J.Garcia's photos
The world upside down
… left-right…right-left ...
The Tagus leads to the world (Alberto Caeiro), Fer…
Hidden Lisbon
The sunset is wonderful
Drawings and Awnings
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Your visits and comments are very appreciated
Drawings and Awnings
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
Drawings and Awnings
Jardim da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
Your visits and comments are very appreciated
The Problems Were, In The Meantime, Solved
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
Students from the Lisbon Conservatory protesting (October 1st 2014)
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
...With expressions of joy
Students from the Lisbon Conservatory protesting (October 1st 2014)...
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
Students from the Lisbon Conservatory protesting (October 1st 2014)...
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
...Throwing their instruments up in the air
Students from the Lisbon Conservatory protesting (October 1st 2014)...
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
...With slogans and posters
Students from the Lisbon Conservatory protesting (October 1st 2014)...
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
Challenging boundaries
“Frontières”. Rencontres de la Photografie de Bamako
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.
The calling...
Relaxing in the late afternoon
L’appel du large
Un matin nous partons, le cerveau plein de flamme,
Le coeur gros de rancune et de désirs amers,
Et nous allons, suivant le rythme de la lame,
Berçant notre infini sur le fini des mers.
Mais les vrais voyageurs sont ceux-là seuls qui partent
Pour partir, coeurs légers, semblables aux ballons,
De leur fatalité jamais ils ne s’écartent,
Et sans savoir pourquoi, disent toujours : Allons !
Amer savoir, celui qu’on tire du voyage !
Le monde, monotone et petit, aujourd’hui,
Hier, demain, toujours, nous fait voir notre image :
Une oasis d’horreur dans un désert d’ennui !
Charles Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal
Your visits and comments are very appreciated.