may be wrong but . . . .

They say "Silence is Golden", that may be true in a classroom full of rowdy kids but from those that run this site it certainly leaves us worrying.

9 years ago.
Very well put -- the lack of activity on their side had cast doubts on the future of this site. Not that I see urgent need for any new features but an occasional ping to show the team is supporting the site.
Until then, I have not renewed my membership
9 years ago.
 Ernest CH
Ernest CH club
Hi autofantasia,
I did not (yet ?) realize that there was (is) a problem for them moment.
On my behalf I have not moved from Flickr at all - but maybe that surprises - from a wonderful french photo-site-forum called "Pixelistes". There it was really a very friendly corner, completely free but one day, approx. two years ago the administrator soled the site to a company dealing in something like publicity (I do not exactly know what) and all the people helping the site best like redactors, modérateurs, guides, développeurs etc. etc. Most of them resigned in 2014 and after it was working one a really low level. The site still exists but most of my friends have left it for elsewhere but have kept a certain contact. One of the members has joined ipernity end of 2014 and suggested that I should come too. I did so I think in February this year.
So far I have not seen any problems for me but . . . . who knows.
I am still active on two other photo forums but only in "low speed" way.
Looking my age, I am not very keen to change for changing - but again who knows.
Well keep me informed if . . . .
Due to family problems (daughter going to hospital needing help - see explanation in my pages) I cannot be very active during them next 8 weeks.
That's all for the moment
9 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
I was wondering whether I should send "Team Ipernity" an Iper - mail ?
I'm not on Fcaebook / google+ / twitter so can't message them on those services ...
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
beverley has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
there is virtually nothing happening on their facebook site ... I have tried ... they
used to respond from there if you wrote to them ... but now ... no ... !
9 years ago.
Stormlizard club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
No nor am I on those three places named for various reasons, two of them are like school yards, the third has a desire to own the entire Web.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to StoneRoad2013 club
As Bev has said they have no active presence on those other sites ... no posts by them at all there in 2015! :(

As for mailing them here I have not done that, but I have posted links in their guestbook where that was possible and I have opened a ticket concerning this matter, but which has not been read never mind replied to.

It all makes things look rather bleak, but I am still hoping it is a case of "we're just a small team ... we're only human and have other things going on in our lives", but increasingly it is hard to be so optimistic! :(
9 years ago.
 Marije Aguillo
Marije Aguillo club
Yo soy una de tantos que venimos de Panoramio y también estuve en Fotocommunity. No he advertido grandes problemas pero eso no quiere decir que no los haya porque suelo ir abstraída y distraída por la vida. A veces es bueno eso, cierto despiste, para no sufrir. Si he notado que se me han intentado agregar ciertos miembros con fotografías de un contenido que no me gustaban y las he rechazado. No me gustaría que este sitio se convirtiera en un lugar de fotos de contenido sexual o porno o semi-porno. Veo que sois muchos los que coincidis en advertir problemas de funcionamiento y me adhiero a vuestras quejas porque todo foro debiera funcionar de modo abierto, por acuerdos, atendiendo a la gente y sus intereses.
Si advierto una desmesura en el número de grupos que se repiten de forma un poco absurda, debiera organizarse mejor eso.
De cualquier modo, mi felicitación Paul, por tu valentía en realizar este manifiesto.
Un cordial y amistoso saludo.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Marije Aguillo club
Really appreciate your input and support Marije! :)
9 years ago.
 M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !! ( Marj )
M♥rJ Photogr♥phy !!… club
You have my support & hope with all hope that ipernity keeps going.... great site & people !!!
Good luck with this !!
9 years ago.
StoneRoad2013 club
During both May and July 2015 I had contact with the team, as I received some extra time to my club subscription as recompense for problems raised by tickets. These would probably have had to be a manual transaction - but nothing since then, only automated subscription reminders and processing.
I'm assuming reporting inappropriate content is at least semi automated as no response other than deleting content.
It is worrying, this is similar to the situation at fotopic.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Just wanted to 'pop back in' for a moment to say how much I appreciate the continued interest, support and comments this topic has attracted.

My apologies for not replying to each and every post that has been made, but rightly or wrongly I took a view when I saw just how many people had something they wanted to add that it best that I let others talk and only reply where I felt it necessary or appropriate.

That doesn't mean I don't appreciate what everyone has had to say ... I really, really do!

It is now four days since I posted the 'elephant' and I'm delighted that it is still sitting near the top of Explore. I have left links to this thread on various Team Ipernity articles and in the guestbook of individual team members including lea d'ipernity.

I have also opened a ticket (Ticket #35492) using the "I have a suggestion" option. My suggestion was simply that they follow the link to this article, read what I and dozens of other people have had to say and then issue some kind of reply/statement.

Two days on and that ticket has not been read.

So, much as I still hope all is well with Team Ipernity, and that it's just a case of them having been busy with other things it is becoming increasingly difficult to remain optimistic and positive about the future.

Rest assured if I hear anything from Team Ipernity direct I will post details of it here.

Best wishes to everyone who has helped promote this campaign so far.

9 years ago.
cammino club
I Think you are right!
9 years ago.
 Ernest CH
Ernest CH club
Hi Paul,
Thank you for your message. Personally I did not arrive from Flickr but from a very big French Photo Forum. Where I met some major problems maybe similar to what you mention here. That happened approx. two-year ago when them former administrator sold the Forum to a private company.
Now regarding ipernity - I so far have not had or felt any kind of problems that concern me. But should I have the feeling, I shall not fail to let you know.
Anyhow, thank you for your message and I wish you them best possible future and have my regards.
Ernest CH
9 years ago.
Where are you, IP Team?! We miss you very much!!!
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Valfal
9 years ago.
Number one again, pleased to report that ... hope it stays there.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to beverley
9 years ago.
 Sami Serola (inactive)
Sami Serola (inactiv… club
After seeing the rise and fall of another blog and photo sharing service by MyOpera, trying Google+ for a while, and experiencing the not so good improvements at Flickr, I say we are "social media nomads". We have no other option but to choose the pastures that appears best for us.

It is somewhat impossible to predict what service will eventually become and stay popular. And kind of sad to see promising ones to fade away. And very likely it also means the change of online friendships.

But I try to be positive and just bought one more year of club membership here at Ipernity.
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has added
Oh, and thank you Paul for trying to make the elephant more visible! =)

I also suggest people keep on commenting, because that probably also affects on how long a picture stays on Explore.

P.S. And if this campaign turns out not successful, then I suggest you Paul, or we all post some more "elephant pictures".
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
autofantasia club
Interesting idea guys, but I've not given up yet. Let's see what this week brings and then if there's still no word and people want to upload 'multiple elephants' we can revisit it.

There's a fine balance to be struck here I think between focussing everyone's attention, which I think we have so far, and diluting the message ... less can sometimes be more! :)
9 years ago. Edited 9 years ago.
Sami Serola (inactiv… club has replied to autofantasia club
Yes of course =)

I meant we could start a new campaign only if this post disappears from the top 1-5 pages of Explore, or after some time like few weeks or so.
9 years ago.
autofantasia club has replied to Sami Serola (inactiv… club
9 years ago.

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