sps1955's photos

Cambridge - Old Schools, E front 2014-01-13

13 Jan 2014 116
1754-8, to designs of Stephen Wright. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1126279 . The bronze urn is a copy of the Warwick Vase ; it was made c.1830, by Sir Edward Thomson of Birmingham, and presented to the University in 1842: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1122675 .

Fulbourn - 63-5 Pierce Lane 2014-11-10

10 Nov 2014 111
Late C17 or early C18 cottages, the nearest section being a C19 extension or rebuilding. Two dwellings when listed in 1984; now converted to one with a further extension at the far end. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1318061 .

Fulbourn - 72 Pierce Lane 2014-11-10

10 Nov 2014 125
One of three similar houses built under planning permission granted in late 1964. The bricks used are a nod to the local context (houses a little further along the road, built in 1961, use red brick) but otherwise a modern design with a somewhat idiosyncratic asymmetrical roof line and canted side to the chimney.

Fulbourn - Pierce Lane 2014-11-09

09 Nov 2014 171
The house, known as the Old Mangle, was formerly a public house.

Fulbourn - April Cottage, 48 Pierce Lane 2014-11-0…

09 Nov 2014 98
Mostly early C19 but possibly of earlier origins; mid-C20 porch: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1127884 .

Fulbourn - City of Refuge, Pierce Lane 2014-11-09

09 Nov 2014 146
Built in 1855 for a congregation of Calvinistic Particular Baptists which had seceded from the village's former Baptist congregation as it moved towards Independency (it had been formally reconstituted as an Independent congregation in 1841). The City of Refuge remained in use into the 1870s, but was seldom open by 1885; it reopened in 1925 but had long been closed when it was sold by the Cambridge Baptists in 1970. It then became an outbuilding in the garden of the adjoining Old Mangle, but has more recently been converted into a residential annexe ( planning permission for this was granted in early 2001). www.british-history.ac.uk/vch/cambs/vol10/pp156-157 ; oldchapelfulbourn.co.uk/ .

London - British Medical Association - Courtyard f…

30 Oct 2014 170
The wrought-iron war memorial screen and gates of 1926, designed by Sir Edwin Lutyens, seen through the entrance arch of the Tavistock Square front , with the west front of Lutyens' building , originally designed as the headquarters of the British Theosophical Society from 1911, but completed for the BMA, 1923-5, beyond. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1378968 .

Royston - 14 and 16 Old North Road 2014-10-30

30 Oct 2014 129
A Victorian pair, probably built c.1860 (cf. these comments on no. 18, a detached house in very similar style: "The land at 18 Old North Road was purchased in the late 1850’s for £36.00 by a collective of 11 local trades people including schoolmasters, builders, grocers and chemists, and a charity commission was established to the benefit of the Kneesworth Street Congregational Church. Building started 1st March 1860": www.rightmove.co.uk/property-for-sale/property-46294499.html ). Definitely in existence by 1887 as they appear on the large scale Ordnance Survey map published in that year but the lack of horns on the sashes of no.14 and the "Georgian survival" style help to confirm the earlier date.

Royston - 1-2 Old North Road 2014-10-30

30 Oct 2014 130
Mid-C19 pair of houses, of "unusual, careful design" according to the listing . The cast-iron railings in front of the left-hand house and flanking the bridge over the front area are presumably original, although the railings in front of the right-hand house have been replaced.

Royston - 7 and 9 Old North Road 2014-10-30

30 Oct 2014 121
A somewhat eccentric Victorian pair; the corner windows by the front doors strike me as particularly unusual. Described as late Victorian is this description of the recent extension to no. 9, just visible on the far left; definitely in existence by 1887 as they appear on the large scale Ordnance Survey map published in that year.

London - Middlesex (Artists') Rifle Volunteers' dr…

30 Oct 2014 190
1888-9 to designs of Sir Robert William Edis, was also colonel of the volunteers. Front of yellow stock brick with terracotta dressings. Now the Place Theatre. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1342089 .

London - Middlesex (Artists') Rifle Volunteers' dr…

30 Oct 2014 129
1888-9 to designs of Sir Robert William Edis, who was also colonel of the volunteers. The terracotta medallion of Mars and Minerva is by Thomas Brock . List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1342089 .

London - Flaxman Terrace, Holborn - entrance 2014-…

30 Oct 2014 259
Flats built for St Pancras Borough Council, 1907-8, to designs of Joseph and Smithem. Detail showing art nouveau railings.

London - Camden Town Hall 2014-10-30

30 Oct 2014 100
1934-7, to the designs of A. J. Thomas, who was Lutyens' office manager until 1935. Described by the Buildings of England: London, 4 (1998), p.354, as "a cautious neo-Palladian design, with some Lutyens mannerisms". Portland stone cladding over a steel frame. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1379162 .

Milton (Cambs.) - All Saints from SE 2014-10-10

10 Oct 2014 95
Mostly C14 although there is apparently some Norman evidence within (the church was locked when I visited). Many later changes: the tower parapet is C15; the porch dates from the mid-C19, when the nave was restored, but an earlier porch seems to stand behind it, now incorporated into the S aisle; the chancel was reconstructed in 1847-50, but retaining the late C15 or early C16 window seen here. List description: list.english-heritage.org.uk/resultsingle.aspx?uid=1127349 .

Milton (Cambs.) - monument to Thomas Cannon (d. 17…

10 Oct 2014 93
Monument to a servant or apprentice who died at the age of 17, attached to the E wall of the church. "His Master & Mistress Erect this little Monument to his Memory as an Acknowledg m[en]t for his faithful Seruice the 4 years He liued with them "God grant that He & they may find mercy with the Lord in that Day".

Milton (Cambs.) - 18th-century gravestone 2014-10-…

10 Oct 2014 95
Monument to John Graves (d. 1762) and his wife Eliza (d. 1768).

Milton (Cambs.) - tomb of W. W. Robinson (d. 1861)…

919 items in total