J.Garcia's photos
The plumb left cheek full of qat
There are in the young qat leaves substances which are responsible for the stimulating effect
Scenes of daily life
Towers to live in
Lisboa em azulejo
Tiled panel of the subway station “Cidade Universitária” in Lisbon made by
Helena Vieira da Silva (13 June 1908 – 6 March 1992).
Woman wearing the typical sitara
People of Yemen
People of Yemen
Children looking out of a balcony
Mudbrick house in Amran
The houses have several floors very narrow. The soft lines of smoothed mud are accentuated by an often very restrained decoration using white gypsum. The windows are mostly small and of rounded shape .The asymmetrical placing of the windows gives the smooth facades a quaint appearance
Ornate façade of a house in the endangered old cit…
A boat in stone
Sitting and enjoying the best of what nature can b…
Ruins in the window
Convento do Carmo
Convento do Carmo
The ruins of this historical building are the main trace of the 1755 Lisbon great earthquake still visible in the city
Cacilheiros connect the two banks of the Tagus River between Lisbon and Cacilhas