PhLB - Luc Boonen's favorite photos

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By Ghislaine

6 favorites


SC 76 - Post 17 December - Composition* #2. Centered Composition and Symmetry *#17. Look for Particular Color Combinations #24. Let the Background Give Context to the Subject #27. Add Human Interest J'ai pioché dans mes archives : l'exposition sur Tintin de la semaine dernière, au bassin des lumières à la base sous-marine de Bordeaux. J'ai réalisé une partie de mes prises en mode automatique, assise sur des gradins à main levée : ce qui donne un maximum de chances, pour obtenir des images floues, bancales un maximum de chances de profiter de l'exposition sans devoir modifier mes réglages. J'ai trié mes très-trop nombreuses photos. J'ai retenue celle-ci qui me convenait : - à peu près centrée (après un léger recadrage), avec les reflets bleus des 2 images centrales dans l'eau de ce bassin d'accueil de sous-marin *- la capture colorée (les 3 couleurs primaires) - le contexte donné par la projection simultanée d'images fixes et mobiles, sur la paroi frontale, et les murs latéraux - l'intérêt humain avec les spectateurs au premier plan En note, une autre prise, dans les mêmes conditions : emplacement, mode automatique du FUJI, pour situer le lieu. Alternative correspondante aussi aux défis, avec une combinaison de couleurs différentes : pastels.

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By Wierd Folkersma

35 favorites

the sea is still open..

SC 76 - Composition. #3. Foreground Interest and Depth #7. Patterns and Textures #18. Rule of Space #26. Use Layers in the Frame enlarge on black for a better view.

By Robert Swanson

19 favorites

Lonely Sentinel (HWW)

Taken at the fortress in San Juan, Puerto Rico. This watch tower overlooks the ocean. Image processed with GIMP. For the Sunday Challenge, this is an attempt to use "rule of thirds" in the cropping.

By aNNa schramm

39 favorites


Press Z - see on black Geheimnisvolle Hütten, Häuser und Höhlen im Garten .. Hell erleuchtet im Schnee für Feen und Zwerge in meinem Garten. Die Schneewelt wird verzaubert im Negativ

By Annemarie

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By Xata

16 favorites

Monte Gordo, Rainy day and sprinklers watering...

In the south of Portugal and Spain, we're desperately short of water. The few rains since the end of October have watered the surface and enabled vegetation to flourish, but the dams remain at an alarming level. Every day, we see ads on the TV news, in the newspapers, and posters in the street urging us to save water in our homes, with all kinds of tricks that old-timers like me had practiced in our youth. But when I see that the municipality, which should be setting an example, is wasting water on useless watering... I'm revolted. Seems surreal to me...

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By Nora Caracci

42 favorites


Ho portato il Santuario di Savona sulla spiaggia ;-))) fotomontaggio la foto originale era presa dall'interno della chiesa e al posto dell'esterno che non era granché ho messo il mare Explored

By StoneRoad2013

6 favorites

ccs - Sunset; 5th February 2023 [4 of 5]

For more than half an hour we had been driving eastwards, with a exceptionally bright sunset behind us. Finally, we got near enough to our destination that we had time to stop for some photographs and no chance for traffic to cause problems. Sadly, the show was beginning to close down, but some of the zoomed shots were still worth the taking.

By Amelia

27 favorites

Man in the Moon

SC75 - Post 10 December - Surreal
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