sps1955's photos

Lode - Baptist Chapel - shuttered window 2015-02-0…

02 Feb 2015 101
Dated 1832. The shutters are original, according to the list description: list.historicengland.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1164443 .

Fulbourn garden 2015-02-03

03 Feb 2015 83
About 9.15 a.m. after light snowfall the previous night. A little more fell during the day but it did not amount to anything significant here.

Fulbourn - Former St Vigor's Rectory 2015-01-24

24 Jan 2015 103
1868, to designs of Cambridge-based architect William Milner Fawcett , who later became Ely diocesan surveyor. Presumably built for the new rector, J. V. Durell, who was appointed that year. The church itself was virtually rebuilt in the following years.

Fulbourn - 8 Cow Lane 2015-01-24

24 Jan 2015 80
Probably early 19th century.

Fulbourn - Former Church School 2014-12-29

29 Dec 2014 92
Built on land given by Charles Watson Townley of Fulbourn Manor in 1858-9, and designed by Richard Reynolds Rowe; initially consisting of a single mixed schoolroom, it was enlarged in 1871-2, creating separate boys' and girls' schoolrooms ( www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol10/pp157-158 ; for the extension, see www.flickr.com/photos/40878011@N07/7330398668/ ). More recently used as a library, but refurbished in 2014 to be used as an annexe to the current village school, part of which can be glimpsed in the background on the left

Joyce Bower 1943

01 Jan 1943 71
Scanned from a tiny print in a cardboard mount presented by Joyce (later to become my godmother) to "the Youngs" (my mother's family) in 1943. Can anyone identify the uniform?

At the model village, Bourton on the Water, late 1…

01 Jan 1959 100
With an infant sps1955. On the village, which was constructed in 1936-40 and is Grade II-listed, see www.themodelvillage.com/index.html and list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1413021 .

My mother in the caravan, late 1950s

01 Jan 1959 110
My mother caught by surprise by my father's camera amidst the paraphernalia of a self-catering holiday with the infant sps1955 - my soft toys can be seen on the bunk in the background. Additional information about the caravan itself is here . Scanned from a print in the family collection.

Lincoln - Newport Arch c.1960

01 Jan 1960 76
The rear arches of the Roman N gate to the city. Scanned from a print in the family collection. The car looks like a Morris Oxford series II (made 1954-6).

Auntie Lottie, 1920?

01 Jan 1920 88
My unmarried great aunt, Charlotte ("Lottie") Duckering (born 1893), who lived in Lincoln with her sister and brother-in-law, my maternal grandparents. Scanned from a print in the family collection, contained in a folder captioned "Portraits by Charles J. Farmer, Midget Studio, Skegness" so presumably a studio portrait taken on a visit to the seaside. Dated 1920 by another of her sisters on a copy belonging to the New Zealand branch of my mother's family.

Fulbourn - City of Refuge, Pierce Lane 2014-12-31

31 Dec 2014 121
Built in 1855 for a congregation of Calvinistic Particular Baptists which had seceded from the village's former Baptist congregation as it moved towards Independency (it had been formally reconstituted as an Independent congregation in 1841). The City of Refuge remained in use into the 1870s, but was seldom open by 1885; it reopened in 1925 but had long been closed when it was sold by the Cambridge Baptists in 1970. It then became an outbuilding in the garden of the adjoining Old Mangle, but has more recently been converted into a residential annexe ( planning permission for this was granted in early 2001). www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol10/pp156-157 ; oldchapelfulbourn.co.uk/ .

Linton - Trinity Guildhall, S front 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 134
c.1523; the original entrance, in the second bay from the left, has been replaced by a window; three of the other ground-floor windows with moulded mullions are original. "In 1507 Nicholas Wickham the parish priest left two marks towards making a new guildhall; the building was nearly complete in 1523. After the suppression of the guilds in 1547 it was used as the Town House; in 1697 it became a private house": list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331166 . The churchyard gates are separately listed Grade II: "Cast iron piers, panelled with moulded caps and water leaf finials": list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1127695 .

Linton - Trinity Guidhall, Church Lane 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 128
From SE. c.1523; late C17 ridge stack to left-hand range and side stack on the right. "In 1507 Nicholas Wickham the parish priest left two marks towards making a new guildhall; the building was nearly complete in 1523. After the suppression of the guilds in 1547 it was used as the Town House; in 1697 it became a private house": list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331166 .

Linton - St Mary from SE 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 134
Early C14 tower; the Parys chapel on the S side of the chancel is late C15; aisle walls, S porch and clerestory rebuilt c.1500 or later [according to the Buildings of England (2014), p.593, glass formerly in the clerestory was datable to c.1520]: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1162094 .

Linton - The Mill 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 104
From S. Early C18 watermill, partly rebuilt and enlarged in C19 and 1903. A mill has been recorded on the site since c.1270; it ceased working c.1972. Listing: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1127651 . The road between the buildings is a public one.

Linton - The Old Green, 8 Green Lane 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 98
From E. Formerly a pair of cottages dating from the late C17; planning permission to convert to a single dwelling was granted in 1953. The large front garden was the site of the village's market in the C13, but was enclosed in 1840, and was occupied by other buildings until it became part of the garden of no. 8 after 1953. When the photograph was taken, no. 8 was empty and the subject of a planning application for repair and modernization: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1331167 ; plan.scambs.gov.uk/swiftlg/MediaTemp/1132328-498030.pdf .

Linton - Green Lane from S 2014-12-25

25 Dec 2014 116
The thatched cottages and the tiled section on the right are 13-17: "Row of cottages, originally C16 farmhouse converted in c.1840 to five dwellings with C20 extension to south and rear. Timber-framed and plastered, weather boarded plinth ... Two ridge stacks with grouped shafts rebuilt ... A cross beam projects with a key peg to No. 15 [visible above the second ground-floor window from the right] suggesting perhaps a later inserted floor": list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1162267 .

Cambridge - Gonville and Caius College - Stephen H…

25 Jul 2014 85
Designed by Donald Insall Associates, 2005-6.

919 items in total