J.Garcia's photos
Le lapin et son regard vers l'inévitable …
Fleurs et pots
Joyful colors in the garden
L'émerveillement !
Omaggio a “Ladri di biciclette” (1948), di Vittori…
Questo film è semplicemente attualissimo!!!
Horloge! dieu sinistre, effrayant, impassible,
Mais le chat,...
L'homme voudrait être poisson et oiseau,
Le serpent voudrait avoir des ailes,
Le chien est un lion désorienté,
L'ingénieur veut être poète,
La mouche étudie pour devenir hirondelle,
Le poète essaie d'imiter la mouche,
Mais le chat,
Ne veut être que le chat,
Et chaque chat est chat,
De la tête à la queue.
(Pablo Neruda)
Littoral neuchâtelois
Le soir venu
Farewell São Vicente
Small oasis
Water! The valley is green
Acacia plantation
The island is almost completely devoid of vegetation. A work of acacia plantation has been made in the flatter areas.
The success of these plantations have been very limited.
It was Sunday
A crevice in the rock
Hard work! Cultivating among the stones
Island is very arid with only 80–130 mm falling annually, somewhat higher only near the tops of the few mountains.
Due to lack of rain, agriculture is at a subsistence level